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Ing. David Jun, Ing. Ondřej Nespěšný

The sound absorption coefficient is one of the most common quantities describing the acoustic behaviour of materials and structures intended for use in room acoustics. This contribution first shows a brief overview of techniques for measuring sound absorption coefficient. Special attention is paid to the impedance tube (often called Kundt tube) group of methods. The following is an introduction to the measurement of the transfer-function method and to a developed impedance tube prototype, including both the hardware assembly and the software implementation of the measurement.

prof. Ing. Peter Turček, PhD., doc. Ing. Monika Súľovská, PhD.

The ever-recurring high levels of the river Danube have forced Bratislava to be protected from floods. In the western part of the city, it was necessary to ensure the sealing of the heterogeneous fills located just on the banks of the Danube. The performed sealing works did not take into account the actual properties of the subsoil. The first part of the paper deals with the factual situation at the site and the shortcomings of subsoil injection.

Ing. Miloš Slivanský, PhD., Ing. Roman Herda

The paper deals with the theoretical shape and stability analysis of a timber grid-shell structure. The peculiarity of the approach to the analysis of this type of construction is manifested in several parts of the design process due to the complicated shape of the roof plane. These specifics can be applied to the initial phase of creating the shape of the structure, which is directly related to the resulting static efficiency of the final design. Other important parts of the structural analysis that deviate from the standard-defined procedures are the determination of the design load by external climatic influences and the stability analysis with the need to apply a geometrically nonlinear calculation with the influence of initial imperfections.

Ing. et Karla Háva, Ing., VUT v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství

Ukraine has a strong influence on prices and availability of some construction materials. Steel products are the most hit by the war. Rising prices of energies and fuels are influencing the prices of construction materials, too. These unfavourable conditions are seen not only by small investors, but also by municipalities when announcing public tenders. The original price that won the public tender usually rises during the project’s preparation phase and subsequent construction phase. The author of this article analyses the construction materials’ price developments during a period of several years. In the article you can find a pricing of a particular public tender by indicative prices of construction materials and work in different periods.

Centrála ČSOB v Praze, architekt Josef Pleskot
Mgr. Pavel Krchňák, MRICS, Oberbank AG

At the end of 2021, there are more than 500 commercial properties in the Czech Republic that hold active green certification. Cumulatively, this is more than 5,000,000 m2 of leasable area, which is already a significant phenomenon, which has established the entire sustainability agenda in the field of modern commercial real estate. The paper presents the development of green certifications in the Czech environment in various phases over the last decade, and the debate about the motives of individual actors and further measurement of this phenomenon with possible future impacts on real estate valuation with respect to environmental and energy profile.

Ing. Adam Petrík, doc. Ing. Rudolf Ároch, PhD.

Computer simulations require appropriate input data to match the relevant calculated results with those of experiments. The true stress-strain curve suitable for finite element analysis is describing the non-linear behaviour of the steel with a proper relationship from beggining of loading to failure of the test specimen. The pre-peak part of the curve can be easily covered by an analytical method, but the necking part of the curve cannot be described by such a relationship between the normalized and the true stress-strain curves. Simple numerical tensile test of a steel specimen was performed to establish the true stress-strain curve in ANSYS software. Stress and strain from the computer analyses were compared with the results of the experimental tensile test.

Ing. Maroš Mojto, prof. Ing. Ján Brodniansky, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Klass, PhD.

This paper deals with geometrical tolerances in the conical hollow tubes used in slip joints. Tubes are circular or polygonal cross-sections. The contribution includes standards concerning the tolerances. Based on the standards the imperfections in experimental specimens are evaluated. It is possible to say that it is not simple to state the shape and the allowed value according to standards. It is also possible to conclude that the experimental specimens include non-considerable imperfections.

Ing. Pavel Klika, Ph.D., Ing. David Brandejs, Ing. Vítězslava Hlavinková, Ph.D., Ing. Monika Doležalová, Ing. Martina Vařechová

In connection with the natural disaster that hit the Břeclav and Hodonín regions in June last year, more than a thousand houses, buildings, halls and other structures were damaged or completely destroyed. Real estate was owned by both natural and legal persons, as well as by cities, municipalities and state institutions. Several state and non-state, for-profit and non-profit organizations came with financial help. To determine the amount of support, subsidy or loan, it was required to document the estimated costs of compensation. The estimated costs were determined on the basis of several methods, taking into account the type and type of real estate, ownership, and the extent of damage. The methods used to determine the estimated costs of compensation are described below.

Ing. Aleš Průcha, VUT FAST Brno

This article deals with valuation using BIM. The aim of this article is to appraise the construction using the BIM model in cost approach. The article deals with the description of BIM implementation and the need for BIM in construction. It contains a description of valuation methods, including the valuation of selected structures by individual methods. The individual methods are compared with the cost approach using RTS BIM.

Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc., Ing. Lenka Mészárosová, Ph.D., Ing. Amos Dufka, Ph.D.

One of the very essential aspects to ensure adequate durability of composite materials that combine cementitious matrix and wood is the stabilization of the wood structure. Stabilization of the wood structure is particularly important in relation to the moisture effect on the wood-cement composite mechanical properties. Stabilization of the wood matrix is generally carried out by means of suitable types of additives. This paper deals with a detailed analysis of the influence of the wood-cement materials composition in relation to the effect of liquid water. Another essential area of the presented research is the analysing the ability of the modified matrix (by different types of industrial wastes) to fix sugars in the structure of the wood mass, with regard to the possible affecting the hydration process of the cement matrix.

Ing. Ján Mihálik, Ing. Filip Gago, PhD., Ing. Martina Buková

The article is focused on the evaluation of the static load test of piles by various methods. The aim of the evaluation is to obtain design values of the experimental bearing capacity of the piles. The analysis contains evaluated 10 static load tests performed on large-diameter piles of various lengths, which are located in the same engineering geological district and are made as drilled piles with a casing. Each test is evaluated according to STN 73 1002, according to the Brinch Hansen method 80% criterion and according to the Davisson method of ultimate strength.

Ing. Michal Novotný, Ing. Tomáš Chorazy, Ph.D.

The current way in drainage of roads is the concentration of rainwater in the subsoil of roads, so that rainwater does not drain into the sewer system, but freely infiltrates into the subsoil. The aim of this research is to optimize the structural layers of green parking lots with AS-TTE grassing blocks. During the design of structural layers and new types of materials, will be optimized to allow maximum water infiltration into the subsoil and at the same time keep the requirements for load-bearing capacity of structural layers according to ČSN 72 1006. Laboratory tests will be performed focusing on basic physical and mechanical properties, water permeability and adsorption of oil drips.

Vyrovnávací podsyp suchých podlah
Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Vacula, Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Ph.D.

Floor leveling materials have an irreplaceable place in the construction or reconstruction of buildings, especially in the construction of floors where the aim is to reduce the wet process in relation to the speed of completing. Various types of raw materials (expanded clay, aerated concrete, mineralised wood chips, etc.) are used for floor leveling materials. This paper presents research and development of a new type dry leveling floor material based on treated cuttings from cement-bonded particleboard processing. This leveling material is intended for reconstruction and even construction of new floors in buildings. Research and development takes into account the environmental situation, because approximately 5,000 t of cuttings is produced during the formatting of cement-bonded particleboard annualy. The intention of the research and development was to assess the properties and behaviour of the leveling material based on suitably modified cuttings from the production of cement-bonded particleboards. The composition of the cuttings was adjusted in a jaw crusher and subsequently, different variants of the leveling material were analysed in terms of particle size distribution, compressibility, confined compressive strength, water absorption and thermal conductivity coefficient. The properties of the developed material were also compared with the parameters of commonly commercially available leveling materials.

Analýza schodišťového stupně z ultravysokohodnotného betonu
Ing. Dominik Lisztwan, Ing. Petr Daněk, Ph.D.

In this contribution, experimental and numeric analysis of slender stair tread model made of an ultra-high performance concrete, is described. Task of the analysis is to determine the behaviour of the model under acting load. The experimental part is represented by the static load test with the use of a vacuum method. Besides that, nonlinear numerical analysis in the environment of the ATENA Science software, is described. Gained results from both parts of the analysis are compared and unusual behaviour of the model is discussed.

Ing. Ondřej Nespěšný, Ing. Jan Vystrčil, Ing. Dominik Cakl

Stairs are an integral part of multi-storey buildings and must meet a few ones based mainly on technical standards. One of the basic requirements for buildings is mechanical resistance and stability, which is currently often verified by calculation methods. If the calculation methods are insufficient, the experimental methods of loading the structures described in this publication must be used. The paper summarizes the course of static loading of prefabricated stair assemblies made of composite materials based on cement and reinforcing organic fibers. The applied methods are based on European standards and guidelines for technical technical approval.

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Ing. et Ing. Karla Háva, VUT FAST Brno, Ústav soudního inženýrství

Producers and suppliers of construction materials are dealing with rising prices of raw materials, semi-finished products and lots of different types of products. Insecurity of input raw material supplies for production is on the rise as well. This is due to the concurrence of many unfavourable circumstances.

Plastics are now being directed primarily to healthcare, mainly for the production of protective aids against virus transmission. A large amount of plastics is used for disposable food containers or packaging of goods, which is now more than ever ordered online. The outage of production capacity of global plastics producers in the USA has the biggest impact on plastics prices. Lack of plastics in the US influences significantly the quantity of plastics available on European markets. The subsequent withdrawal of plastics from China and Europe significantly contributes to logistics complications. Insufficient capacity of transport ships, aircraft and rail transport makes delivery times longer.

Reduction or termination of production of some smelters in Europe, rising emission allowance prices, tariff restrictions and a shortage of metals from Asia are contributing to raise metal prices. It is seen on the London Metal Exchange.

Although the long-term bark beetle calamity is not at its end yet, foresters have succeeded in stopping it in many places in the Czech Republic. Logging of bark beetle timber is decreasing and its price increases. The increase is caused not only by the decrease in logging, but also by export of this timber abroad, particularly to China, which is a phenomenon of the last two years.

Pandemic restrictions have impact on availability of workers for materials production, products logistics, sale and on-site assembly. There was a slowdown in construction output in spring and summer 2020. However, a recovery phase has been seen recently and demand for many materials exceeds supply.

Ing. Martin Nguyen, Ing. Martin Sedlačík, doc. Ing. Radomír Sokolář, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Tomáš Opravil, Ph.D.

This article deals with the manufacturing process of inorganic foam glass with utilization of waste diatomite as a raw material. The waste diatomite was first subjected to an analysis of chemical and mineralogical composition. The foam glass was formed by a powder sintering method by pressing into pellets with the addition of a foaming agent. After firing, the properties of the foam glass were investigated using an X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy, bulk density, and compressive strength. The possibility of utilization of waste diatomite in raw material mixtures was investigated in accordance with the influence of firing temperature and the resulting properties of inorganic foam glass.

Ing. Jana Budajová, Ing. Silvia Vilčekvá, PhD., doc. Ing. Peter Mésároš, PhD.

The construction industry is the primary source of environmental impacts, especially the carbon footprint. Life cycle assessment (LCA) as an analytical method is used for quantifying the environmental impact of the investigated residential building. Life cycle costs (LCC) from the point of view of the circular economy create an economic model prioritizing reuse and recycling. The aim of this paper is to assess the residential building in terms of carbon footprint, using LCA analysis and circular economy, using LCC analysis. The residential building emits 1 756 tons of CO2e , which represents 41.35 kg CO2e/m2/year. The total estimated life cycle cost of the building in nominal terms is 1 694 699.61 €. This is the average total life cycle cost of 1 995.21 €/m2.

přírodní čistírna odpadních vod © sonne_fleckl -
Ing. Ondřej Zedník, Ing. Miroslava Pumprlová Němcová, doc. Ing. Michal Kriška Dunajský, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Chaloupka

Reducing the consumption of non-renewable raw materials has become a growing issue in recent years. The construction of constructed treatment wetlands generates a significant consumption of natural aggregates, which can be classified as non-renewable raw materials. For this reason, it is necessary to try to find alternative materials to natural aggregates. A substitute for conventional aggregates may be recycled construction materials, which are still not as widely used as natural materials, mainly due to their low quality. The currently available materials should be evaluated in terms of replacing the main filter material of vertical filters, as this is where the consumption of natural aggregates is highest. The aim is to ensure financial savings by using more affordable recyclates, but also to preserve sufficient natural resources for future generations.

Ing. Katarína Harčárová, Ústav environmentálneho inžinierstva, Stavebná fakulta, Technická univerzita v Košiciach

The presented paper deals with the evaluation of the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in two apartment units in different stages of interior construction - in the initial state and in the final state of a completely furnished apartment. The results of IEQ monitoring confirmed the minimal differences between an unfurnished apartment and a fully furnished apartment in terms of thermal-humidity microclimate. The average particulate matter concentrations of the two representative fractions (PM2.5 and PM10) were higher for apartment in the initial state. On the contrary, higher concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) were recorded in the case of a furnished apartment. The legislative limit for PM10 (50 µg/m3) and the maximum recommended Mølhave value (200 µg/m3) for TVOC were exceeded several times in both apartments. In the case of unfurnished apartment, workers are exposed not only to increased concentrations of TVOC, but also to increased concentrations of PM, and should therefore pay attention to the protection and safety of health at work. More detailed monitoring aimed at identifying and determining the target VOCs showed the presence of xylenes and ethylbenzene in the indoor air of an unfurnished apartment. In addition to xylenes and ethylbenzene, toluene was present in the furnished apartment. Concentrations of these compounds were below legislative limits, except for ethylbenzene, for which no legislative limits are set. It follows from the above that further surface treatment and furnishing of the apartment contributes to increasing the level of VOCs in the indoor environment.

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