The field of diagnosis of structures has been experiencing a dynamic development in the last decades caused by the development and expansion of new NDT methods and instrumentation. At the same time, it is possible to observe changes in the focus of interest in this field, or more precisely, alternating waves of interest in specific types of diagnosis targeted at special types of structures. These waves of interest are always caused by a certain trend in the development of the society or building industry, and most often, by some major even in the field. In the last few years, particular attention has been paid to prestressed structures, especially to bridges, in connection with the recent accidents of bridges made from prestressed concrete in the Czech Republic and abroad. Considering the relatively large number of these bridges in the Czech Republic built in the second half of the 20th century, attention is paid to basic changes in the pre-construction condition surveys aimed at determining the condition and the remaining life of these structures. The paper focuses on the analysis of possibilities of assessing the condition of prestressing steel at the level of the present state of diagnosis of structures.