Article follows the previous treatise concerning prestressed steel tubes with just one crossarm (Machacek a Pichal [13]). A stayed column with two crossarms is investigated, while other parameters as those of tested and analysed stayed columns with one crossarm are identical. Critical loadings and decisive buckling modes of unprestressed stayed columns are solved by linear bifurcation. For prestressed stayed columns the analytical method is derived, which enables calculation of critical loading under an arbitrary prestress including the optimal one, resulting into maximal critical loading. The main study introduces geometrically, possibly also materially nonlinear analyses with initial imperfections, using software ANSYS. The nonlinear analysis is shown to be necessary even for critical loading of "ideal" stayed column, while for strength of "imperfect" stayed column, with given initial deflection, is absolutely essential. Finally are analysed impacts of material nonlinearity and numbers of crossarms, followed by practical design recommendations.