This paper will focus on the question of how we can work with brownfields and it will deal with tools that enable the revitalization and rehabilitation projects in the area. Tools can be divided, for example in terms of spatial planning and urban design, from an environmental perspective, from the perspective of cultural heritage protection and from the perspective of investment opportunities. The result is that the issue of brownfields is handled by numerous institutions and instruments. The aim of this paper is to identify, classify and analyze these instruments. Paper will study instruments from other countries with long-term experience with this issue (eg. France, Great Britain, USA, Germany, Denmark) and analyse the feasibility of their implementation in the Czech Republic and their contribution. Because this theme is a very complex one, this paper is mainly focused on urban planning tools, economic tools (incentive and penalty) and building tools (designed to uphold the intentions of the municipality or the state by building mainly transport and technical infrastructure).
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