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Archiv článků od 6.8.2018 do 8.11.2018

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Mgr. Art. Roman Miškov, ArTUR Trvalo udržitelná architektura

The clay bricks produced by extruding (continuous compression) generally have a high proportion of clay. The use of this bricks in buildings is beneficial in terms of the amount of built-in clay in building structures. The positive effects of these clay materials in the living space are generally known, however, using as a support for clay plaster has some difficulties, which are less known. The issue of the application of clay plaster in extruded clay bricks is the subject of my long-term interest.

Ing. Oldřich Sucharda, Ph.D., Ing. Pavlína Matečková, Ph.D., Ing. Libor Žídek

Concrete is a composite material with significantly different value of tensile and compressive strength. Tensile strength is usually only 1/10 of compressive strength. With admixture of steel fibers it is possible to enlarge the tensile strength. The paper deals with testing and consequent determination of tensile strength of fiber concrete with the amount of fibers 25, 50, 75 kg/m3. Four series, each with more than 23 specimens, were tested. Tensile strength testing implied a few variant of bending test with different span (500 mm or 600 mm), different load configuration (three or four point bending), with or without notch. Results of cube and cylindrical compressive strength and transverse tensile strength are also presented.

Ing. Stanislav Lichorobiec, Ph.D., Ing. Miroslav Mynarz, Ing. Petr Lepík, Ph.D.

Building objects that have been severely damaged by an explosion of explosives, gas or technological breakdowns threaten surrounding area by their unstable state. Their damage is usually so severe that no repair or reconstruction is considered, and the only possible solution is quick demolition. In these risky situations, the emergency state of the building can be advantageously solved by using special charges with an effect which will ensure a rapid reconstruction of the unstable state of the building without endangering the environment, especially in built-up areas of cities.

Ing. Iveta Nováková, Ing. Karel Mikulica

Due to increasing amount of construction and demolition waste (C&DW), new recycling methods and applications of secondary raw materials are searched. The biggest part of C&DW is old concrete and mortar which can be used for production of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA). To protect the nature and decrease amount of mined natural aggregates, RCA could partially or totally replace natural aggregates used for production of new concrete. This article presents the factors which have influence on the RCA properties. Properties of three different types of RCA were analysed and results compared with properties of natural aggregates. Description of connection between factors and properties of RCA are discussed. Results showed that not only origin and amount of impurities has influence on applicability of RCA as a replacement of natural aggregates for new concrete production.

© JZhuk -
Ing. Jan Müller, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav pozemního stavitelství

A lot of family houses from recent history have problems with low air humidity in winter. Earth materials, such as earth plaster or wall made of earth bricks, can be the right solution for ecologically-minded builders who prefer low energy consumption solutions for thermal and humidity stability issues of indoor climate. Yet, this solution still requires some proactive behaviour from its users.

Ing. Michal Faltejsek, Fakulta stavební, VŠB - TU Ostrava

Smart management is an important part of the Smart Cities concept. Facility management applied in the commercial sector is a functioning platform that has already gained its place in the company. It deals not only with property management but also with work with people so that the place in which they work and live should be the place with the best conditions for them. This principle should be applied more so in municipal self-government. Municipal management is also deal with about ensuring these "ideal" conditions, but also about property management. And these processes need to be combined, connected and optimized very handy and efficient. However, there is a lot of activity associated with it, so just as in facility management, it can be helped by quality software support.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

The second part of this article briefly informs about mathematical models to predict the toxic incidence of gaseous combustion products, familiarizes itself with EU legislation on fire safety of buildings, and in conclusion notes the need to continue the research and development of the issue.

Ing. Jan Antonín, Ph.D., Ing. Zdena Dobrá

The notion of a nearly zero building, usually NZEB or nZEB, is no longer a novelty. This energy standard was introduced in 2016 and is gradually expanding into family houses. There are legislation, standards, but little has been gained. That's why the authors analyzed 130 already existing family houses with different heat sources. The result is an assessment of the influence of different heat sources on the energy intensity of homes and therefore an orientation aid for decision-makers of future builders.

Ing. Jindřich Melichar, prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka MBA, DrSc.

Almost all types of building structures in our environment are affected by rising wetness. Especially in old historical buildings this could produce huge problem in the statics. One of the most efficient and suitable solutions of this problem is to create waterproofing injection screen in the base of the structure. This screen is realized by gels, that are injected into the lines of boreholes and subsequently penetrates the building material thus create the screen that stops water from rising above it further into the structure. To examine functionality of the injection gels and their ability to create injection screen in various types of building materials also various types of mason mortar must be tested, because of their ability to transmit the injection gel in its structure.

ilustrační obrázek © Christian Delbert -
doc. Ing. Agnes Iringová, PhD., Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Stavebná fakulta

Possibilities of application of clay in the construction of wood-based buildings in terms of increasing their fire protection – history, present. Requirements for fire resistance of outher sheating of wood buildings depending on their fire-height. Application of interior clay plasters in terms of optimization of indoor microclimate and fire protection of lightweight wall sheating in wooden houses in model solution.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

The article briefly informs about the fire hazards from the point of view of the toxicity of smoke combustion products. It presents selected data on fires according to Czech and EU statistics, acquaints with the existing ISO, IEC and EN standards for testing and evaluation of the toxicity of combustion products of materials products with bench- scape, large-scale tests, introduces EU legislation on fire safety of buildings and finally concludes the necessity of continuing the research and development of the issue.

Ilustrační foto, povodně 2002 Praha, foto D. Kopačková, redakce
RNDr. Radek Čekal, Ph.D., Český hydrometeorologický ústav

If we compare the floods of 1997 and 2002, it is necessary to emphasize the good functioning of the connection of the Prevention and Warning Service (PVS) of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute to the crisis management system and the integrated rescue system in accordance with the set of new crisis laws in force since the beginning of 2000.

doc. Ing. Ivana Žabičková, CSc., VUT FAST Brno

The trend of the earth building material use is not only for plaster but also for the construction of buildings, as well as repairs of clay buildings, which also require the need to determine the load-bearing capacity of whole walls, not just bricks. The loadability of the walls and the influence of moisture on brick strength have been subjected to experimental investigation of SHS o.s. within the framework of the OP HRD project, the load-bearing capacity of the pillars was examined by FA and FAST staff within the BUT grants.

prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc., VUT Brno, Fakulta architektury

In residential buildings, the quality of the indoor environment can be verified by the satisfaction rates of the people who live in them. One of the forms that can provide the necessary information is a subjective assessment. This form of survey was carried out with residents of the passive apartment building for seniors in Modřice. There were 25 women and 12 men of an average age of 77 years participating in the survey. The survey proved that seniors were able and willing to accept the terms of passive houses.

Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

The paper describes actual trends in serial deep energy retrofitting of buildings in the Netherlands. A set of photographs presents several Dutch pilot projects of energy retrofitting of post-war family houses in Heerlen, Melick and Soersterberg to net zero energy level and of one multifamily residential building in Arnhem to nearly zero energy level. The retrofitting projects were made utilizing prefabricated thermal insulation wall modules with timber structural system (that included new windows) and prefabricated roof panels. All presented projects also featured replacement of energy sources and in case of the family houses also installations of photovoltaic systems replacing roof tiles.

© Holger B -
Ing. Jakub Čurpek, Centrum AdMaS, Fakulta stavební, Vysoké učení technické v Brně

Innovative technologies incorporated in building constructions are able to produce renewable energy. The submitted paper deals with the current status of photovoltaic (PV) integration in building facades by selected systems. The main emphasis is focused on the newest concepts and their current development, specifically of those in combination with other progressive materials and technologies.

© xavier gallego morel -
doc. Ing. Jiří Brožovský, CSc., VUT Brno, Ústav technologie stavebních hmot a dílců

Results of the measurement ultrasonic pulse method are influenced by numerous factors. The influence of humidity and the method of sounding, direct and semi-direct on the measurement results was monitored. The influence of moisture and the method of transmission the bricks influences the measurement results by varying degrees. The least is influenced by the results of measurements on calcium silicate bricks and, on the contrary, on clay bricks made of plastic dough. Here shows synergistic effects of the state structures and defects in the head.

RNDr. Jan Daňhelka, Ph.D., Český hydrometeorologický ústav

The share of population exposed to flood risk tended to grow slightly. Compared to the world, however, the proportion of people at risk of floods in the Czech Republic is very small. In the future, it is possible to achieve an even greater degree of adaptation (resilience) to floods.

EPD Liptovská Kokava
Ing. arch. Miroslav Ščudla, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta architektury, Ústav navrhování II.

In contemporary architecture, straw is used marginally, mostly in do-it-yourself construction. Although the convenient qualities of straw have long been known, it has not gained the trust of builders and designers. Construction companies have not learned to work with straw on a regular basis. In the scope of green technologies, an opportunity is emerging to use straw in professional building systems suitable for sustainable architecture. If we want to apply it in our architectural designs, we have several possibilities. The common small straw bales are suitable for many ways of structure and do-it-yourself process. This way of building process can be interrupt by logistic problems or weather disaster. Contemporary building market offers professional products made of straw: universal strongly pressed boards or system of modular units for external walls. All these ways of application are able to gain the high building quality. The innovative straw technologies enable to design and erect the energy passive house with considerable percentage of straw in constructions. Although the advantages of straw are indisputable, the next success of straw building materials depends on the interest of architects and builders.

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