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Archiv článků od 16.10.2017 do 22.1.2018

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Ing. Vít Černý, Ph.D., Ing. Ján Fleischhacker, prof. ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA

Tobermorite is the main mineral compound of AAC. It increases its mechanical properties. There needs to be done research of influence of type of silica components on the mineralogical compound of AAC. In the presence study, we examine the usage of nature and artificial silicious materials. Closure of the study will be design of the optimal raw material composition, also hydrothermal treatment of autoclaved aerated concrete.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

The article briefly describes literary knowledges and presents an example of a possible statistical probability approach to uncertainties estimations of qualitative GC/MS chemical analyses of fire samples.The procedure is applicable to other qualitative tests used in the construction industry.

Ing. Coneva Iveta, PhD., Katedra požiarneho inžinierstva Fakulty bezpečnostného inžinierstva Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline

The paper deals with the issue and classification of burning processes. Basic crisis situations and situations that occur during the existence of mankind are also fires. Examination of burning processes is closely related to fires, as they pose uncontrollable and unlimited burning in space and time. Fire occurring not only in the natural environment (eg forest fires) but also in various industrial, transport, manufacturing, processing and storage technologies, in accommodation facilities and elsewhere. Controllable and controlled burning processes can be useful for humans, for example: domestic heating, cooking and others. Uncontrollable combustion processes (fires) can cause serious losses and threats to health, life, property, tangible and intangible property and the environment. Burning is a set of complex physicochemical processes in which flammable substances and materials react with oxidizing agents and change to combustion products (combustion products). Burning is accompanied by intense radiation of heat, light energy, and smoke. The combustion processes can be classified according to different criteria.

© ambrozinio -
Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

The paper briefly specifies for flammable gases and vapors of flammable liquids: the creation and marking of flammability triangles, the possible procedure for shutting down the appliances with flammable substances out of service and, on the other hand, putting them into process in accordance with the relevant flammable triangles, the methods of estimation of the so-called Out- of -Service Fuel Concentration (OSFC) and so-called In-Service-Oxygen Concentrations (ISOC).

Stavba stanice metra na Náměstí Republiky
Ing. Tomáš Moravec, STACHEMA CZ s.r.o.

The article describes the beginnings of the use of the fly ash mixture for the production of concrete in the Czech Republic, its application on important buildings (Prague subway, Nuclear power plant Temelín) and impacts on the production technology.

Minulost, současnost a budoucnost požárních požadavků na ETICS
Ing. Pavel Zemene, Ph.D., Sdružení EPS ČR

Requirements to fire safety of ETICS were changed several time during last 8 years to be more strict. Since September 2016, an amendment to fire standard ČSN 73 0810 [8] has entered into force, which, among other things, regulates the requirements for External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). In this context, a number of mid-scale and large-scale tests of EPS have been carried out to test equivalent solutions of overheads and foundations of ETICS. With the use of these approved design solutions, it is possible to continue to use advantage of all the benefits of EPS, ranging from insulation properties to moisture, mechanical properties, long service life and stability and end-to-end performance. This contribution deals with proportionality of the ETICS fire requirements.

Složitá rekonstrukce staršího bytového domu
Ing. Jan Koláček, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

In December of year 2016 has been finished the extensive reconstruction of the multi-family house built in the thirties of last century, located in the district Žabovřesky of the city Brno. Investor with architect desired the modern appearance of interior and facade of the house, which involved a number of difficult renovations and new structures that had to be consulted with structure engineer. The significant steps of the reconstruction of the multi-family house are described in detail in this contribution.

Moderní metody pro měření osových sil v prvcích stavebních konstrukcí
Ing. Tomáš Klier, prof. Ing. Michal Polák, CSc.

In many practical cases it is important to know the actual value of tensile forces in prestressed elements of civil engineering structures. Main conclusions from experiments which were carried out within verification process and in situ application of the new method for an experimental estimation of the tensile force are described in the paper. The method is suitable for new structures and especially for existing ones.

© victor zastol'skiy -
Ing. et Ing. Lenka Gábrová, Mendelova univerzita, Lesnická a dřevařská fakulta, Ústav nauky o dřevě a dřevařských technologiích

The article deals with a comparison of a room area size which is suitable for reading and writing according to two daylight evaluation criteria. The first one is the daylight factor which is determined under the CIE overcast sky model and it is traditionally used for quantitative daylight evaluations of buildings. The second compared evaluation criterion is the daylight autonomy which is one of new daylight metrics whose calculation is based on daylight illuminance values throughout the year and for a specific location.

Fall colours in the Eastern Townships in Quebec, Canada © mbruxelle -
Dr. Eva Haviarová, Ing. Milan Šimek, Ph.D., Dr. Henry Quesada

In the last two decades, the US hardwood industry has experienced an important increase in their exports to key markets in Southeast Asia, and Western Europe. However, the export to Easter Europe is currently limited. In these emerging economies, production of furniture and many different kinds of wood products are on the rise. Favorable labor costs, progressive design, and available material resources are key factors that sustain the growth of these industries. The forest products industry is also significant consumer of hardwood lumber. Despite the fact that Easter European countries have its own hardwood material resources, the rapid industry growth, increased sustainability practices, and increased demand of high quality material may require the need for additional material sourcing.

pplk., Mgr. Jakub Škoda, kpt., Ing. Stanislav Kopecký

This article is focusing on international cooperation in the field of fire investigation. Authors have analyzed approaches on fire investigation system in different countries. Main part of this article consist of summary of experiences gained from Netherlands and United States of America and option of applicating them in Czech fire investigation system. In addition it also describes contribution of Czech fire investigators for CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group both in a past and for a future.

Aktuální evropské trendy v oblasti požárně bezpečnostních zařízení
plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

The paper focuses on current European trends in the application of some new and innovative types of fire safety devices, preventing the initiation of fire or explosion and detection systems. The article also deals with the issue of placing these construction products on the market.

Analýza trvanlivosti preimyselných komínov © Imperium Obrazu -
prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD., Ing. Ivan Hollý, PhD., Ing. Natália Gažovičová

Industrial chimneys are civil engineering works, which in addition to static and dynamic effects, direct and indirect loads, are also exposed to significant non-stationary environmental loads. Analysis of their durability focuses on the evaluation of vertical cracks, corrosion of concrete and reinforcement, which have a decisive influence on the resistance of the chimney's shaft with regard to the ultimate and serviceability limit states, as well as their durability.

Ing. Dagmar Kopačková, Ph.D., redakce

Open-space they do not work, and they will be replaced by coffee shops in the future, says British Telecommunications futurist Nicole Millard quoted by The Daily Telegraph.

Ing. Ján Ježko, PhD., Katedra geodézie, Stavebná fakulta, STU v Bratislave

The article describes the methods of the surveying data and documentation production. The documentation is used for the process of planning, realisation and reconstruction of transport, energetic, industrial, ecologic and public objects. The documentation is also used in the remediation process and the protection of the buildings and historical objects. In these processes, it is necessary to know the spatial dimension – location data, the location of these objects on the Earth's surface and shape and dimensions of these objects. The activities that lead to the realisation, reconstruction and remediation of building objects require a quality maps, photogrammetric images and geodetic models (3D models), which are mostly realised in a suitable interactive graphic PC system in 3D digital form.

Opravy historických objektů z pozice statiky a z hlediska památkové péče
doc. ing. Ladislav Klusáček, CSc., doc. ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Heritage care specialists in the repair and reconstruction of historical buildings prefer using of previous working methods and especially materials, sometimes too strongly. It is not always easy to satisfy their requirements, with regard to the problematic of static object state. It is necessary to find suitable compromises.

doc. Ing. Jiří Zach, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Jitka Hroudová, Ph.D.

The paper deals with the development of vacuum insulations from their beginning to the present and their application in the industrial sectors and civil engineering. Development and study of the behavior of environmentally fiendly core insulations for application to vacuum insulation panels is going nowdays at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. These are mainly organic materials based on natural or waste polymer fibers. This article describes the first results of the research activities on this issue where test samples of flax fiber insulation were tested, as well as cotton and polyester fibers samples obtained from waste fabrics.

Stavebně-technický průzkum brněnského kina Scala
doc. Ing. Pavel Schmid, Ph.D., Ing. Iva Rozsypalová, Ing. Ondřej Karel, Ing. Petr Daněk, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Žítt

The paper deals with structural-technical survey of Scala cinema in Brno. It is a historic building completed in 1928. The main purpose of the diagnostic survey was passportisation of structure´s defects, determine the quality of concrete and reinforcement, assessment of defects and failures causes, evaluate the condition of the ceiling structure in relation to the considered reconstruction above cinema.

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