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Archiv článků od 11.7.2016 do 24.10.2016

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Jan Rypl

Since year 2000 up to now a similar classification of roof safety waterproofing layer was valid in Czech Republic and in western countries, while in Slovakia is still valid.

In 2011 so-called working group of ROOF CRAFTSMEN ASSOCIATION CZ (Řemeslná rada Cechu KPT ČR) was established, and new Rules for design and construction of roof (Pravidla pro navrhování a provádění střech) (hereinafter „CZ RULES“) were created after 3 years of hard work. These „CZ RULES“ were approved on 28.3.2014 and officially published on 12.9.2014. By these „CZ RULES“ the roof safety waterproofing layer - „PHI“ (pojistná hydroizolace), was renamed to roof additional waterproofing layer - „DHV“ (doplňková hydroizolační vrstva).

The new „CZ RULES“ were made due to changes in building standards in Czech Republic and newly approved version of Rules for design and construction of roof by „ZVDH“ in Germany. The new „CZ RULES“ don´t fully correspond with the German rules, but are very similar.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc.,, soudní znalec

Compression joint with framed joint in combination – Ground rules for mortise and tenon joints – Load carrying capacity of mortise and tenon joints – Design examples.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc.,, soudní znalec

Ground rules for framed joint with notch – Compression joint with framed joint with notch – Consider of eccentric joint for framed joint with notch – Design examples

Ing. Iva Rozsypalová, doc. Ing. Pavel Schmid, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Daněk, Ph.D.

The floor system structure HURDIS is composed of a steel beam, of floor ceramic elements and of concrete. There are materials with different behavior in fire exposition. The paper deals with the analysis of the behavior of individual elements of floor structures affected by high temperatures. Knowledge is applied to the example of the assessment of the floor structure of the storehouses damaged by fire.

Ing. Jaroslav Mikula, prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst, CSc.

Checking the inner shell of tunnels during the construction phase as well as of existing tunnels is importand for their safe operation. Various non-destructive methods have been developed for this, which allow the control check to be carried out with experiences which were obtained using the new device, pased on an ultrasonic pulse echo method.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha s.p.

The values of equivalent sound pressure level and maximum sound pressure level are used in the government regulation on health protection against negative effects of noise and vibration as criteria for expressing noise limits. These limits are applied with regard to negative effects of noise in-situ and workplaces The Czech government approved on 15. 6. 2016 the revision of Decree no. 272/2011 Coll. This amendment includes relevant changes of the on the public health protection law that is valid from 1. 12. 2015.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Emergency lighting is one of the most important species of fire safety equipment which determine the fire safety of buildings or other facilities. Emergency lighting is established for use in the event of failure of normal artificial lighting and is therefore supplied from the second independent source. Properly designed, highly functional and operational installation of emergency lighting is essential to ensure a quick and safe escape of people in case of emergency.

Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

The annual total losses caused by fires in the Czech Republic (direct and indirect) are not negligible. The total amount of these damages is to a large extent also involved in fires caused by the operation of electrical wiring and equipment. In terms of fire protection in these cases remains a key issue rate of compliance with fire safety requirements in design, construction, and especially in the operation of these facilities. Currently, in addition to the system of Czech technical standards implemented a lot of new European standards which transpose the international requirements for testing, design, operation and maintenance of electrical wiring and equipment, which requires often the direct modification of existing CSN, in those parts which are contrary thereto. This situation logically caused societal need to address this issue in order to protect public interests, and comprehensively, using available European technical documents, specifications and national standards of EU member states, according to the current state of science and technology.

Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D.

During the assessment of existing structures of monuments made from reinforced concrete is always necessary to verify the properties of concrete and placement of reinforcement. The paper deals with testing of concrete by non-destructive methods – especially by hardness test method and ultrasonic method. For testing of historical structures seems to be the most suitable ultrasonic method.

doc. Ing. Ján Kanócz, CSc., Ing. arch. Miroslava Mertová, Ing. Viktória Bajzecerová, PhD.

Structure created from solid wood wall and deck panels is characterized by a high spatial stability and rigidity. Results of ongoing research have shown that adding concrete layer to the wood deck creating the composite floor structure allows us to receive the structural wall system with increased efficiency.

Filip Veselý, jednatel OFFICE HUNTERS

Until now, offices on the outskirts were used mainly by factories and wholesalers who simply added the offices into their factories. Now other companies become interested in these places as well. How is this situation seen by developers and how by management consultant?

Ing. Martin Hataj, doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc.

The aim of this article is to compare 3D numerical models of traditional timber joint. Numerical model of the subjected carpentry joint includes material nonlinearities. Material model of wood presume elasto-plastic behaviour and has orthotropic – transversal isotropic property. The finite-element meshes introduced herein differ one from other by element type and their quantity applied, type of mapping and local density of mesh. Number of nodes and elements, calculation convergence speed, FEM solution exactness, symmetry and mapping of elements are observed.

Mgr. Vilma Poloučková, Ph.D., Dana Jahelková, Vladimír Persaň, Ing. Jindřich Sedlák

Building materials contains natural radionuclides, which comes from the earth's crust. In using secondary energy products as raw materials for production of building materials can increase the content natural radionuclides of products. This study focused on practical verification procedures proposed of radiation protection to optimize radioactivity of building materials. It measured the content of natural radionuclides in feedstocks and in final concrete mixtures. Measured values of natural radionuclides of concretes were compared with theoretical calculations.

Ing. arch. Petr Hejtmánek, Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D.

External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) still plays an important role in increasing the energy efficiency of buildings – the bigger is the demand, the thicker is just the insulation layer. In August 2016, a new version of basic fire safety Czech standard ČSN 73 0810 comes into action. Changes stated in this document are related, among other, to ETICS and it significantly changes the use of combustible and incombustible thermal insulation on facades. This article intends to point out the essentials of the mentioned problematics.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ph.D., Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

The article is focused on ambivalent features of systems intelligent building management from the obligatory requests on fire safety point of view. It insists that reliable and functional detection is the basic predetermination to effective solution in fire case but it is not sufficient to the total fire protection provision. The complex solution of the problematics involves many further steps and provisions of both, technical and organizational character.

Ing. Jakub Šlik, Ing. et Ing. Richard Hlaváč

This thesis deals with the water vapor permeability of wood for the most commonly used types of wood for construction work - Norway spruce (Picea Abies). Diffusion of water vapor is solved according to the density of the material, which varies depending on climatic conditions tree growth. These different conditions are in the Czech Republic mainly characterized by different altitude growing zones. Water vapor permeability is solved in the thesis by a method of measuring the diffusion resistance of materials. Specifically, the method of wet cup and dry cup, which is carried out using EN ISO 12572 knowledge and advices of previous researchers of that method. The results were compared with values reported in the Czech standard and later used for construction project of the typical timbered buildings with respect to contemporary legislation.

prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka, Fakulta stavební ČVUT, katedra mapování a kartografie

Presented text discusses the use of RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aerial System) in the building industry and heritage preservation. It provides information of various case studies and shows examples. For the purposes of building industry and technological area monitoring multicopter systems are mainly used. They have more complex control, but they can be successfully navigated in very low heights and low speeds around and above the object. Safe handling and ensuring the area after agreement with the owner or facility manager is crucial for their use.

Ing. Jan Šlechta, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

The airborne sound insulation of building structures is a subject of permanent interest of designing engineers and architects. Although the weighted apparent sound reduction index is in the final phase verified by measurements in already established buildings, semi-empirical methods have a potential of non-negligible financial savings in the building design phase. The paper presents a set of equations convenient for the calculation of the airborne sound insulation of single and double building structures which extends the Sharp’s method. The equations are derived by mathematical procedures but the purpose of this paper is to supply the reader with a prepared computational tool and that’s why the derivation is listed in different publications. The set of equations is compared with laboratory measurements and other methods both for single (EN 12354-1, Davy’s and Watters’ method) and double structures (Davy’s and Watters’ method).

prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Pavelka, Fakulta stavební ČVUT, katedra mapování a kartografie

Presented text discusses RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aerial System) in terms of history, legislation and its possible use especially in the civil sector. RPAS, often called UAV / UAS or “drones” in slang are a phenomenon of recent years. They present modern and popular technology that has undergone an unprecedented boom thanks to miniaturization of electronics, control and navigation equipment, high-performance battery development as well as individual components now available for affordable prices. Safe manipulation and current limits of applicability are indispensable and must be taken into account.

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