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Archiv článků od 3.8.2015 do 16.11.2015

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Ing. Karel Mikulica, prof. Ing. Rudolf Hela, CSc.

Concrete exposed to high temperature considerably changes its properties down to total destruction. The paper describes renovation of concrete floor damaged by a fire of a factory building. Individual steps of determination of damage of concrete floor structures caused by high temperatures are described. Structure of damaged floor was technically analyzed, redevelopment was designed and renovation works were carried out.

Ing. Michal Frank, Ing. Martina Drdlová, Ing. Vladan Prachař, Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Buchar, DrSc.

Research, development and testing of materials and safety features used to protect civilians and armed forces against terrorist or military attacks are more than desirable nowadays. Therefore, our work is aimed at absorption materials that can temper impact energy and shockwave energy originating in explosive blast.
Out of many materials potentially suitable for experiments, two groups of fillers were chosen – macro fillers and micro fillers – and a two component polyurethane binder. In this article, the resulting physico-mechanical characteristics are summarized: bulk density, flexural, compression and impact strength. The crucial test for determination impact energy absorption was the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar test, conducted with most samples.

Zdeněk Štefek, Pavel Zejda, SAREP a.s.

The basement of a castle greenhouse, so called catacombs, and a terrace with air shafts above them are located to the east by the Palm greenhouse of a state castle Lednice and they are connected with it. Catacombs used to serve as depositaries for storing plants from castle park in a period of winter month. Preservation of greenhouse’s catacombs began in 2004 and was carried out in phases till the end of 2007 when the work was interrupted. In 2012 the investor decided to proceed to finish the second part of a planned reconstruction connected with a reconstruction of basements under the greenhouse terrace. The vital part under the project documentation is also dealing with a rehabilitation of damp masonry including necessary constructional and technical research with respect to dampness and its elimination.

Ing. arch. Marcela Kubů, Ing. Marcela Bosáčková

Revision of ETAG 004 brought a change in the assessment of noise protection external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). Under this revision ETICS may have positive or negative influence on airborne sound insulation of wall on which was applied. The article deals with calculation method of airborne sound insulation, including concrete calculations, and measurements on ETICS with mineral wool.

Ing. Roman Šubrt, Energy Consulting

The introduction of energy management according to ČSN EN ISO 50 001 becomes a topic that attracts more and more attention of involved people nowadays. There are two reasons for that. The first one is the possibility of obtaining a higher subsidy from the OP PIK, the second is the obligation by the law, respectively the possibility of reducing the administration in the future.

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc., doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D.

Buildings which are issued to natural changes of atmospheric temperature, should be divided to parts that can act independently. If not, the structure itself will be split up according to the general laws of physics and the internal and external form and material properties of the structure. The article describes failures of expansion joints of constructions.

doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D., člen TNK 76 Osvětlení, ČKAIT Praha

The article gives information on the requirements of sunlight in buildings in the European Union and gives a brief historical overview of the normalization of sunlight in our country. On the concrete realization of the residential complex built around 2000 in a closed blocks line is demonstrated the satisfactory insolation in these conditions. From this perspective provides a comment on current events about the preparations of Prague building regulations.

Ing. Miloš Pánek, Ph.D., Fakulta lesnická a dřevařská ČZU v Praze

This article deals about tropical hardwood species used for commercial purposes. These kinds of wood have more advantages like better natural durability against bio-degradation caused by high amount of extractives and good mechanical and physical properties. But their using is also connected with some questions – ecological and economical aspects and stability of supposed properties for each delivery. Not solved problem is protection against weathering and mainly decreasing of colour changes of tropical wood surfaces in the exterior till now.

Ing. Martina Drdlová, Ing. Vladan Prachař

Wilful attack targeted on strategic buildings and critical infrastructure can pose significant thread to property and human lives. By modification of the material traditionally used in building industry, in particular by addition of randomly dispersed fibre reinforcement in currently most spread building material – concrete, the enhancement of the blast and ballistic resistance can be effectively achieved without high additional costs. Within the research works presented in this article, the influence of several types of fibre reinforcement on the blast resistance of the concrete panel was assessed. The results of real blast tests indicates, that incorporation of any type of fibre brings enhancement of the blast resistance of the concrete, but the level is highly affected by strength and shape characteristics of the fibre.

Ing. Peter Buday, PhD., Ing. Rastislav Ingeli, PhD.

The thermal performance of any building component is the result not only of its thermo-physical properties but also of a way of final installation and connections altogether of their all elements. In addition, thermal leakage and bridging in buildings can eventually contribute to a multitude of problems. The thermal bridge is the place in the building envelope through which heat transfer has a multi-dimensional nature. That is why in recent studies, the issue of heat transfer phenomena in the building components has been taken as a multi-dimensional into account more frequently. One of the specific details that create thermal leakage is located in balcony slabs. This paper is focused on advanced analysis of thermal performance of thermal break element applied in balcony slab with parametric correlation to the thermal properties of wall building envelope. Particular cases of commonly used balcony systems in buildings are observed related to multi-dimensional and parametric approach of modeling. Finally a finding of many aspects, such as building geometry, thermal properties variation and structural type importance are observed as certain influence to thermal bridges magnitude and final thermal performance of balcony slab detail.

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc., doc. Ing. Antonín Paseka, CSc., Mgr. František Hubatka

A former brickyard was filled up with diverse waste after extraction of soil. The resulting 20 m high slope was in the crown and in a toe build up without taking into account the possibility of its landsliding. The causes and consequences of the accident and remediation measures are described.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha s.p.

The article is a summary of proposals from acoustic experts from European countries participating in COST TU0901 “Harmonizing Sound Insulation Aspects” It includes detailed building acoustic data and their comparisons from the countries involved in the project.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Beginning application – Examples from Europa – Examples from North America – Upcoming high-rise timber buildings

Ing. Martin Němeček, doc. Ing. Miloš Kalousek, Ph.D.

The article deals with basic knowledge about the thermal storage mass of energy passive buildings in relation to the summer thermal stability under the climatic conditions of Central Europe. Article lightly touches on the issues of heat storage of buildings with lightweight construction system like a modern sandwich wooden houses.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

The recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings defined all new buildings will be nearly zero-energy buildings by the end of 2020. However, the transformation of the EU’s building stock will not be completed until well after 2020 and this target can only constitute an intermediate step. The renovation of existing buildings stock offers significant potential for both cost-effective CO2 emissions mitigation and substantial energy consumption reduction. Therefore energy efficiency can be seen as Europe’s biggest energy resource. The cost optimal methodology may be a useful tool able to identify the more appropriate retrofit measures in order to launch the renovation of the existing building stock on a large scale.

Ing. Petra Okřinová, Ing. Josef Remeš

The article describes floor surfaces and form of their determination in construction and other fields, such as services, real estate, valuation, facility management and more. In Europe, each country has a different technical standard. This means that when we are determining the type of floor area for buildings with these technical standards, we can conclude that they differ by up to 30 %. Therefore, we chose a sample idea of building on which we symbolized each floor type. We tried to make clear, which constructions and types of floor are creditable and which are not. To demonstrate the importance of correct identification of floor surface we give an example calculation of cleaning services where savings could be seen in the correct determination of the floor surface.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Ing. Jaroslav Sytař

The article deals with concrete production and its control as interrelated issues, describing in detail the various types of inspections of concrete plants, as well as ČSN EN 206-1, the standard relevant for concrete. Explained here are the mandatory inspections for road construction supplies according to TKP 18, which contains stricter requirements for the equipment and operation of concrete plants, concrete composition, and for control and testing. The process of the initial inspection by a compiled questionnaire is described, where the individual specific essential requirements and the documents issued during inspections are arranged in logical subject units.

Ing. Petr Červený, VOŠ a SPŠ Volyně

The paper deals with complex solution of heating and economy measures regarding ecology of heat sources and preservation of architectural values of the Volyně college-complex. This solution also includes padding warm and exchange of windows in all complexes. New technology in boiled room was installed with application of boiler for fytomass-burning, gas condensation boilers, thermal pump in system air/water and cogeneration unit for supply electric energy.

Ivana Nohová, 2. viceprezidentka PKPO

The effort is most builders to get the cheapest project documentation and stamp for start of construction. Little attention has been paid to its proper location. Construction practice is to sit as close to the fence with a neighbor to remain more space for the garden. It should be noted that, under the refers to the construction of any building works that arise construction or assembly technology, regardless of their technical construction design, used in building products, materials and construction, the purpose and duration of use. Under construction is also considered to be a product performing the function of the building. It does not matter if the building is connected to the ground as often by professionals and lay people hear.

Mgr. Luděk Šikola, Mgr. David Štamberk

Part I of the article is a general discussion of the current laws covering the institution called “smlouva o dílo” (the “contract for a work”). It discusses the issue of defining the work, which has changed relative to the old Civil Code in that the work no longer needs a material expression. It also discusses the options for setting a price for the work, as well as the concluding of such a contract without setting a price. There is a detailed section on budget-based price determination, which is especially useful in the construction industry.

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