The thermal performance of any building component is the result not only of its thermo-physical properties but also of a way of final installation and connections altogether of their all elements. In addition, thermal leakage and bridging in buildings can eventually contribute to a multitude of problems. The thermal bridge is the place in the building envelope through which heat transfer has a multi-dimensional nature. That is why in recent studies, the issue of heat transfer phenomena in the building components has been taken as a multi-dimensional into account more frequently. One of the specific details that create thermal leakage is located in balcony slabs. This paper is focused on advanced analysis of thermal performance of thermal break element applied in balcony slab with parametric correlation to the thermal properties of wall building envelope. Particular cases of commonly used balcony systems in buildings are observed related to multi-dimensional and parametric approach of modeling. Finally a finding of many aspects, such as building geometry, thermal properties variation and structural type importance are observed as certain influence to thermal bridges magnitude and final thermal performance of balcony slab detail.
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