Utilization of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) during the design of load-bearing structures presupposes that manufactured SFRC will be classified into the strength classes. For static design, these stated strength in the strength class are necessary: compression, tension when the macrocracks open and agreed limit deflection during the bending test on beams. The paper shows the procedure of determining the strength class of SFRC under such prescriptions. Different arrangement of the test equipment, differences in the ranges of test beams and their modifications affects the procedure for evaluation of tensile strength, including those resulting strength classes. Compressive strength of SFRC is considered in accordance with the evaluation of common (normal) concrete (cylinder/cube). These strength classes, calculated by two methodologies, show the difference in classification of one type of SFRC, in this case by increasing strength of SFRC after formation of the macrocrack caused by higher concentrate of fibres.
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