Safeguarding perfect labour safety should be a principal requirement respected by all parties involved in the building process in particular from the point of view of the variety of works performed and complexity of building industry conditions as well as with regard to individual risks endangering life and health of workers during the preparation and performance of construction works. As far as individual entities operating in the building industry (tradesmen, small, medium-sized and big building companies) are concerned, adequate attention to labour safety is usually paid big building companies, only, who have sufficient resources to address this complex issued in a systematic way. It was the difficult economic situation associated with a considerable decline of the building production what has recently forced many building companies to implement significant saving measures that could affect the labour safety, too. The paper should show an apparent link between the economic situation, saving measures and labour safety in the building industry and call attention to apparent risks associated with the circumvention or violation of labour safety rules in order to keep profitability and competiveness of buildings companies.
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