The paper analyses available data sources on the use of renewable energy in Czech households from which it is possible to derive the current distribution of these sources in the Czech residential sector. Available data provide information about biomass, solar and heat pump installations. The data indicate that the most frequently used renewable energy source among Czech households is biomass, which is the main source of heating in approximately 8 % of inhabited dwellings. Heat pumps are installed in 0.5 % and solar energy is used in at least 1 % of all the Czech inhabited dwellings. It also indicates that these renewable energy sources are far more used in detached family houses rather than in apartment houses. Overall, most of the renewable energy sources used in Czech households are in the Central Bohemian Region, the least in Karlovy Vary Region and the capital city of Prague. Although the datasets do not provide enough evidence to derive any reliable development trends, they provide useful information on the minimal distribution of these resources in the past 10 years and also the effect of selected policy instruments to support the use of these resources on Czech households in comparison with the situation before they came into force.
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