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Archiv článků od 11.2.2013 do 22.4.2013

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Doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Assessors often encounter objects with uncertain structural system. These buildings are designed with difficulty and in its operation they may behave differently than expected. Good design and implementation are, in the case of long-term behaviour of structures, essential. The article deals with the basic principles of proper design and its assessment.

Uvádění stavebních výrobků na trh EU a ČR podle nového evropského nařízení
Ing. Pavel Vaněk, Ing. Taťána Pašiaková

The basic document for the area of construction products was until the April 2011 Council Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD). On 4st. April 2011 was published in the OJ EU REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL No 305/2011 which defines harmonized conditions for the placing of construction products to EU market and cancels Council Directive 89/106/EEC.

Doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, PhD., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Prefabricated single-storied concrete assembly hall is roofed with prestressed lattice girders, skylights, purlins and roof slabs. Significant problems of a roof structure were found out. The method and results of examination and the principles of reconstruction are described.

Nové požadavky na hodnocení energetické náročnosti budov
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In connection with the implementation of the revised European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings, certain legislative provisions such as Decree No. 148/2007, Coll. Replaced by Decree No. 78/2013, Coll. are currently amending. This article is focused on the changes associated with the energy certification of buildings, the "ENB", from the perspective of changes in the evaluation ENB.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Hana Hasníková

This paper describes an investigation of historical timber members of roof structure at Masaryk railway station in Prague. In the paper is also presented an experiment, which deals with the influence of mechanical damage to timber members in the interpretation of the results of non-destructive measurement.

Ing. Linda Veselá, Ing. Jaroslav Synek

It has been one year and a half since Technical Standards Information TNI 74 6077 – The windows and external doors – Requirements for incorporation has been published. What is the consistency or inconsistency between the demands on windows and doors manufacturing, their installation and actually reached geometrical tolerances of building construction? What this state brings to manufacturers of windows and doors, what to building contractor and what to customers? The view through the eyes of quality control.

Ing. Marie Bačáková, ITC Zín a.s., SGP-STANDARD

Information and access to technical standards plays very important role, when construction products are placed on the EU market. For the purpose of it can be very effective to use web of Czech office for standards, metrology and testing. Basic data for web are prepared by Institute for testing and certification. ČSN standard references placed in this web are connected with ÚNMZ web service „CSN on-line” and makes possible users of this service directly access to full texts.

Ing. Miroslav Zapletal, Ing. Petr Sláčík

This paper deals with the classification of test properties of windows and entrance doors in terms of usability for practical use. Those classification classes are very important for the use of acquired functional properties of hole filling for use of the products in the country. Based on the above, it is then possible to determine the specific levels of performance that should be achieved by a product to demonstrate suitability. In summary, attention is also focused on technical thermal and acoustic properties of hole filling in terms of usability for additional practice.

Prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst, CSc., Ing. et Ing. Petr Bílek, prof. Ing. Jiří Vala, CSc., doc. Ing. Jan Vodička , CSc.

The paper deals with the development of the magnetic method using permanent magnets for monitoring the distribution of fibers in hardened steel fiber-concrete structures and comparative measurements on test samples.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Hana Hasníková

This paper deals with methods for determining the reliability of historical wooden structures and tries to outline the progress and shift in the methods used, problems or gaps in knowledge and research needs associated with this activity.

Ing. Věra Heřmánková, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D., Ing. Michal Stehlík, Ph.D.

Wood is an organic material and therefore often considered to have a short lifetime. However, in the past, people did not distinguish between durability of wood and durability of masonry, proof of which is the existence of constructions that combine the use of both. In fact, the lifetime of wood can be high if specific rules are followed when designing the construction.

doc. Dr. Ing. Luboš Podolka, Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, katedra betonových a zděných konstrukcí

This paper describes the method for calculating the amplification of curved brick construction with composite reinforcement and compares this procedure with reinforcement made by conventional methods to gain a practical demonstration of the bent beam.

Ing. Michal Kloiber, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Tippner, Ph.D., Ing. Jaroslav Hrivnák

This paper presents an analysis of the behaviour of wood when using the diagnostic tool for "in-situ" assessment of wood based on the principle of mechanical resistance to penetration tool (mandrel) into the wood. The aim was to describe the degree of deformation and failure mode during penetration (diameter 2.5 mm) into wood in a purely radial direction and to compare the tool with a standard measurement unit testing on samples.

Benchmarking ve Facility managementu
Ing. Štěpánka Michálková, Hein Consulting, s.r.o.

Benchmarking is a continuous and systematic comparison of own performance in productivity, quality, and manufacturing process, with enterprises and organizations representing excellence. "Benchmarking is the process of identifying best practices in other organizations and learning from them."

Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

Wood-destroying insects is one of the biological wood pests. Attacks the wood material, both individually and also in parallel with other decaying biological pests. Knowledge of principles for the design and implementation of a hot air disposal of wood-destroying insects is necessary for the reconstruction of historic buildings. Carefull consider from a conceptual point of view is necessary for the design for redevelopment of wooden elements affected by wood-destroying insects.

Ing. Veronika Hunková, Ing. Jitka Čechová, Ing. Vojtěch Kafka

The paper deals with structural and humidity survey of the timber-framed building of Rowing Centre from the 19th century in Brno. The building is one of the last surviving buildings of its kind in the city. The results of the survey of wooden structures, including windows, doors, and other construction, can be summed up in a statement that the construction is in relatively good condition adequate to its age. Proposal of preventive and remedial actions aims at maintaining of the traditional timber-framed system with the supporting structure visible from the outside.

Expertní systém pro hodnocení průmyslových podlah
doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The paper describes the circumstances that often lead to disputes about result quality of industrial floors. In addition to quantitative parameters, such as flexural rigidity of plate, coating adhesion to the surface layer and local flatness, attention has always focused on the appearance of the visible surface. The paper proposed assessment methodology that would allow at least partly quality assessment of the coating as a whole objectify and create all interested parties basis for fair negotiations.

Technické parametry oken
Ing. Iveta Jiroutová, TZÚS a.s.

The CE mark indicates only that the specified product properties were tested in accordance with specified regulation, in the case of windows, the type test was performed for 1 pcs of the product. Subject to the same quality parameters, ie same values ​​of air permeability, watertightness, etc. for the entire manufacturing production is the only producer responsibility.

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