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Archiv článků od 12.3.2012 do 7.5.2012

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úspory elektrické energie
Miroslav Haluza, Jan Macháček

At a European level a Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) has been released in 2010 whereas the main requirement is to reduce energy consumption in buildings (replacing 2002/91/EC). A set of European standards have been issued for its implementation, eg EN 15232 Energy performance of buildings - Impact of automation, control and management of buildings. In the Czech Republic the Directive was implemented by Act No. 406/2000 Coll. energy management and decree 148/2007 on the energy performance of buildings. The current global trend is characterized by promoting energy efficient technologies. The aim of this work is to summarize domestic household consumption, it´s prediction and analysis of potential energy savings by using the wiring system (BACS).

náklady na pasivní dům
Dipl. Ing. Gernot Vallentin, ArchitekturWerkstatt Vallentin

When assessing the sustainability it is needed to take into account in addition to environmental objectives as well as financial resources. All decisions during construction depend on the resources. Low budget targets and passive house standard can be easily merged together. It is important that designers optimally apply all known ways to reduce costs during construction.

arch. smola
Ing. arch. Josef Smola, Ing. Martin Růžička

What is the current situation in creating legal standards in the Czech Republic, which crucially limits the design, implementation and operation of buildings in general and then specifically in the field of fire regulations that regulate the implementation possibilities of wooden buildings?

Ing. Martin Lopušniak, PhD., Ing. Anna Vašková

Concept of energy efficiency buildings provides provable reduction in consumption of energy in compliance with the required user’s comfort. Taking into the account the trend to minimize heat escape and heat loss and increase of the airtight buildings, the installation of controlled ventilation is one of the steps leading to the optimal sanitary requirements and the overall energy efficiency of buildings. Quality indoor environment of energy efficient buildings, as well as the maximum level of comfort in this case is a controlled ventilation system with heat recovery and hot air heating. This article presents partial monitoring in situ measurements of selected parameters of the indoor environment during the operation of the upper and lower distribution system of hot air heating and ventilation in the selected experimental building.

kotvení ETICS
Ing. Peter Briatka, Ing. Roman Horečný, prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, Ph.D.

A survey of cellular concrete facades of residential buildings in the Slovak Republic, executed between 2010 and 2011, showed extensive cracks. These can be a problem for safe anchoring of ETICS to the existing facade. Crack is a discontinuity in the mass, the pull-out tests results show that near the crack can be regarded as a weak area with a lower load capacity of anchors. This paper informs about the tests results in situ and the preliminary results of laboratory tests.

Ing. Luděk Vochoc, Ing. Julie Hodková, Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ing. Štěpán Mančík, Bc. Tomáš Žďára

The paper describes existing databases of environmental data of building products with focus on Czech tool It is an online tool, which provides environmental indicators of building materials with main purpose of providing a unified, transparent and reliable system that allows user to compare different products and structures; motivate the producers to fill in data sets of their products and improve their technologies; convince architects and designers to care about different sustainability profiles of materials; give advantage to products that have lower environmental impacts being at the same technical level than the competitor. The implementation of Envimat is divided into the three main phases: start-up phase (data from the generic database); transitional phase (combination of generic and localized data); regular operation with fully localized data.

denní osvětlení
Ing. Jiří Slezák

Measurement of natural lighting should be performed in a dark surrounding terrain. In light terrain (landscape covered with snow) only for completion. With regard to the brightness of the sky, its stability and colour of sky, it should be performed at the time around noon. It shouldn't rain or be fog. Disadvantage is requirement of uniformly overcast sky, because it happens only few times a year.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

The decision to additional thermal insulation of facade begins with a question "what's million-dollar investment will bring us". Many of the available information we find say that it will bring about 50% savings in heating. The heat meter, installed at the inlet of connecting pipe to the heating system should therefore show the half consumption of heat than before, but usually the results are very different - in both directions.

blower door test
Mgr. Stanislav Paleček, předseda Asociace Blower Door CZ

This paper deals with the development of measurement of the building envelope airtight in the Czech Republic. Specifies the initial criteria and mistakes that were made. Addresses in detail the current state of measuring air tightness and provides some interesting insights from practice. The paper was presented at a conference Passive Houses 2011.

UV záření
Ing. Petr Vrbík, Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Brně

The paper deals with the possible health risks of exposure of persons to ultraviolet radiation primarily from incoherent technological resources. It talks about the effects on the human body and hygiene limits, the criteria for assessing health risks, the method of measurement and hygienic supervision at the preview of this issue, including the use of UV radiation in commercial tanning salons.

dřevěné konstrukce
Ing. Jana Pexová, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav pozemního stavitelství, Veveří

The article is devoted to research on the influence of the separation layer wood-concrete floor structures. Using the separation layer is justified especially in the case of reconstruction of historically valuable floor structures, such as a painted deck or beams, where water during the casting technology may cause damage, or even in the case of concrete applications with a high coefficient of water, where excessive moisture could adversely affect the mechanical properties of wood.
According to the results of the experiments we can say that in the application of concrete with a water factor approximately 0.4, it is not necessary to use concrete structure interlayer separation between concrete and formwork. Using foil separation negatively affects stress coupling elements, and thus the entire composite structure.

Ing. Milan Ostrý, Ph.D., Ing. Roman Brzoň, Ing. Tomáš Klubal

Thermal stability of rooms without air-conditioning depends mainly on the thermal energy storage capacity of envelope and possible heat gains. Sensible heat storage structures, e.g. brickwork, concrete walls and slabs, usually do not have sufficient thermal storage capacity and some additional thermal storage mass is needed for cold storage. Passive cooling with thermal storage in phase change materials (PCMs) is a very effective way to improve thermal stability of the rooms with light-weight envelope. The main advantage of the phase change materials storage in buildings is the possibility to store a huge amount of heat in a rather narrow temperature interval. Passive cooling based on the latent heat storage technology can contribute to the energy and operative cost savings during summer season. The efficiency of this kind of passive cooling significantly depends on the heat transfer rates between the ambient environment and the thermal storage material. Modern administrative buildings or wooden buildings are often made of light-weight materials with rather small thermal mass. The latent heat cold storage in the phase change materials seems to be quite promising in this respect since it offers high thermal storage capacity.

Ing. Pavel Heinrich, HELUZ cihlářský průmysl a.s.

Clay bricks are one of the most common material used mainly in the contruction of residential buildings. We can say that masonry is a kind of standard of building design, as all other materials are being compared with brick masonry. Few years ago, there were only full bricks. In connection with the development requierements of heat transfer coefficient of the wall, the structure of the bricks is changing. Currently avaliable bricks are suitable for one-layer masonry of passive houses. The article presents an overview of the development of bricks and outlook for the future.

pasivní domy
Ing. arch. Werner Friedl, certifikovaný projektant PD Bergstraße 12, D-86559 Adelzhausen

The design concept of passive houses is not a contradiction. On the contrary, higher quality of architecture is likely to increase the sustainability of a passive house. Architect Werner Friedl presents the passive house in words and pictures some of his built passive houses in a practical design, including construction details.

řezivo dřevostavby
Ing. Erika Nunez, Technická univerzita ve Zvoleně

Wood that is used in building construction, requires evaluation of the properties - classification in grade with regard to its mechanical properties. Methods for assessing the quality of structural timber is divided into two groups: a visual method and automated methods based on different principles. Quality of timber is determined by the Slovak technical standards and EN. STN EN 49 1531 provides classes of timber - S0, SI and SII, as well as sorting criteria. The evaluation of quality timber ultrasonic method is classified into the timber strength class C with the corresponding values of density, elastic modulus and characteristic strength according to STN EN 338. Highest reliability and efficiency of sorting structural timber is achieved by a combination of both methods of assessing its quality.

Ing. Eva Dvořáková, Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D.

It is necessary to perform fire tests of wood-concrete structures of them trying to get as much knowledge that would allow the develop computational models. This paper focuses on describing the problem of composite wood-concrete structures and an overview of new knowledge about their behaviour under fire.

doc. Ing. Jan Kaňka, Ph.D., člen TNK 76 Osvětlení, ČKAIT Praha

The formula specified in CSN 730581 for calculating the solar declination will over the years increasingly diverge with reality. At present, its relative inaccuracy of the four-year average of the declination for noon first March is just under 8 minutes of arc. Important information for assess the insolation of buildings raised at the conference Current Issues of lighting and solar access of buildings.

okno pasivního domu
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Franz Freundorfer, PHC Passivhausconsulting Martin-Greif-Straße 20, D-83080 Oberaudorf

This paper describes the construction of window for passive houses, from the perspective of current status and vision for the future. Describes the design of windows for passive houses, certified by PHI in germany. Also shows the future design of windows for passive houses, where the window frame overlaps the edge of window glazing.

dřevobetonové konstrukce
Ing. Pavel Nechanický, ČVUT, České vysoké učení technické v Praze

In recent years we can observe in the Czech Republic increased interest in the buildings of wood and wood-based materials. One of the technologies by which the Czech Republic is growing interest is the designing of composite wood concrete structures. So far, they are mainly used for reinforcement and strengthening of the old roof structure. But their use may also find the construction of residential and commercial multi-storey buildings or for the design of bridges and footbridges.

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