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Archiv článků od 26.12.2011 do 5.3.2012

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úsporné žárovky, výbojky, diody
Ing. Petr Žák, ČVUT FEL, Praha

The article deals with the basic trends in electric light sources and phasing out inefficient energy sources from the market. The article provides a very good overview of the sudden development of specific performance of each new promising types of light sources, whether they are electrodeless source or light emitting diodes LEDs.

lepené dřevo, struktura dřeva
Ing. Jan Vaněrek, Ph.D., Ing. Anna Benešová

Adhesives used for timber are more rigid and more durable than wood, but also have much greater resistance to water. Despite this fact the way of using of different synthetic resins influences design of these members in different service classes. Phenol-formaldehyde (PF), resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF), phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF) resins are generally used as a binder for exterior grade members production. Melamine-formaldehyde (MF) and Melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin is slightly less durable than these above. Products bonded with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and protein-based adhesives will not withstand prolonged exposure to water or repeated high–low moisture content cycling in bonds of high density woods. Some isocyanate, epoxy, polyurethane, and cross-linked polyvinyl acetate adhesives are durable enough to use on lower density species even under exterior conditions. This paper deals with different types of adhesive from the durability point of view by comparing strength properties, and considering the possibility of IR analyzing.

Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Pavlína Charvátová

As the cheapest and least problematic solution of thermal insulation for most buildings is the external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). It is composed of the adhesive, as well as thermal insulation, mostly in the CR mineral wool or expanded or extruded polystyrene. These types of thermal insulation are usually anchored by plugs and all these parts are covered by the adhesive layer with reinforced fabric and the final render. For this system has recently been shown that the points of the plugs are problematic.

Oliver Kah, Překlad: Ing. Petra Šrubařová

This is a highly relevant article dealing with the comparison of two types ventilation - Natural ventilation through windows and controlled mechanical ventilation. The issue of ventilation in renovated homes in our country is still relevant. This paper describes a broad-based experiment measuring the intensity and quality of ventilation in two almost identical apartment houses. The conclusion confirms the well-known experience that controlled ventilation provides both - improved indoor air quality and the energy savings.

Adam J. Cohen, Překlad: Ing. Petra Šrubařová

The first public school in the U.S. in the passive standard (K-12) was completed in November 2010. Passive house certification from the American Passivhaus Institute (PHIUS) was received in February 2011. The whole development project was quite long, so it is presented only briefly with the focus of our server. Article is provided in translation with the kind permission of the author.

Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technologie stavebních hmot a dílců

Technical cannabis is a very promising material, which, thanks to its good mechanical and thermal-technical properties coming to the fore of interest in the production of building elements. The big advantage is especially fast recoverability and yield of hemp shives. This paper deals with the use of industrial hemp shives as a replacement of component of the cement plates filler.

Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Ing. Tomáš Melichar

The paper discusses the possibility of utilization of recycled laminated glass from vehicle wind screens for the production of tiles made from sintered glass. It can be used as the final floor surfaces for routine use in the interior, as well as exposed applications (outdoors, chemical plants, swimming pools, etc.). Specifically, it is analyzed in detail in the article the file of some basic parameters of the boards (flexural strength, water absorption, porosity, linear thermal expansion, surface wear, etc.).

Vlastimil Růžička, redakce

The city of Olomouc is the owner of an interesting low-energy building for education center Sluňákov with a focus on developing the relationship between man and nature. Construction was awarded the Grand Prix of architects in 2007.

Ing. Hana Kotorová, Technický a zkušební ústav stavební v Plzni

This is continuation of the most common questions on the issue of ceramic tiles. Ing. Hana Kotorová of the Technical and Test Institute for Construction in Pilsen highlights the most frequent problems of ceramic tiles, which may surprise if the basic rules from specification to completion of work are underestimated, and if the theory is not consistent with practice.

Ing. Michal Čejka, Ing. Miroslav Šafařík, Ph.D.

The aim of the authors is to evaluate the economic effectiveness of choosing of the heating system for family passive houses and to compare it with the same systems used in common buildings. Methodology of the comparison consist in real market offers and price lists in price level of first half-year 2011. The work is based on the case study of simulated passive house. The result encompasses confrontation of the overall costs of energy supply for family house for 15 years. At the end of the article the overall benefits of passive houses building and management are discussed.

Ing. Jaroslav Vychytil, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb

In last time popularity of wood-based structures is increasing. Most parameters in the design phase can be calculated using known procedures, but the acoustics is a problem with the theoretical determination of sound reduction index of wooden structures just, because there are the only reliable methods to determine transmission loss of silicate-based structure. In this paper is presenting the calculation method used to determine the sound reduction index of timber floor structures with visible beams.

Ing. Hana Kotorová, Technický a zkušební ústav stavební v Plzni

In this paper, we divided into two parts, are the most common questions on the issue of ceramic tiles. Ing. Hana Kotorová of the Technical and Test Institute for Construction in Pilsen highlights the most frequent problems of ceramic tiles, which may surprise if the basic rules from specification to completion of work are underestimated, and if the theory is not consistent with practice.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

In industrial plants, in case of fire there is accumulation of smoke that endangers the user object. Under these conditions the building must be opened to the smoke can ventilate out into the atmosphere, and that firefighters could enter the building. However, this opening causes the new oxygen support combustion. It is also one of the reasons why firefighters recommend the use fire damper with automatic controls and other devices (eg, smoke curtains, screens, blinds, etc.) as soon as possible after the beginning of fire, so as to prevent any accumulation, and that remove heat and smoke. This paper deals with the equipment for smoke and heat outlet.

Marcela Jonášová, AVMI

With regard to the program Green for savings the speculations appeared that the producers of thermal insulating materials increased the prices in reaction to the introduction of the subsidy, so that, ultimately, investors pay the same as if the subsidy had ever been introduced.

Mgr. Pavla Ryparová, prof. Ing. Richard Wasserbauer, DrSc.

The article deals with the conditions for the growth of wood-destroying organisms in a closed timber building construction. Describes the typical failure modes of each type of timber structures, presents the model of decaying organisms attack and describes how to protect against them.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

On Wednesday, January 11th, the public had the opportunity to attend a seminar of Václav Klaus: Zero energy buildings - an ingenious design, or pointless EU regulation? In this paper you can listen to it again. Speakers were Václav Klaus, Pavel Gebauer (MIT), Ivo Strejček (MEP), Karel Kabele (Czech Technical University) and Lukáš Petřík (Parliamentary news editor).

Klaus and certainly anothers see the concept of (almost) zero energy building as a chimera, a concept that someone created and prescribed by regulation. Fortunately, we know that is not entirely without support in practice. Unfortunately at the seminar, for the ears of the President, or others, it was not clearly said that the design and realisation of efficient buildings is under way, and without regard to European regulations and time ultimatums. Many architects and designers consider it absolutely for granted, and design it of their own volition and on their own beliefs. If we leave aside the fact that the emergence of the directive was the political decision, which is needed to cope, we can build efficient buildings.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Zajíc

Passive houses reduce the need for heating to compensate the heat loss through the building facade and ventilation. But at the same time it increases consumption of the auxiliary energy for circulation pumps and fans. The analytical result can be for many readers quite surprising.

Ing. Jaroslav Šafránek, CSc.

Paper presents an example of energy performance calculation according to the current methodology of evaluation of the energy performance of buildings. The example shows how it is unreal to achieve the passive standard by another insulation. It is possible to meet the energy requirements for heating buildings by non-traditional forms of energy such as using heat pumps with photovoltaic systems, etc.

Ing. arch. Štěpán Mančík, Ing. Jan Růžička, Ph.D.

Assessment of existing buildings and their refurbishment is very delicate task. Every multicriterion assessment tool in the world is dealing with this problem in its own way. In terms of the Czech conditions and assessment tool SBToolCZ, cultural-historical value was taken into account in reSBToolCZ. Because this value significantly influences the possible scale of renovation interventions.
The assessment method reSBToolCZ takes into account cultural-historical value and involves it into the evaluation in a way that it is a part of the overall result. The principle is a relative setup of those criteria which are connected to the cultural-historical value. The setup depends on the scale of the possible building interventions. Currently, testing of the methodology is being made on existing buildings.

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