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Archiv článků od 23.5.2011 do 19.9.2011

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doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

Excessive moisture may be the objects of wooden folk buildings have a negative effect on all the wooden structures, which are these objects formed. This is because if any of the wooden elements has excessive humidity, there is a risk of assault at his wood-destroying biological pests (wood-decaying fungi, wood-destroying insects, rot and mold).

Prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD., Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný, Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný, n.o., Bratislava

The last revision of STN 73 0540 came in the validity in 2002. The requirement on minimum energy performance of buildings influenced heat need for heating by decreasing of 28.6 % comparing with the requirement of valid standard. The recast of the directive issued as directive 2010/31/EU required further decreasing of energy use for heating. To achieve the required stage in energy performance of buildings also changes in thermal protection properties are needed.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

The major damages in concrete structures caused by fire are a breach of the concrete strength, the cracking, peeling, discoloration and deformation of elements. The most important are reduction in concrete strength becomes associated with its subsequent bursting. Although quantification of the main changes of the strength is unreal, it is possible to determine its damage by measuring the speed of ultrasound.

Ing. Petra Bednářová, Ph.D., VŠTE v Českých Budějovicích

Sloping roofs meet today not only the function of protection from the rain. Use attic space for residential purposes made ​​them cladding, which must withstand moisture influences from both the exterior and the interior. Frequently discussed issue is the composition of construction and materials used. These two factors strongly affect the hygrothermal regime in construction and thus the quality of the internal microclimate.

Ing. Václav Vimmr, CSc., Ing. Radka Vimmrová

Experience of construction supervision show that expectations for the revitalization and rehabilitation of housing, which includes regeneration or at least repair of residential buildings are not completely fulfilled in practice. At the same time shows how the robust technical supervision for quality of work is important.

prof. Ing. Václav Rojík, CSc., Ing. Jiří Karas, CSc., Ing. Milan Peukert

Within the grant project "Multi-storey buildings made ​​of wood" in the laboratories of the Academy of Sciences in Prague and TAZUS performed number of tests of wooden skeleton joints with steel plates, which confirmed the theoretical assumptions and calculations, and demonstrate their reliability and functional and economic advantages for use in practice. Here are a few of the results of experimental tests.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

Family houses belong among the simple structures that are usually built with a classical way. Although the technology of construction is not difficult, it is possible for gross neglect of basic technological practices and the protection of buildings during construction to cause such damage, which is difficult to repair, even for the increased financial costs. Evidence of this is an example of one family house for individual living in the suburb of Prague on the basis of expert opinion.

Miloš Drdácký, Michal Kloiber, Jiří Frankl, Jan Bryscejn, Jan Tippner

The aim of the research was to determine the effect of chemical degradation of the surface layers of wooden structural elements to their mechanical properties and depth to which the damage extends. Degradation of the surface layer of wood structural elements caused a chemical reaction of some compounds contained in the fire in the past repeatedly coatings applied to wood structures of historical buildings. Such chemicals include ammonium sulphate and ammonium phosphate.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Bílek, CSc., předseda Odborných společností pro dřevostavby při ČKAIT a ČSSI

Comparison of knowledge in the field of wooden buildings between the CR and abroad is especially based on the author's many foreign visitors of completed buildings, businesses and universities, the knowledge of the extent and quality of especially American and German literature and participation in many international conferences, including the last World Congress of timber engineering WCTE, held in June 2010 in Italy.

Ing. Daniela Hroššová, DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

Z1 Change of the standard ČSN 73 0580-1 Daylighting in buildings - Part 1: Basic Requierements was issued in January of this year. The standard itself is valid since June 2007. Z1 Change does not bring major changes, however, it specifies the text of some articles, especially the methodology of the assessment of shielding with regard to shielding by the constructions of the same building.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

As a conductive surface of terraces, pavings are subject to changes in volume – shrinkage and streching. Shrinkage of adhesives is a result of hardening and drying (ripening) or cooling (especially in winter). It depends on time, relative humidity and the size of the cross sections. Streching is caused by the difference in temperatures above the freezing point (temperatures in summer are critical) with the base temperature at which the paving was laid down.

Ing. Robert Wawerka, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební

Nowadays there is a growing interest in quality and high energy saving housing. The following article presents the almost unusual renovation of a terraced building in Denmark. It was expected that after the renovation the building with become CO2 neutral. The last house of a terrace in the twon of Albertslund, Denmakr was chosen for the renovation. It had been built in the 1960's and it is a two story terraced house with a 50m2 footprint.

Ing. Magdaléna Dufková, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební

This paper is focused to the fire resistance of multi-storey buildings with light wooden skeleton. Computational procedures in Eurocode are applicable simply and only for a limited number of building elements. For scientific work in this topic are indispensable fire experiments and their subsequent evaluation by means of numerical and analytical models.

Ing. Milan Šmak, PhD., VUT FAST Brno

This paper is based on the results of theoretical and implementation work in the development of mechanical connections with steel plates and steel elements in timber structures. The analysis of the slip of joints and support details ranks among important issues from the point of view of designing timber structures. The influence of joint stiffness on structural behaviour should be considered in modelling assumptions.

Ing. Tomáš Kupsa, DEKPROJEKT s.r.o., člen TNK č. 43 Tepelná ochrana budov

In January I published an article about the upcoming revision of CSN 73 0540-2 Thermal protection of buildings, Part 2: Requirements. I expressed to changes in each individual chapter. Since then there is new development in the standard revision. Some comments by members of the Standardisation Committee No. 43 and by professionals from the April public consultation of the standard were implemented. Some chapters of the standard are nearly unchanged since January, but some have changed in fairly major way.

Vlastimil Růžička, redakce

Much has been written about this Moravian Village at the foot of the White Carpathian Mountains. It is renown for its environmental projects, it has been visited by many prominent personalities and it is considered an example of energy saving and environmental construction. This time, we have focused on a passive house that works as a model of environmental projects in rural areas.

prof. Ing. Václav Rojík, CSc.

Wood pieces, even locally damaged exhibit useful stiffness and strength parameters with which they can help continue to meet current requirements - after repair. Experience with old wooden structures such as roofs of church towers demonstrate the ability of timber stored in a suitable environment to retain its material properties for many centuries.

Vlastimil Růžička, redakce

The construction of a family house in a quiet spot in a village is a common request that should not surprise anyone. In the village of Mylsejovice, located in the Olomouc Region at 353m above sea level, there is an interestingly designed low energy house that has dealt with the use of the chimney, among other things. Originally, the owner didn't have in mind a passive house. The final measurements pleasantly surprised him.

Rockwool ETICS
Ing. Milan Machatka, CSc.

One of the important functional properties of ETICS is the stability on the substructure after construction into the building. The paper deals with the CSN 73 2902, which specifies requirements for the design and use of ETICS, which consists thermal insulation boards made ​​of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.

Ing. arch. Vladimír Balda

Our serial continues with this low-energy house built with sand-lime bricks. This time, the family house is located not far from Liberec, in the foothills of the Jizera mountains. The surroundings, predominantly rural houses near a protected natural area, influenced the shape of the house. Its location responds primarily to the surrounding buildings and the slightly sloping land.

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