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Archiv článků od 30.8.2010 do 29.11.2010

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Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

The directive 2010/31/EU on the Energy Performance of Buildings – called EPB, EPBD II or EPBD Recast – was passed last May. EU member countries are obliged to implement these new requirements into their national legislations. The implementation of 2010/31/EU was addressed by a number of seminars during the recent Aqua-therm 2010 trade fair. The following article presents you with the most important facts from the presentations and with links to information that was published before and during Aqua-Therm 2010.

Ing. Luděk Mareš

In this article, the author deals with the vent rotating heads, which are widely available as replacements for roof fans in the ventilation systems of sanitary units. Measurements that have been carried out will show what may be the realistic expectations of users who install these ventilation systems.

Ing. Jiří Čech, AB Design Studio

Almost one third of the people in the Czech Rep. live in panel buildings, 30% of which have already been renovated. However, almost no reconstruction project has used the great potential to change the buildings into modern housing with the highest comfort of the 21st century, i.e. to turn them into passive buildings. The main saving measures are solving the change of air, quality windows and doors, insulation with sufficient emphasis on the relationship without thermal bridges. In order to illustrate the importance of thermal bridges we have randomly selected a five-section block of flats. It is only a reference example of the documenting processes in place, in which minor changes are a majority, and this is not, by far, the worst representative...

Doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The topic of this paper is limited to industrial floors, more specifically, floors in underground spaces, which are used as parking areas in residential or office buildings. The question is whether this division is still valid, but that is not essential for the issues addressed in this paper. Of course, all these questions will need to be addressed with both the construction companies and the suppliers of materials. I would be also useful to also know the opinion of designers. The purpose of my paper is, therefore, to generate debate about these topics and allow for further improvement of CSN 74 4505 and, eventually, to create special technical conditions.

Ing. Zdeněk Plecháč, DEK a.s., Centrum technické normalizace

The article informs about the revision of the Czech technical standard ČSN 73 3251design of structures of stone. The original was published in 1987 and it is not up to date any more with the changes that have taken place in the systems of production and trade of buildings products and the technical progress. The revised standard will include the currently proven technical solutions for stone structures, including stone tiles on pavements.

Ing. Pavel Šmíra, společnost Thermo Sanace s.r.o., Vědeckotechnický park profesora Lista, Brno

This method has been known in Germany since 1930. Since then it has through many changes and technological advances. The use of hot air units continued to be developed and, after 1950, heat oil started to be used as fuel, and it is still used to this day. However, the use of hot air to eradicate wood-destroying insects makes sense only when there is an active infestation. A straightforward evidence of active infestation are the occurrence of larvae or beetles when carving wooden profiles. Other evidences can also be crunching sounds, fresh sawdust or paths of lighter colour. However, even if none of this has been detected, it doesn't necessary mean that the wood isn't infested. It should also be noticed that falling sawdust can also occur even after a successful “thermo sanitation”.

doc. ing. Miloslav Novotný, PhD., ing. Karel Šuhajda, PhD., VUT FAST v Brně, Ústav pozemního stavitelství

The paper results about the possibilities of microwave radiation efficiency used for the disposal of biological agents causing corrosion of building materiále. The drying process used on the building structures with use of microwave radiation is fast and effective Metod applied on drying procedure of building structures. Microwave radiation causes an inelastic oscillation of polar molecules of water, which inflict rapid heating of the molecules and also decrease the amount of free water. The idea of the drying process will be used on a disposal of biological agents which causes a corrosion of building materials. On behalf of material damage the biological agents (mainly the fungi) causes also the pollution of interior climate. The spats of fungi are evaporated along the infected area and inhaled by people. This experiments can cause a serious damage to men’s health. The evaluation of the disposal of negative agents will be held in this project. This should be a key feature for improving a quality of interior climate in affected areas.

Ing. Barbora Součková

This article is referring to former article called Examination of building underground of block of flats in light of civil heat engineering [3]. It extend previous article by other variants of detail of giving thermal insulation on foundation constructions and basement parts from exterior of building. This article concentrates on solving of these others details of building underground. The type of this block of flats is the system BP-70. This article deals with differences of continuance of temperatures and water vapour pressures on various types of the foundation and basement part of a building with thermal isolation too.

doc. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc., VUT Brno, Fakulta architektury, Centrum pasivního domu

The term shell construction does not have any legislative anchor. It is a concept originated from habit, which is commonly used both in construction theory and in practice. It comes from the time when the economy was centrally planned and construction activities were divided into main building production and secondary building production. The works for the shell construction were included in the former – foundations, vertical and horizontal load bearing structures and supporting elements of the room (roof trusses or truss system).

doc. Ing. Hana Gattermayerová, CSc., Ing. Jiří Karas, CSc.

In relation with the transition to European standards, as of March 2010 the standard CSN 73 00 35 Loading of structures becomes valid for the group of standards EN 1990 Basis of design, strength and durability and EN 1991 Actions on structures, constant, variable, extraordinary. The Czech versions of these documents are have been available since 2004-2008. The amendment in the map of snowy regions was received with a relatively high awareness. This amendment resulted in the appendixes CSN 73 0035 and BS EN 1991-1-3 Actions on snow, in effect since 1-1-2006. The current overlapping of CSN 73 0035 with CSN 1991-1-4 Actions on wind thus far, has not resulted in any critical reaction. This contribution should warn designers against an insufficient number of anchors for contact insulation, something that very often occurs. This number depends on the wind load, which in turn, is dependent on normative values. These are listed in a separate standard and are increasing, just like the snow loads.

Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

This paper follows the text [9] on a prediction of the Sound Reduction Index of single building structures published last year. Present paper focuses on multi-layered walls, especially on a part represented by double structures that give the higher sound insulation than single walls, having the same surface mass. However, much more complicated prediction process of the SRI of such structures is an obvious problem. This paper is based on author´s PhD thesis.

Ing. Lucie Šancová, Mgr. František Macholda, MBA, Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Petr Vogel, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D., Ing. Gabriela Krajcarová, doc. Ing. Hana Gattermayerová, CSc.

Thermal properties of enclosure walls have considerable impact on energy consumption of block of flats. Nowadays the proposal of insulation thickness in thermal insulation composite systems is often underestimated. This article is focused on proposal of optimal thermal insulation thickness in light of economy and energy performance.

doc. Ing. Josef Patočka, CSc.

Imact of heat cost allocation measurement on heat consumption is discussed in the introductory part of the paper. Two different ways of heat balance are described further. One, based on heat incoming into a measured room, and the other based on heat leaving the room. In both cases the heat cost allocator‘s measured values are compared with economic behaviour of a flat user. Cost allocator’s measured values are converted into heat cost ratio on total heat cost of the whole building. The measured values of indicators and their variance are compared under operational conditions with billed price for each flat user.

doc. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc., VUT Brno, Fakulta architektury

These times are characterised by the current issues associated with the declining reserves of raw materials and energy sources, with global climate change and the excessive pollution of soil, water and air. All this significantly affect the production of building materials. It is known that the construction and proper operation of buildings is one of the main consumer and energy sources of environmental pollution, and this not only during the building process, but during all the stages of their existence. These trends are reflected in the research and development of new structures and materials. This happens not only in developed countries, but also here, where our focus is slowly shifting from energy-intensive technologies to those based on organic materials. It is actually them who fulfil most of the requirements for sustainable development. Thanks to its origin and good qualities wood should be unambiguously classified.

Ing. Jaroslav Vychytil, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb

In the last few years more and more construction companies have started to project and build wooden houses, some even with more than one floor. However, during the design of the structure they often forget the requirements of ČSN 73 0532, that deals with impact and noise insulation. The problem lies in the fact that, in practice, the only methods used are those to determine the weighted sound reduction values for silicate based structure, while they will fail in a wooden construction. This paper presents a computational procedure for determining the airborne sound reduction of cellular type soffits. When designing or renovating buildings a comprehensive account of all aspects should be given (construction, structural, architectural, financial and others). Nowadays the financial aspect is very crucial and therefore, more and more clients are interested in the energy performance of buildings. However, in terms of comfort of the people living in the interior the aspects of acoustics, lighting and heating are more important.

Ing. Jiří Skřipský, DiS., Ing. Viktor Zwiener, Ph.D.

The diagnostics of Atelier DEK measured the tightness of 150 buildings with a Blower-door test. Roughly two thirds of the measured buildings where family houses and from them, more than 60 were built with wood-based technologies. One and two storey buildings with full wall panels and fleeting installation systems were measured, they had ventilated façades and bearing contact insulation systems. We monitored the relationship between the measured intensity of the exchange air value (n50) as determined by the Blower-Dorr test and the construction aspects. The aim was to evaluate the potential of the design principles to achieve the required airtightness. It was also our intention to identify in the different structural principles the characteristics of leakage that on them are often repeated. In this paper we present the conclusions of our analysis.

Ing. Zuzana Fišarová, Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D., Ing. David Bečkovský, Ing. Radim Kolář

The paper describes the possibilities how to maintain and improve the physical properties of lightweight slab (floor structures) in the field of building physics with all of it's fundamental drawbacks throughout their erection. The thermo-technical properties are solved in conjunction with problems in the field of building acoustics together with the analysis of unknown factors like the influence of electroiont microclimate.

Ing. Tereza Žemlová, Ing. Ivo Jiříček, CSc., Prof. Ing. Václav Janda, CSc.

Heat released in biomass combustion can be effectively stored in an accumulation tank. Traditionally, water is used as a main heat transfer medium. However, progressive materials, such as Phase Change Materials (PCM´s), offer better heat storage capacities. The materials work on principle of sensible and latent heat accumulation / release. While the phase change material takes up the heat, during the reversed process the stored latent heat is released. In our work the following materials were studied: paraffinic waxes, fatty acids and their eutectic mixtures. These materials provide higher heat potential per unit volume. Therefore, PCM´s can prolong the lifetime of biomass-fired systems.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Katedra technických zařízení budov

A revised version of the directive was issued in 2010 under the title 2010/31/EU. In part, it is a modification of the original. In it, there are have been defined new administrative tools to increase the energy performance of buildings - among others, it includes the concept of "building with almost 0 energy consumption".

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