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Archiv článků od 14.9.2009 do 18.1.2010

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Ing. Jan Antonín, Pavel Kopecký

From the phase of architectural studies, the building process goes through steady changes. The expert "forecast" of the thermal behaviour of these buildings will almost always be hampered by the lack of input data. However, even in such cases there are ways to provide valuable information about future features of the project. The information doesn't need to be always accurate. For example, if we asked if the building will be low-energy, it would be enough to know, among other things, if the resulting heat needed for heating will not exceed a certain threshold. We are able to identify this already at the stage where we have a clear idea about, for example, the properties of windows or the exact shape of the building. In this case, it is appropriate to extend the standard calculation procedures to be able to describe not only one chosen object, but a number of variations that may occur depending on what the we know about the building at a given moment. This presents a method for design and estimation of thermal-technical properties of family houses with very low energy requirements. The method uses the creating of variants with the Monte Carlo simulation applied to the parametric model house (monthly calculation according to EN ISO 13790 and 730329 DESERT). The results show the influence of individual characteristics of the building on the heat balance and makes it possible to optimise the overall building.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Jelínek, CSc.

The following contributions, which deal with this problematic, consider the impact of high heat resistance of the walling on the thermal comfort and the design of heating ventilations systems, which are still perceived, as it is the case in buildings with classical walling, therefore, to have lower thermal resistance. For instructions to formulate the effect of walling on the thermal comfort and technical equipment, a general comparison of both the following cases is made, which is simply called building with high thermal resistance of external walls for a low-energy house, and a building with classical walling parameters (e.g. housing estate from the past) as a standard house. The articles are not of exact technical nature and deal with regularly updated dependencies and sometimes refer to previously applicable legal provisions.

Ing. Zuzana Mathauserová

The author draws attention to the deterioration of the quality of indoor environments in flats where the original windows have been replaced by modern, tight windows, which although improve the flat's energy balance, they also limit the possibilities for ventilation. Moisture that has not been ventilated accumulates in the flat, which leads to mould growth, and in the case of gas appliances, there are also exhaust gases, which are are toxic substances that lead the health problems, intoxications and even death. In the Czech legislation there aren't sufficient basis for an unambiguous determination of the requirements for the quality of the indoor environment of flats, including the requirements for their security, i.e. ventilation. The information can be found in selected European Standards, the author cites ČSN EN 15251.

prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., ČVUT Praha, pracoviště UCEEB

We can observe in the Czech press a significantly higher frequency of expressions suchs as passive house or energy-efficient construction, specially in connection with the subsidy program “Zelená Úsporám”. However, the reality is that the number of passive houses built is very low, moreover, in some of the so called passive houses there can certainly be doubts about their actual properties.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

The article deals with the possibilities of generation of fires based on analysis carried out after liquidation, whether indoors or outdoors. These are primarily signs on wood, metal and glass, but also to eliminate false indicators of fire. These factors may help in investigating the source of the fire, how it spread, or its duration. This assessment is impossible without years of experience, acumen and knowledge of how materials behave when on fire.

Ing. František Konečný

The important factor during the process of the preparation and the realization of the buildings is the knowledge of the legal regulations that solve the safety at construction. The solving of safety begins already during the preparation of the building plan. The investor should find out whether the planned construction is a kind of constructions for that a coordinator for safety at construction must be established. It must be distinguish to which extend and for which constructions the legal regulations refer and wheather they also refer to houses.

Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

The concept of use the ceiling radiant cooling with accumulation in the building structure (so called concrete activation (slab cooling)) in the newly built National Technical Library is presented in the article. There were verified temperatures in the library under different modes of operation of the concrete activation with use of the computer simulation. The process of simulation is specified on the basis of the model construction, solution of glazing parameters, indoor heat gains and the model of the ceiling cooling structure. There are presented results of the simulation and recommended operation modes. The article is briefly supplemented with first results ensued from the building commissioning.

Ing. Renáta Schneiderová Heralová, Ph.D.

I believe that everyone, at least once in their lives, has had the need to have their property appraised, mostly residential houses or flats. The appraisal might have been for the purpose of a purchase, sale, inheritance, donation, insurance, mortgage, etc. What are the methods to appraise real estate, for what purposes and what are the factors that can influence the value of the property?

Ing. Roman Šubrt, Energy Consulting, Energy Consulting, o.s.

Overview of the contents and recommendations to the appendix in a purchase contract and contract for work. The issue of windows and balconies – windows and doors - is very extensive and contains many requirements. This resulted in the manual “Technical conditions for the purchase and installation of windows”, which seeks a simple, yet all-encompassing for to describe the requirements for the windows, so less sophisticated techniques could apply to suppliers. The article is the introductory text of this guide, which is available for download. This is purely a technical manual that tries to cover all the usual cases of windows, requiring them, their evaluation, classification and their density. The manual does not replace or otherwise alter the forthcoming standard dealing with the requirements for windows and doors in buildings. The manual is completely independent and does not know about what is included the upcoming standard.

Ing. Petr Kejklíček, Promat, člen sdružení CERPAD

In the first half of this year new came in force new standards that define new requirements for the design of thermo insulation systems in buildings. They are ČSN 73 0810 - Fire safety of buildings - Common provisions (April 2009) and ČSN 73 0802 - Fire safety of buildings- Non industrial buildings. The changes in these standards bring a number of major innovations. Let's have a look with them with the aid of images.From the result it is evident that the implementation of external thermal insulation systems for buildings with final approval before 200, and new buildings must follow the additional requirements listed in the articles of the standards ČSN 73 0810 and ČSN 73 0802, particularly in relation to the classification of types of components on the DP1, DP2, DP3. The implementation of additional insulation requires good design, preferably done by a specialist, the application of comprehensive quality and the choice of contractors with certifiable good references.

Ing. Renáta Schneiderová-Heralová, Ph.D.

The interpretation of the concept of sustainability in the construction industry has developed these twenty years. In the first phase the problem of limited resources, especially energy had to be addressed as well as minimising the environmental impact of buildings and constructions processes. The next phase focused on the technical design of structures, particularly the choice of materials, building components, construction technologies and building design in order to increase their energy efficiency. Currently, the "soft" aspects of sustainability are gaining importance. They are generally regarded as crucial for a sustainable development in construction. The study results show that the traditional evaluation of projects can not dequately and comprehensively reflect effects of the environment and therefore, does not meet the principles of sustainable development. The work was created as part of the research project "Management of sustainable development, life cycle of buildings, construction firms and territories" (MSM 6840770006) funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and offers not only evaluation but also new options and Trends.

prof. Ing. Zuzana Sternová, PhD., Ing. Jana Bendžalová, Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný, n.o., Bratislava

The decree no. 625/2006 of the law 555/2005 defines the methods of evaluation of the energy performance of buildings. A computational standardised assessment or an operational evaluation of the measured energy consumption of existing buildings can be used to get an energy certificate.

Ing. Jitka Víchová, Česká společnost pro stavební právo

The new decree, no. 268/2009 Coll., of the Ministry of Regional Development on the technical requirements for construction will go into effect on August this year. We asked for a comment on this to the Engineer Jitka Vichova, a member of the Czech Society for Construction Law and the Authority Board of the Czech Chamber of Architects and examining commission ČKAIT for authorisation tests according to Law No. 360/1992 Coll.

Tomáš Matuška, ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, Ústav techniky prostředí, Fakulta strojní, ČVUT v Praze

The application potential for solar energy use in buildings lies in supply of thermal and electric energy and natural daylighting. To use incident solar energy from building envelope effectively, multi-functional construction elements combining several purposes should be introduced as a standard part of building construction. Examples of such concepts are presented: hybrid air/liquid collectors for heating and ventilation purposes, hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) collectors for combined thermal and electric energy supply (glazed, unglazed, air/water cooled), linear Fresnell lenses collectors for removal of heat load from direct component of solar irradiation to thermal storage and allowing the natural diffuse daylighting.

Ing. Petr Zahradník, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

The article reacts on changes that were made in program "Zelená úsporám" in recent days. Previous article described how to reach required standards for successful subsidy application in two ways. Following text focuses on changes in this approach both from subsidy amount and possibility of subsidy itself viewpoints. In general, portfolio of potential subsidy applicants has been extended, but necessary quality of subsidized measures has been kept.

Ing. Viktor Zwiener, Ph.D., DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

The examination method Blower-Door test (fan pressurisation method) is used for measurements of air permeability of buildings and is also used for leakage detection. The result of the measurement is air leakage rate at the pressure differential across the building envelope of 50 Pa. The article points out leaky details which often appear at constructions. The article shows the possibility of using infrared camera and anemometer for leakage detection.

Ing. Ondřej Šikula, Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D., VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technických zařízení budov

Solar collector is designed to obtain part of heating requirements of the buildings from the sun. Air-type collector that use air as the heat transfer medium is one of the simplest methods of solar heating. This solar heating technique can be made part of house design and construction.

Doc.Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc

Growing interest insulation very often results in choosing companies with low price for materials and installation, without considering whether technological standards are observed. The analysis of defects occurring in contact insulation systems should warn investors on how to proceed when choosing a supplier, so as to avoid claims for the resulting defects, or in a extreme case, so the insulation will not have to be replaced. It also wants to draw the attention of suppliers and designers towards those major faults when installing the contact insulation, and bring awareness to the general public about deficiencies that could arise, in particular with the implementation of contracts with no technical supervision.

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