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Archiv článků od 7.5.2012 do 30.6.2012

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Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Environmental economists conference EAERE 2012 continued by the second day of lectures. Plenary Keynote Lecture named Integrated Assessment Modeling in Economics and Climate Change was held by prof. William D. Nordhaus from Yale University, USA. The lecture was followed by Plenary Panel Session on Rio +20 conference.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The EAERE 2012 conference continued on Thursday 28 6th 2012 with lectures, which were arranged in three blocks with 16 parallel sessions focusing on different aspects of environmental economics. After the first block of lectures the main lecture focused to the valuation of ecosystem services in UK was included. The first day of the conference was closed by a social evening at the historical building of Rudolfinum.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fire engineering is a way to define the requirements of fire safety at risk, complex and unusual structures. It consists in a specific risk assessment of fire safety conditions in a different ways from those of the procedure prescribed in Czech technical standards under § 99 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll. for fire protection. Notes on the standards will be presented in three parts. Part Two: Industrial buildings.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Aleš Tajbr

Timber trusses with punched metal plate fasteners are designed as plane structures loaded only in their plane. Actions applied perpendicularly to the truss plane must be transferred by engineered bracing system. Correct design of the bracing system is considered to be one of the essential conditions providing required reliability of the whole roof structure. The CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Steel and Timber Structures in cooperation with company Vazníky D.N.K. s.r.o. have performed load tests of three different types of engineered bracing truss structures. The aim of the tests was to describe behaviour of the specimen under horizontal load. Numerical model of two common types of bracing frames and a model of a whole roof consisting of 10 timber trusses was made to verify the results obtained from the experiment.


Construction of Science and Technology Park and Technology Transfer Centre Vysočina was launched June 14th 2012 by the foundation stone ceremony in Jihlava. It is only the second center of this type in the region. The technology park will be open by January 10th 2014. In the project participate two universities: CTU in Prague and MENDELU in Brno. Main focus is in technologies that reduce emissions and sustainability in the energy sector and in sectors such as manufacture of electrical equipment, aerospace, automotive, IT and construction.

Going Green logo
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Representatives of business, government, international institutions, industry and research, presented on the conference their vision and practical steps to reduce consumption and protect the climate.

pasivní domy
Ing. Jan Koloděj, Chytrý dům s.r.o.,

The article deals with the assessment of economic benefits to the passive house reference object. It quantifies the cost of building and operation of the house, determines the energy performance and return on investment, depending on the method of financing. It also draws attention to the incalculable advantages, such as the constant supply of fresh air.

Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Nechanický

Wooden-concrete ceilings are used especially in strengthening the existing ceilings with wooden ceiling beams. They have great potential also as precast concrete ceilings of multi-storey wooden buildings. They significantly increase the stiffness and resistance of the ceiling structure. Wood-concrete ceiling structure parameters are also better in the field of impact and airborne sound insulation and fire resistance, more than traditional wooden ceilings.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fire engineering is a way to define the requirements of fire safety at risk, complex and unusual structures. It consists in a specific risk assessment of fire safety conditions in a different ways from those of the procedure prescribed in Czech technical standards under § 99 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll. for fire protection. Notes on the standards will be presented in three parts. Part One: Non-industrial buildings.

požární odolnost
Ing. Robert Prix, prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc.

The cooperation of all the creative team from the initial moments of project activity ensures proper and efficient solution to fire safety of building. Proof of fire resistance of buildings by calculation is vital need. If designer use computer software, then he is required to verify and prove their suitability for a particular case.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Greenpeace International, in collaboration with the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) prepared a plan for future energy development across the EU. The proposal is aimed at minimizing the energy dependence on unstable regions in particular. The core concept of energy by Greenpeace and EREC is to maximize the effective use of primary energy sources. For this reason, it is anticipated a gradual increase in the share of renewable sources.

Ing. Ivana Nohová, Ing. Robert Prix, prof. František Wald, ČVUT Praha

Quality of fire protection is achieved by appropriate education and training, research, investment in technical solutions and equipment of buildings, legislation, standards and work of professional and volunteer fire brigades. The Czech Republic in the European and global statistical comparisons, long been high on the success of fire protection of persons and property. The article is important summary of the options in the fire resistance design of structures in the national regulations.

Ing. Antonín Parys, soudní znalec, člen technicko-normalizační komise č.65 Izolace staveb

The author tries to point out that, when hearing of CSN 73 1901 Designing roofs - Basic provisions it was underestimated the introduction of new terms and definitions also impact on other standards. There were almost unsolvable problems in developing those standards that have not yet been completed or processed. The standard should be corrected very soon, the author means.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf-Peter Strauß, Překlad: Ing. Petra Šrubařová

The assessment is a comparison of hot water production using photovoltaic devices in combination with a small heat pump and conventional solar thermal collectors. Research shows that with the same areas of the collectors, investment cost are similar, but a variant of solar electricity with small heat pump can save significantly more energy.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

The article deals with substandard structures structures. Assessment is complemented by practical examples and explanations of operational implications especially with regard to the durability of structures. These proposals should be applied as part of fire safety design of buildings.

Akad. arch. Aleš Brotánek

Construction of straw often attracts a supporter of natural building, however we encounter a critical rejection of orthodox among builders. Post of architect Aleš Brotánek analyzes using straw in facades of wooden buildings, which seems to be questionable at present. It defends its environmental advantages, but also a convenient fire resistance of over 120 minutes due to protection (external and internal) non-flammable layers of clay and a thickness of 50 mm and lime plaster thickness of 30 mm. The application of straw is accompanied by practical examples, including installation.

Ing. Jana Pexová, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav pozemního stavitelství

The article is focused on the reconstruction of traditional timber joist ceilings with an additionally cast concrete slab. At Faculty of Civil Engineering in Brno conducted experimental work aimed at the analysis and behaviour of composite slab structures. Huge attention was put also on the separation of the concrete from the timber parts of the structure with the help of foils (separation layer) to prevent the movement of moisture from the concrete mixture to the timber elements. Therefore the increase in water content within the wood was also observed during the experimental part of the research together with the effects of the separating film to the characteristic of the coupled elements - coupling slip modulus K [N/mm].

pasivní dům
Ing. Petra Šrubařová - Pochmanová

This article is based on the diploma thesis which investigates the behaviour of passive buildings by using parameter studies in the Czech weather conditions (9 locations were selected for the studies).
Three model objects (intentionally simplified) were designed for the parameter studies. They represent the common types of residential buildings – isolated one-family house, row family house and multiple dwelling house. The influence of various parameters is analysed on these objects.
The PHPP (PassivhausProjektierungsPaket) method was applied for the calculations. In the study following values are watched: the energy use for heating, heat loss and solar gain and the overtemperature in summer.
For example such parameters as the window size, window quality, building orientation, inner temperature were varied in the parameter studies. So called “standard objects” with U-values according to the Czech standard ČSN 73 0540-2:2007 were also included in some parameter studies.

kotvení střechy
Ing. Aleš Oškera, Inženýrská a expertní kancelář Zlín

Despite the fact that since the abolition of the "old" technical standards for determining loads and dimension of structural elements and structures already passed almost two years, still a part of our professional community doesn’t know all the impact of the introduction of Eurocodes in the field of mechanically anchored flexible roof waterproofing layers. More knowledgeable construction supervisors and also the insurance companies refuse to accept or insure mechanically anchored roof layers that are not properly constructed - including demonstrably and properly anchored.

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