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doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

The contribution deals with the problems of the constructional protection of wood from holding water, from capillary rising and from condensation of vapour inside constructions that contain wood components. In the contribution there are formulated the fundamentals constructinal principles for the protection of wooden components against the stated types of hydrophysical strains.

Dělnická kolonie Santa Emilia v Nikaragui
Ing. David Sýkora, Ph.D., CSc., Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

The emergence of the working colonies of coffee plantations in Nicaragua is one of the most interesting construction projects in which is utilized the “Grow Your Own House” theory. In 2008, a Spanish design office developed a project based on environmental principles with the use of local material resources and subsequently there was built a self-sufficient colony Santa Emilia for coffee plantation workers in Matgapalga, Nicaragua.

Ing. Martin Múčka, Ph.D., znalec pro obor Ekonomika a dřevozpracování

This section is a continuation of the four-part article. "Defects and breakdowns construction wall opening" which states the defects in the timber windows which has been a problems for ten years. After further analysis by a team of experts, it was determined that the windows do not have an airtight seal. The problem area is the mounting of the windows which includes the glazing and silicone process.

dotace na zateplení rodinného domu
Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Zdeněk Ročárek, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D.

Which buildings can receive grants from the Green Savings Programme, amount of the grants and what technical details cover the energy audit? Part A in this article covers the specific questions (building’s envelope rennovation). A sample of 16 family houses that comply with all the required conditions of the New Green Saving Programme from 2013 is further described in this article.

dřevěná okna
Ing. Martin Múčka, Ph.D., znalec pro obor Ekonomika a dřevozpracování

The article describes the most frequent defects and breakdowns of using timber windows the author experienced for 10 years during his praxis. These problems are divided into the defects of construction arising from production. The defects and breakdowns during the assembly and the defects and breakdowns timber windows have during operation and construction.


This paper discusses a long time measurements inner surface temperatures of different construction methods during summer season. The investigation was carried out on test building location at branch Holzforschung Austria in Stetten – Lower Austria in years 2011 to 2013. Inner surface temperatures were measured for different used construction methods of timber and masonry houses in quantity 44 samples. In this paper are presented the most significance results of measurement. The samples of construction methods were divided by specific characteristics: construction, core insulation, internal cladding and colour of facade. The measurement values inner surface temperatures were processed by statistical methods.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sandanus, PhD., Ing. Miloš Slivanský, PhD., Ing. Kristián Sógel, PhD.

In the paper the results of exceptional experimentation are presented, which focuses on the long-term loading of metal plate connected wood trusses. The uniqueness of research project is given by real dimensions of long-span samples and by the term of loading over one year. The aims of long-term experimentation were detection of two main parameters. The magnitude of additional deflections and time of load action needed for their development. In the paper the recommendations for producers of metal plate connected wood trusses and for structural engineers are mentioned. The purpose of that research project is to increase the safety and reliability of timber load-bearing structures.

Ing. Jozef Bednár, Ing. Pavol Sedlák, PhD.

The airtightness measurements of building are important for construction of low energy and passive houses nowadays. It is very effective method to control quality of building envelope and look up for air leakages. These defects of building envelope is a source of wasted energy, because conditioned air heated or cooled is what is leaking out. It is better to find and seal the air leaks, and keep that conditioned air inside.
This study deals with investigation of research sample – 69 family single wooden houses. This amount includes multiple measurements. The construction method of building envelope is based on timber frame. Family single houses are located in Slovakia and border Lower Austria. The year of construction varies from 2011 till 2013. Airtightness measurements were conducted according standard STN EN 13829 (2011). For this investigation, there was Q 46 Blower Door Test equipment used, manufactured by Retrotec Inc., USA. The investigation of airtightness measurements of building was processed by statistical methods. Outcomes are the expressed value air change rate at 50 Pa. The results are divided to a few parts by significance. The first part describes air change rate at 50 Pa dependdant on number of storey and shape of the tested buildings. In the next part of investigation there is significance of difference between method B and A compared. The most interesting part is presented by percentage frequency of air leakages through building envelope. Analysis confirmed improving requirements airtightness of building.

Ing. Marek Novotný, Ph.D., soudní znalec, ČVUT FA Praha, Ústav stavitelství

Failures of basement waterproofing is constatntly frequent subject of discussion among laymen and professionals. This issue is very topical especially with introduction of new materials. Paper deals with two groups of basement waterproofing failures, i.e. failures associated with building movement and failures caused by technological lack of discipline during concreting the basement. Both groups of failures are demonstrated by extensive photodocumentation.

Ing. Jana Daňková, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Mec, Ing. Tereza Murínová, Ing. Filip Khestl, Ph.D.

The major contemporary trends in building industry can include the use of wood as a building material of construction. In the construction of wooden buildings were made significant progress recently. Development of diagnostic methods for existing wooden structure is important for the reliability of wooden buildings. The paper presents a methodology for assessing the quality of existing wood structures using the device RESISTOGRAPH.

Ing. Martina Drdlová, prof. Ing. Jaroslav Buchar, DrSc., Ing. Josef Krátký, Ph.D., Ing. Radek Řídký, Ing. Michal Frank

The paper summarized the results of the research works dealing with the development of advanced cementitious composite materials with fibre reinforcement designed for antiterrorist systems. The effect of different randomly dispersed fibre reinforcement (glass, basalt, polymer and steel fibre of 12–55 mm length and their combinations) on physical mechanical properties of the composite and its overall blast resistance was evaluated. The developed material was used for the design of blast resistant litter bin. The final dimensions, geometry and composition of the layers were defined using the numerical simulations in LS-Dyna implicit/explicit solver. The blast resistance of the element was subsequently verified by blast tests on the real product.

Ing. Aleš Oškera, Inženýrská a expertní kancelář Zlín

Roof construction with mechanically anchored waterproofing sheets rightfully belongs to the most popular solution of roof structure not only in the industrial but also civil and residential construction. This is because of the speed of construction, small depending on weather conditions and often lower financial cost. But vera often there are lot of mistakes in this part of construction design.

Josef Krupka, odborný poradce

Building of large logistics and industrial buildings started in the Czech Republic in the midnineties; its construction boom peaked in 2000–2009. The industrial buildings are built even now, at the time of significant recession in building industry. Some flat roofs of this type of buildings show many defects and need extensive repairs and overall reconstructions. The findings and experiences of these repairs show that it is often about system defects which will in time result in necessary repairs or general replacements of many roofs of the industrial buildings.

Ing. Radim Smolka, Ing. Lenka Mizerová, Ing. Tomáš Petříček

During the reconstruction works of residential houses the associations of housing unit owners have to make decisions according to their financial means. It often arises a situation when windows are changed and facades of residential floors are insulated by a thermal insulation. Skirting part of the building and the roof is often in seclusion interests. Subsequent roof insulation therefore brings a number of design and implementation issues. This paper describes the necessary structural modifications of the existing double-deck roof structure (i. e. cold deck roof) to single-deck flat roof (i. e. warm deck roof) and increased financial costs caused by successive structural modifications made without consideration of the follow-up.

Ing. Martin Múčka, Ph.D., znalec pro obor Ekonomika a Dřevozpracování

The article describes the construction, design and architecture of the stairway. The stairway is a substantial part of the complete construction in multi-storey buildings, apartment buildings, single family houses and shopping centers etc. The article also describes the aspects of stairway safety.

Ing. Miroslav Štíhel

The main need for drilling wood at construction is at work carpentry or concrete, sleepers etc. The market is a larger number of species of wood drills and orientation in the selection of the correct type is useful to know some of their properties. I repeat it and think about it, why drills sleepers manufactured in series.

dřevěné fošny
Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Timber grading – Visual stress grading of timber – Visual grading of round timber – Mechanical stress-grading of timber – Examples and advantages of timber grading machines − Design characteristics of structural timber according Eurocode 5 – Bibliography.

Ing. Tomáš Petříček, Ing. Lubor Kalousek, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Plachý, Ph.D.

Currently, we increasingly need to carry out construction modifications on objects which in view of their age could be basically considered as new-build buildings at which we did not expect such a requirement. In most cases these construction modifications are caused by failures or defects of roofs, especially operation roofs – terraces. The cause of failure is often a combination of several factors. The primary source of error may be already a design project and roofing solution and quality of realization of each roof layer and roof details or unsuitable climatic conditions during the implementation. A separate issue could be the problem of the poor quality of used materials. By interaction of these negative effects then surprisingly arise failures at objects which were realized a few years ago.

Ing. František Vlach

This paper deals with the determination of linear thermal transmittance for buildings with rounded shapes. Introduction deals with typlogy and examples of the buildings containing organic shape. Subsequently is described the theory of determination of linear thermal transmittance. It provides information applicable for buildings assessment in engineering practice.

Richard Čemus, Marketing Manager, Tremco illbruck s.r.o.

Years of speculation about the correct windows installation finally ends. On May 1st the new standard ČSN 74 6077 Windows and external pedestrian doorsets - Requirements for installation came into force. It is the very first implementing standard for this branch of construction. The standard is based on the technical standard information TNI 74 6077 and replaces it.

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