The airtightness measurements of building are important for construction of low energy and passive houses nowadays. It is very effective method to control quality of building envelope and look up for air leakages. These defects of building envelope is a source of wasted energy, because conditioned air heated or cooled is what is leaking out. It is better to find and seal the air leaks, and keep that conditioned air inside.
This study deals with investigation of research sample – 69 family single wooden houses. This amount includes multiple measurements. The construction method of building envelope is based on timber frame. Family single houses are located in Slovakia and border Lower Austria. The year of construction varies from 2011 till 2013. Airtightness measurements were conducted according standard STN EN 13829 (2011). For this investigation, there was Q 46 Blower Door Test equipment used, manufactured by Retrotec Inc., USA. The investigation of airtightness measurements of building was processed by statistical methods. Outcomes are the expressed value air change rate at 50 Pa. The results are divided to a few parts by significance. The first part describes air change rate at 50 Pa dependdant on number of storey and shape of the tested buildings. In the next part of investigation there is significance of difference between method B and A compared. The most interesting part is presented by percentage frequency of air leakages through building envelope. Analysis confirmed improving requirements airtightness of building.