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Archiv článků od 15.9.2014 do 24.11.2014

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prof. Ing. Jozef Štefko, CSc.; Technická univerzita vo Zvolene

This paper deals with investigation of the relationship between calculated and on-site measured values of energetic parameters in a zero house built in Slovakia. Energy consumption of a zero house is currently being discussed and examined from the viewpoint of energy consumption and comfort of the house residents. The paper investigates the differences between the results of simulation models and calculated values and real data on consumption. All the values are compared to the values measured by DTHL Klima Logger device and Wohler CDL 210 device to measure levels of CO2, and the data taken from a heat pump and a recuperation unit related to the residents’ behaviour records. The results show that energy consumption was influenced significantly by residents’ behaviour, setting of inner temperature besides airtightness of the outer envelope and window fillings. Based on the research results the construction of a zero house can be considered a standard option in conditions of Slovakia.

Ing. František Vörös, konzultant sdružení EPS

Since 1950, when the world production and consumption was 1.5 mil. tons of plastic, the world level has reached in 2013 299 mil. tons, representing an average annual growth of almost 9%. For the year 2020 the production of plastics forecast in the world is 400 million tons, for the year 2050 more than 700 mil. tons.

Ing. Michal Frank, Ing. Zuzana Fišarová, Ph.D., Ing. Lubor Kalousek, Ph.D.

The importance and popularity of wooden houses in the Czech Republic has been rising in long term. It is due of the speed of construction and low energy intensity of the finished house. For laboratory measurements key acoustic parameter – airborne sound insulation – the construction of wood-made wall was designed, so that it accomplished requirements of respective standards. Two different types of material were used, mineral and wood-fiber insulation, for comparison of its influence on the observed property of wall. Tested constructions were placed between the transmission and monitor chamber in accredited laboratory and all needed parameters were determined by appropriate measuring equipment, so the calculation of airborne sound insulation could be made. The influence of individual layers of the wall on airborne sound insulation was stated from altogether eight measurements of different parts of construction.

Ing. Petr Tůma, Ph.D., Betonconsult s.r.o.

The paper compares the floor flatness measurement methodology and requirements defined in the Czech standard ČSN 74 4505 Podlahy, společná ustanovení and the German DIN 18202 Toleranzen im Hochbau - Bauwerke. There is an example of the floor assessed by both procedures, shown in the end of the paper.

Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

In the first part of the article were presented general fire protection requirements for External Thermo Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), for new buildings and existing buildings. The second part will focus on atypical modification due to fire protection of the facade with combustible thermo insulating material, as well as the latest changes in legislation of fire protection and another context.

Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

ETICS for buildings is a key modification to reduce their energy consumption. Where and under what conditions it is still possible to use flammable thermal insulator, or with such modifications and where it is already necessary nonflammable insulator? Fire standards define different requirements for thermal insulation of new buildings from the requirements for additional insulation of older existing buildings for which they are allowed a certain structural exceptions.

Ing. Róbert Sonnenschein, prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD.

Underground spaces in buildings are now often designed and executed as watertight concrete structures. The paper presents selected requirements and concepts for design and execution of “white tanks”.

Ing. Radovan Nečes, RNDr. Theodor Staněk, Ph.D., Mgr. Miroslav Hroza

The industrial waste materials arise during the rocks mining and treating. No suitable utilization was found for it yet. These materials are stored in pond now. The aim of this work was developing low-energy hydraulic binders using these waste materials as raw component.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Described as the greenest commercial building in the world, the Bullitt Center in Seattle, Washington pushes the envelope in urban sustainability. The six-story, 52,000-square-foot structure is designed to meet stringent requirements of the Living Building Challenge (LBC)—using photovoltaic cells to generate enough electricity to sustain the needs of its tenants, recycling its own water and waste, and reducing energy use by more than 80 percent compared to an average office building.
LBC requirements stipulated that the Bullitt Center meet a number of criteria, including responsible site selection, 100 percent on-site renewable energy generation, 100 percent of water needs provided by harvested rainwater, and on-site waste management.
The aim is to lower CO2 emissions and reduce the environmental footprint of the building. Target life cycle 250-year is a key part of that goal.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

There has been written a lot of information about the design and implementation of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). Interestingly, despite there are still the same mistakes in the construction of ETICS. The following article summarizes once again the basic rules for ETICS and shows some typical errors. For ETICS it is recommended to respect the czech standards CSN 73 2901 and CSN 73 2902. In particular, it is necessary to respect the technological regulation of a particular manufacturer of ETICS.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

The highest representatives of more than 120 countries accepted the invitation to the UN Climate Summit 2014. In addition to these UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon invited representatives of financial and commercial institutions and civil society. The aim was to encourage and accelerate climate action. Ban Ki-moon requested them to announce bold measures and actions to reduce emissions, strengthen climate resilience and mobilize political will towards meaningful legal agreement in 2015.
Representatives of Countries presented their statements, but only rarely there was mentioned a specific reduction in CO2 emissions. Generally it can be said that most states are willing to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions “appropriately”. The question is what this word means in their imagination.

Ing. arch. Marek Janatka, Ph.D., Katedra urbanismu a územního plánování Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze

Prague building regulations currently represent debated and controversial topic among both professionals and the public. This is a new concept of law to which they are greatly implemented basic knowledge of urban theory and practice. The article summarizes the basic principles of the new regulation in the field of territorial requirements.

Ing. Pavel Leber, Ing. Ivana Chromková, Ing. Petr Bibora, Ing. Martin Vyvážil, Ing. Michal Frank

The paper describes research of utilization of solid wastes, which are produced during the manufacture of mineral wool. The aim of the four-year research is to verify the best way of processing of these waste materials and determine the maximum value of their addition into the construction materials, which will not have undesirable effect on requested properties of the final product. The verified applications are vibro-pressed thin-walled concrete blocks, thin-walled glass fiber elements, self leveling mixtures and thermal insulation panels.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sandanus, PhD., Ing. Orsolya Katona

In the last few years the engineered building product cross laminated timber (CLT) has become very common in timber engineering applications. CLT is a cost-competitive wood-based solution that complements the existing light and heavy-frame options, and is a suitable substitute for some applications which currently use concrete, masonry and steel. This contribution deals with the analysis and design of CLT, used as floor elements. Different calculation procedures for plates loaded out-of-plane are discussed.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc.,

Introduction – General − Timber joist ceiling – Timber ribbed floor (stressed skin panel) – Massive timber ceiling (glued laminated timber flat, Brettstapel ceiling, cross laminated timber, structural laminated veneer lumber) – Coupled timber-concrete ceiling.

Ing. Martin Štěrba, Ústav technologie, mechanizace a řízení staveb, Fakulta stavební, VUT Brno

The article deals with the working safety regarding lifting mechanism in construction. The author mentions basic legislation that deals with this matter in the introductory part of the article. Then the author attempts to identify basic risks that are often present when lifting mechanisms are used in construction. The author also tries to emphasize the necessity to prevent the risks already in the preparatory phase of the project. The concluding part of the article contains the author´ s encouragement to increase the working safety in construction.

Ing. Petr Ptáček, Ph.D., Ing. Monika Terebesyová, Ph.D.

In building practice, we often encounter problems of increased moisture in building materials or systems, because the most buildings are exposed to numerous sources of water in different forms. Long-term exposure to moisture in any part of the building structure (roof, walls, foundations...) has the effect of reducing the utility of the building and deterioration of its quality. Microwave heating treatment becomes one of the most effective methods of drying and sterilization of timber products.

Ing. David Sýkora, Ph.D., Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

Hidden defects of buildings, which may become evident only in winter, are one of the biggest problems of any real property purchase. The article gives some advice how to detect them in advance so that the buyer may be prevented from submitting time consuming, expensive and often ineffective claims in face of the previous owner.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

1. Placer River pedestrian bridge, Alaska, completed July, 2013. Glulam camelback truss bridge with clear span 83,5 m (280 foot), engineer Western Wood Structures, location Chugach National Forest, Alaska, Placer River. Width 4,5 m, walkway 1,8 m, 7,5 m above the water line, pedestrian load 4,4 kN/m2 (90 psf), snow load 9,7 kN/m2 (200 psf). Preservative-treated Douglas Fir glulam.
2. LeMay – America´s car museum, location Tacoma, Washington, completed spring 2012, engineer Western Wood Structures. The museum houses up to 350 cars, trucks and motorcycles. The curved roof system was created with glulam frames, glulam purlins with plywood sheating, rigid insulation and metal roof.
3. Office building from glulam post-and-beam structure and cross laminated timber in Kelowna, British Columbia/Canada. Three story structure completed in summer 2014 is respectful of its surroundings with low profile, yet modern in its angles and appearance. Cross-laminated timber provides an unprecedented level of structural integrity, design flexibility, and cost-competitiveness. On the exterior, CLT´s cantilever capabilities and key façade featrures.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

Assessed white tanking is a part of flat block in residence zone in Prague. The flat block consists of three tower parts with reinforced concrete monolithically system. It has two underground storeys and it is built on the sloping plot of rectangular shape with the high difference of opposite corners more than 4 m. Arisen cracks in white tanking were sealed by grouting but infiltrated placed were appeared again. The recrystallization painting Xypex also did not help. Additionally realized drainage prevented water leakage.

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