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Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

One of the best techniques that builders can implement to boost energy performance in a home is raised-heel truss. Also known as energy-heel trusses, raised-heel trusses deliver cost-effective energy performance, especially when combined with continuous plywood or OSB sheating.

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.,, Ing. Radim Nečas, Ph.D.

Within the reconstruction of town hall premises, the authorities of a district town decided to rebuild existing ramshackle group house radically. The house is located in a historic area of the city and therefore some parts of the house, namely the medieval cellars and street front, are listed. In addition, the adaptation of the underground spaces, facades and gable walls was necessary, too. In the course of designing process and also during the reconstruction works, the drawings had to be repeatedly revised, partly quite fundamentally.

Josef Remeš, Ing. et Ing. Petr Hlavsa, Ing. Radim Kolář, Ph.D.

Floor area in living spaces with slanting ceilings has an ambiguous interpretion in czech national regulations. It has an effect on a building approval process and this article describes how to determine this area in both architecture and civil enginnering.

Ing. Lukáš Velebil, Ing. Richard Zelený, Ing. Jan Včelák, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc.

The paper describes a system of FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors and their integration into the beams of glued laminated timber for continuous monitoring and diagnostics of mechanical stress in building structures. The possibility of gluing the optical fibers into the timber structure and influence on manufacturing process of glued laminated timber on the glued fibers is studied. Laboratory tests including mechanical loading of examined samples were carried out to verify the correct operation of the sensors. Based on the measurement, a timber beam with embedded FBG sensors for the monitoring of the real construction have been manufactured.

prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc., VUT Brno, Fakulta architektury

The world exhibition EXPO 2015 proved from the creative and useful perspective that wood is a promising building material. We could see the use of wood on a number of exhibition objects representing countries from around the world. Even in the recent past that was not quite realistic. This was enabled by technological advances which created conditions for the implementation of bold ideas of architects associated with this renewable raw material. Along with the exhibition buildings, wood was used for the service utilities which provided comprehensive facilities of the exhibition grounds. In addition to wood, other natural materials such as rattan, bamboo and natural fibres were applied in some exhibition halls.

doc. RNDr. Jitka Kubátová, CSc., RNDr. Petr Pracna, CSc

Energy-efficient buildings research is one chapter of General Programme for Research and Innovation Horizont 2020 (2014 - 2020) which helps reaching the aims of european energy policy. First part of the article deals with characteristics of private-public partnership called Energy-efficient buildings (PPP EeB) that was founded for this purpose during previous General programme (2007 - 2013) and sums up projects PPP EeB supported in both programmes so far. Second part of the article deals with Czech participation in this programmes and describes topics of nearest Programme Hotizont calls for the year 2017.

Ing. Jiří Pokorný, Ph.D., MPA, VŠB – TU Ostrava, Katedra bezpečnostního inženýrství, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The active fire safety devices, by which are in the contribution meant especially electric fire alarms, stabile fire extinguishing means and devices for smoke and heat removal, are an important part of building security systems. For the proper function of these systems it is necessary to pay attention to the priority how to put into operation the particular device, their coordina tion and interaction between them.
The principles of the prioritizing how to put into the operation the individual active fire safety devices are described on the basis of the reasons for the devices installation and their priority or eventually secondary protection targets. The attention is paid also to the coordina tion of the fire safety means.

doc. RNDr. Jitka Kubátová, CSc., RNDr. Petr Pracna, CSc.

Energy-efficient buildings research is one chapter of General Programme for Research and Innovation Horizont 2020 (2014 - 2020) which helps reaching the aims of european energy policy. First part of the article deals with characteristics of private-public partnership called Energy-efficient buildings (PPP EeB) that was founded for this purpose during previous General programme (2007 - 2013) and sums up projects PPP EeB supported in both programmes so far. Second part of the article deals with Czech participation in this programmes and describes topics of nearest Programme Hotizont calls for the year 2017.

Ing. Jiří Kunecký, Ph.D., Ing. Hana Hasníková, doc. Ing. Petr Fajman, CSc., Ing. Jan Tippner, Ph.D.

The article introduces the new method “Lapped Scarf Joints for Historical Structures Repairs” that deals with design of the lapped scarf joint suitable for the reconstruction of valuable historical timber structures, with help of making the prosthesis for the damaged parts of the beams. The method is a result of the four-year research project supported by the Czech Ministry of Culture within NAKI program. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AS CR, Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU and Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University participated in the research.

Ing. Petr Bílý, Ing. Josef Fládr

The study is focused on evaluation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (N-TiO2) impact on photocatalytic properties of concrete surface. Specimens made from ordinary white cement with no TiO2 particles, specimens made from commercially available photocatalytic cement and specimens made from white cement covered with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) nanotextile containing N-TiO2 were compared with respect to their ability to decompose rhodamine B dye when exposed to direct UV radiation. PVA nanotextile was prepared by electrospinning method. The solution exploiting the nanotextile was not found to be prospective in this phase of the research. However, the method of preparation of enriched nanotextiles as well as their application on the surface of concrete elements was tried and can be adjusted for different purposes.

Ing. arch. Zdeňka Vasilenková, ČZU v Praze – Fakulta životního prostředí

Agriculture and agricultural buildings ever has developed for centuries. In the past these buildings closely followed the living area. Later, for hygienic reasons, they were moved on the edge of residental areas. During the establishment of agricultural cooperatives the distance between farm buildings and residential areas started to increase. This development of buffer zones of agricultural buildings has had a large and indelible impact on the shape of our landscape.

Ing. Juraj Hazucha

Article shows the examples of effective solution of construction details for passive and zero energy buildings, for which today's standards define recommendations of hygienic and energy requirements. On selected details the possibilities of minimising the thermal bridge influence are shown with taking into account of economical and practical feasability. Most of the construction details were precisely optimised for the most effective solution choice. For energy efficient buildings optimisation process is essential to get the best results.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha s.p.

Windows and door designed for noise reduction can be measured by two methods: laboratory airborne sound insulation (EN ISO 10140) and in-situ airborne sound insulation (EN ISO 104-5). The in-situ method mandates for averaging results of measurements taken in surface of tested samples for specific angles of incidence. Furthermore, the article presents some original formulas which could be applied for Rw improvement if the door or window does not reach a minimum requirements or if there are specific requirements for noise reduction. During the measurement of in-situ airborne sound insulation on installed doors or windows, the result can be contaminated by some specific factors like geometry, sizes etc., compromising the compatibility with the laboratory results. It has been noticed how these practical problems, jointly with the acoustical design in the presented formulas, can significantly increase the laboratory values of the product. Results of in situ tests are discussed in comparison with results obtained through a traditional tests performed in the lab.

Ing. arch. Ondřej Šefců, Národní památkový ústav, územní odborné pracoviště v hlavním městě Praze

The article is based on experiences with interesting fire safety solutions in historical buildings in the Czech Republic and abroad. It shows that fire safety precautions are possible almost everywhere. They are usually quite simple and affordable and without fear of aesthetical damage as well.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Examples 9 to 15. Preface and helping data for calculation see Part 1 to 3.

Ing. Jiří Pokorný, Ph.D., MPA, VŠB – TU Ostrava, Katedra bezpečnostního inženýrství

The paper describes the possibility of using fire engineering methods to ensure the safety of cultural monuments. Character of cultural heritage and the effort to preserve their historical value, is the cause of conflict situations in their evaluation in terms of fire safety. The case study of the picture gallery demonstrates some of the options of models of fire which are possible tools in solutions different from standards. The use of fire engineering methods is commented with relation to subjects usually participating in fire engineering applications.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Calculation according to Eurocode 5 examples 1 to 8. Preface and helping data for calculation see Part 1 to 3.

Ing. Vladimír Janata, CSc.

Multipurpose O2 (former Sazka) Arena is remarkable building which was given many awards including European Steel Design Award. The article deals with project, production and completation of the Arena's steel construction with plentiful picture and project documentation.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Preface – Helping data (finish): Laterally loaded nails – Values of Johansen strength for prebored and unprebored roud nails – Effective number of fasteners – Values of Johansen strength for dowels/bolts in timber-metal plate joints – Nailed joints strength in tension

prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc., ČVUT Praha, Fakulta stavební, pracoviště UCEEB

The objective of the present paper is to provide design guidance through the structure of texts of the European structural standards for steel structures, Eurocodes 3. The current situation in the preparation of new version of Eurocodes with help of Technical Committees of ECCS TC 10 is described.

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