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Archiv článků od 30.11.2015 do 15.2.2016

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doc. Ing. Tomáš Rotter, CSc., ČVUT Praha

The paper will describe the technical requirements for the choice of the material for the steel structures and bridges. They are specified by the steel structures designer in the different deign stages. However, the tender design is the stage, where the full material specification should be given. The paper will be divided to several parts, that will describe all specification for the design, testing and checking of material.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Preface – Helping data (continuation): Compression design strength at an angle to the grain – Columns: buckling coefficients for solid timber and for homogeneous glued laminated timber – Stability of members: Beams subjected to bending without compression force – Tilting factors – Laterally loaded joints with dowel type fasteners.

Ing. Michal Frank, Ing. Jan Gojný, Ph.D.

The article describes use of Miscanthus sinensis for a manufacturing of pulp. Miscanthus sinensis is a perennial plant, its cultivating is easy and it can be used for various purposes.
In the first phase of the pulp preparation from Miscanthus, a laboratory preparation of pulp was done at the University of Pardubice in total amount of 6 individual batches. In the second phase a selected laboratory batch was prepared in a pilot production process and ca. 2000 g of pulp in total was generated for further tests.
Mechanical properties and also other properties typical for pulp were determined on prepared samples. The produced pulp was used in the next step for a preparation of fibre-cement boards. Their basic physico-mechanical parameters were also determined.
After evaluation of all data that we have, production of 500 kg of pulp was done. Then the pulp was used to produce fibre-cement boards in a mass production.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Preface – Helping data (first part): Reference design strengths for solid timber and for homogeneous glued laminated timber – Examples.

Ing. Matěj Hodoušek, doc. Ing. Martin Böhm, Ph.D., Ing. Jitka Beránková, Ph.D., Ing. Jaromír Srba

In this research study we analyzed air permeation rate of oriented strand boards, OSB/3 and OSB/4 according to the ČSN EN 12114. OSB boards were manufactured in accordance with the ČSN EN 300 in the Czech Republic. We evaluated the influence of the board thickness (for the most used board thickness 12 and 18 mm) and the influence of the board type (OSB/3 and OSB/4) on air permeation rate values. We have proved that the groups of OSB/3 samples show lower resistance to air permeability than OSB/4. Furthermore 18 mm thick samples at both board types show higher resistance to air permeability than 12 mm thick samples.

Ing. Klára Machalická, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Sejkot, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Nechanický

Timber and glass are the materials that have excellent aesthetic qualities. In current architecture, glass, as well as wood, are increasingly used for the visually exposed structures. Since glass is a brittle material, various types of hybrid structures are developed. Glass in hybrid element is combined with other material (eg. concrete, timber, steel, aluminium etc.) to increase load-bearing capacity and stiffness of the element, achieve safe failure behaviour together with high level of transparency. Nowadays, several European universities and research centres deal with the glass-timber load-bearing elements. This article provides an overview of the developed hybrid timber-glass structures including an experimental analysis of adhesive timber-glass joints, which was performed at Czech Technical University in Prague.

Ing. David Mareček

The article deals with Varnsdorf ice rink roof project and construction. The supporting structure made form wood and steel was quite complicated due to slanting swivel joint pillars in B and C axes. Three cranes, one lifting platform and one moving scaffold were needed for the construction.

Ing. Klára Machalická, Ph.D., Ing. Iva Pravdová, doc. Ing. Martina Eliášová, CSc.

Transparency and also smooth, glossy and reflective glass surface give special importance of this material in the contemporary architecture. Connections between two glass elements or glass pane and other part from a different material are very important issue for structural applications of glass. Moreover, there are many types of hybrid structures that combine glass and different materials to achieve safe failure behaviour and high degree of transparency at the same time. Connection of brittle glass and reinforcing material is an essential part of these structures, where composite action between two parts is beneficially ensured by a glued joint. Experimental determination of mechanical characteristics of various adhesives applied in planar connections under shear loading is a main topic of current paper.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

Elaboration up the full report is a complex process which is necessary to define the cost optimum for individual member states.The general procedure for determining cost optimization consists of four basic steps under Delegated Regulation. 244/2012: Determination of the reference buildings, determination of measures for improving energy efficiency, calculation of primary energy and calculation of the total cost.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

Cost-optimal levels of Member States, to be set according the comparative methodology framework of the European Commission Delegated Regulation 244/2012 and the guidelines accompanying Delegated Regulation to national parameters. European Commission makes the claims for all Member States to report on about cost-optimal levels for their particular country and compare them with national requirements were based on regulations.

Ing. Ondrej Keseli, prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD.

This paper presents methods to enhance the punching shear resistance of existing flat slabs (enlargement of supported area, enhancement of flexural resistance of slab, post-installed shear reinforcement and prestressed solutions). In case of post-installed shear reinforcement, systems based on steel and CFRP are mentioned. Static, technological and economic advantages and disadvantages are analysed. Differences between the systems are mainly due to the requirement to access the upper face of the slab, resistance-decrease in case of fire and deformation capacity of the strengthened slab.

Ing. Andrea Nasswettrová, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Šmíra, Ph.D., MBA

The paper presents an overview of preservation methods based on professional, expert assessment and research activity of the Thermal Preservation Methodological Department. It reflects the suitability and usability of available methods for wooden elements of respective type of structure. The methods are represented according to currently available and applied preservation methods. The methods use thermal energy, namely the hot-air sterilisation of wood and microwave technologies. The presented paper specifies conditions under which the methods shall be used so that their application contributes to more efficient protection of the heritage fund. The field of biotic harmful elements includes wood-destroying insects and fungi with special regard to dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans).

doc. Ing. Bohumil Straka, CSc., Ing. Milan Šmak, Ph.D.

Wood in all its forms and versatility of its use is closely linked with the existence and development of human society. Interest in building timber structures is increasing nowadays. Structures are designed from both traditional timber and from new wood-based materials and connectors. This trend is positively reflected, among other things, in the growing numbers of students choosing timber and wood-based structures for their high-quality bachelor and diploma theses.
One of the most vital criteria in assessing any building structure is monitoring their real behaviour during a long-term use. The aim of the paper is to review data and conclusions from the monitoring in some types of building structures that the authors designed either themselves or participated in their design and development.

prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD., Ing. Natália Gažovičová

The corrosion of steel reinforcement is the most important factor in degradation of the concrete structures. The use of the new composite materials as reinforcement in concrete structures has expanded in recent years. These concrete structures are often exposed to extreme environmental loads. The fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials are an alternative to the steel reinforcement. It is a durable material, which has corrosion resistance, high tensile strength and low density. The manufacturers use various kinds of fibers in the FRP reinforcement, especially carbon (CFRP), glass (GFRP), aramid (AFRP) and basalt (BFRP). The present article describes the application of the FRP reinforcement as a replacement of the steel reinforcement in new structures, respectively for strengthening of existing concrete structures.

Ing. arch. Petr Kučera, jakub cigler architekti

In early September, the administration building Aviatica was inaugurated and officially unveiled, which is the flagship of a large development in the former factory Walter in Prague. Use of abandoned industrial sites, called Brownfields has been the great theme of Planning and Development during the last few years. Vast territories with dilapidated buildings have a negative impact on their environment, in terms of the degradation of the environment, environmental stress, negative social phenomena or reduction of the economic potential of the site. These lucrative localities are connected to existing technical and transport infrastructure. The transformation has a positive impact on the surrounding areas and instead of spatial expansion of cities into the countryside is one of the ways to exploit their intrinsic potential.

Ing. Andrea Nasswettrová, Ph.D., Ing. et Ing. Soňa Křivánková, Ing. Simona Lauerová, Ing. Olga Grossová, Ing. Pavel Šmíra, Ph.D., MBA

The paper presents a methodological procedure and results of acoustic detection of wood-destroying insect larvae in the buildings of the Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. Using the Acoustic Pack acoustic system, the activity was monitored at 112 positions of wooden trusses of framing on the house of Prlov and Rožnov Town Hall as structures considered for the performance of a preservation measure. Based on the obtained results, the actual status of active infestation of wooden elements was defined with the graphic output of activity and sound records which will be used for designing efficient preservation of the structures.

Ing. arch. Petr Kučera, jakub cigler architekti

In October 2015, it was one year from when the new polyfunctional building Quadrio in the center of Prague above the metro station Národní třída was opened. It incorporates not only business and office space, but also residential building, a public passage and exit from the metro station. After almost thirty years a big scar of the historic city was healed. It was caused by the construction of the metro station Národní třída, which was accompanied by the demolition of the original buildings and the replacement with single-storey ground lobbies that suit rather to the suburb than the city center. At the same time a new public urban space was created, a stone plaza, which is in the case of similar projects rather rare exception than the rule.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

Methods of cost allocation in apartment buildings have undergone significant changes in recent years. The article offers a comprehensive overview of cost allocation methods in multi-dwelling units according to applicable regulations. It is intended mainly for owners of residential units, board members of homeowners associations, managers of housing cooperatives or individuals and companies managing residential buildings.
Cost allocation in apartment buildings is currently governed by two laws: Act No. 67/2013 Coll. and the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. These laws governed cost allocation in calendar year 2014 and apply also for 2015. The heating and hot water supply costs in MDUs from 2016 onwards will be allocated pursuant to the new decree No. 269/2015 Coll. and the amended Act No. 67/2013 Coll.

Mgr. David Štamberk, Mgr. Pavel Franc

The second part of the article describes specific aspects of the construction as the subject of the Contract for work and materials. It looks into ownership issues of the construction – the subject, the execution of the construction and its possible defects. It carries on to contextually analyze specific problems, like the transfer of risk of damage, right to invoice, inspection of subject progress, hidden obstructions and construction handover and acceptance. It also outlines the issue of joint responsibility of a subcontractor for construction defects.

Ing. Otto Dvořák, Ph.D., VŠB TUO FBI Ostrava, externí školitel

This paper proposes statistical methods for evaluation quantitative performance determinated by tests of building products for objective decision during conformity assessment / certification in a fire protection field. The procedure is applicable for other types of products, and research / development of new material products.

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