Replacing a concept “types” of the landscape by the concept “landscapes” in the content of the graphical part of the territorial development principles (ZÚR) presents a substantial change of content in the expression of conception of the regional development, because for these landscapes the target qualities including territorial conditions for their preservation or accomplishment are established in the territorial development principles (ZÚR). The original definition of the types of landscape, which divided the territory according to the characteristic features and properties, must be gradually replaced by the definition of (real) landscapes. It is a great change, because a type of landscape expresses the characteristic properties, but real landscapes in the sense of landscape itself = specific, characteristic, have substantially different sense – they express most of all individual properties of the landscape. Therefore it is necessary to describe and give reasons for importance and the method of individual (not typological) zonation of the territory of the region into landscapes (real landscapes) corresponding to the sense of the European Landscape Convention.
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