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doc. Ing. Jiří Brožovský, CSc., VUT FAST Brno pracoviště AdMaS

Rebound hammers complying with the specifications of ČSN EN 12504-2 resp. ČSN 73 1373 is used primarily for the determination of compressive strength of concrete in the structure. The paper presents the knowledge of the use of mechanical rebound hammer with impact energy of 0.735 N.m (type L) for the determination of compressive strength and tensile bending of calcium silicate bricks 290 × 140 × 65 mm. Calibration relationships for compression and tensile strength bending from the rebound number are presented. In practice, the calibration relationship for compressive strength prediction is applicable, the relationship for tensile bending strength does not show sufficient tightness between the variables and can only be used provided that a refinement coefficient is defined in the sense of ČSN 73 1370.

Ing. Gabriela Slabejová, PhD., Ing. Zuzana Vidholdová, PhD.

Treatment of wood surfaces with various finish coating materials is recommended for long term protection of wood products exposed outdoor. Due to natural weathering, the colour and the surface roughness of uncoated wood is changed. However, in practice it can happen that wood in constructions has been weathered before to application of a finish. In this work, selected properties of sapwood and heartwood of pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) surface such as surface roughness and adhesion of coating film were investigated on the surfaces of previous naturally weathered wood Two coating materials useable for wooden constructions in exterior conditions were used: dark brown polyurethane-based system and light brown oil-based surface treatment. The results of pull-off test for adhesion showed that the polyurethane coating film showed the weakest point in the pre-weathered layer of wood substrate and also at the wood/coating interface. The oil-based surface treatment had the weakest place inside the coating film or in the coating penetration layer in the wood substrate. Pre-weathering did not significantly affect the adhesion the coating film on wood. The result of the pull-off test for adhesion of both surface treatments was significantly greater on the heartwood surfaces than on the sapwood surfaces of the sound wood.

Ing. Lukáš Bříza, VUT Brno

An important part of the construction is the lifting mechanism. If it is used properly and efficiently, the schedule and the completion date of the construction can be better followed. Incorrect or inefficient use of lifting mechanisms leads to unwanted downtime, failure to meet the potential of the mechanism, or overflowing it with a number of ongoing work processes. With the help of data collection (lifting load time), we try to map the use of lifting mechanisms throughout the construction. The obtained and properly evaluated data will serve as a basis for the simulation model to assess the effective use of the lifting device on the site.

prof. Ing. Leonard Hobst, CSc., doc. Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D.

Steel structures are preferably used to build existing structures. However, when designing them, it is necessary to adhere to precise principles to avoid malfunctions during operation, such as condensation of water, in case of poorly chosen structure of the structure. Some nondestructive testing methods can be used to detect these potential defects.

Ing. Zdenko Malík, Ing. Kristina Fořtová, Ph.D., Ing. Kamil Staněk, Ph.D., Ing. Jakub Diviš, Ing. Martin Hataj, Ing. Robert Jára, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc.

Nowadays, when the demands on the thermal insulation envelope of buildings are increasing, the importance of thermal bridges on the overall thermal loss of the envelope increases. Point thermal bridges are often neglected in the calculations but can lead to an increase in heat loss by an envelope of up to 35%. Significant point thermal bridges are, among other things, elements which ensure anchoring of structures protruding in front of the façade fulfilling the supporting function, since the main emphasis is placed on the bearing capacity of such an element. Several variants of anchoring systems with thermal bridges are available on the market. This paper deals with the thermal-technical assessment of the selected anchoring system and its experimental verification during loading in the climatic chamber.

Ing. Martin Hataj, Ing. Robert Jára, Ph.D., Ing. Kristina Fořtová, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc.

The application of external wall insulation systems is frequent today due to the increasing demand for energy saving in buildings. The structures attached in front of the facade fulfilling the supporting function must be sufficiently anchored to the external load-bearing structures. The thermal bridges solution in the anchoring system is an important factor beyond the bearing capacity. Several variants of anchor systems are available on the market to deal with thermal bridges. This article introduces the currently available solutions and presents experimental results of the selected anchoring system.

doc. Ing. Bohumil Straka, CSc., Ing. Milan Šmak, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jan Vaněrek, Ph.D.

Survey of the real impact of historical and older constructions and constructions realized in the present period clearly shows that wood and wood-based materials are among efficient and still promising construction materials. The paper is compiled mainly on the basis of the knowledge gained during the verification of the properties of structures, in whose design and implementation the authors participated, and on the evaluation of the results of the survey of structures for the purpose of their remediation or reconstruction.

Ing. Vítězslav Vacek, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Kolísko, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Pokorný, Ph.D.

The prestressing reinforcement has been widely used to reinforce pre-stressed and posttensioned concrete structures. The recent failures of some prestressed bridge structures, caused by corrosion of the prestressing reinforcement, had generated strong interest from engineers in the problem of reinforcement corrosion and its corrosion protection. The paper presents our experience in the diagnostics of corroded prestressed structures in connection with the possibilities restoration of them.

Ing. Radim Kučera, prof. Ing. Miroslav Novotný, CSc., doc. Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D., Ing. Martin Pánek, Ing. Tomáš Mecko

A wide range of requirements are laid out for stair construction, which are based on general construction requirements. These are mainly structural fire resistance, static resistance, mechanical resistance, appearance requirements and more. This article focuses on existing material and structural solutions for staircases used in modern wooden constructions and on the possibilities of using cement-fibre boards to build a staircase. The article summarizes the general advantages and disadvantages of this solution and represents the basic design solution.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Bc. Anna Gregorová

Wood's combustibility and flammability still limits its use as a building material by various constraints. Few realize that wood is flammable, but has a very good fire resistance. The heat-treated wood layer, which is under the carbonated wood layer, is generally very thin (~ 20 & quot; mm & quot; mm), so that the wood properties below this layer are the same as those at normal temperature. Therefore, steelmakers have now begun to look at the possibilities of protecting steel structures against the effects of fire by wooden tiles.

ilustrační obrázek &copy TZB-info
Ing. Michal Brandtner, VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technologie, mechanizace a řízení staveb

The lifting mechanisms are mainly used during construction of building structures for easier manipulation with the material or formwork elements. The most complicated cases are with monolithic structures. These structures need to move large amounts of material and formwork at the same time. The effective use of the lifting mechanisms can lead to acceleration of construction. Nowadays the measured performance standards are not usable. That leads to create own database. The article deals with the collection of time data for using of the lifting mechanisms in real constructions for the process of formwork of monolithic floor structures. The evaluated data will be verified and compared by T-cycle based calculation. The article is divided on theoretical and experimental part.

Ing. Jiří Strnad, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Old historic masonry structures are in many cases in a poor construction-static state. The repaired building showed a loss of horizontal and vertical joints, cracks and local defects of vaults, walls, ceilings, roofs and foundations. Therefore, rigid prestressed reinforced concrete foundations have been proposed and pretensioned rods located in the lower parts of the vault arches were installed.

Ing. Ondřej Januš, Ing. Petr Štěpánek

The article presents the modified configuration of the longitudinal shear test of composite bars based on ASTM D 4475. The aim of the experimental program is to verify the possibility of using a three-point bending test to evaluate the resin quality and resin/fibre interface. The study focuses on influence of distance between support on calculated interlaminar shear strength. The properties of the resin are influenced by the alkaline environment. Resistance of the resin and resin/fibre interface exposed to this environment was determined by the test. An influence of the alkaline environment on interlaminar shear strength of FRP members was observed on both types of tested FRP bars.

Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

The paper presents results of a study on potential reduction of CO2 emissions of the Czech national building stock until 2075. The calculations were based on datasets provided by Chance for Buildings that modeled five different scenarios of energy savings in the Czech building stock that varied by the depth of the energy retrofitting measures and by the pace of their application. The results were compared to the carbon budget that was set in line with the objectives of the Paris agreement.

Mgr. Petr Nakládal, obor geologie a ochrana vod

Due to the combination of electron conductivity in metals, ionic conductivity in rock environment together with bacterial activity in groundwater, and pumping of water from the well an increasing clogging occurs in the circumference of wells equipped with steel casing. This is why I do not recommend to equip wells with metallic and especially stainless steel casing. It is critical that metallic objects connecting the aerobic and anoxic zones are not used in wells equipped with electrically non-conductive casing. This particularly applies to the displacements of pumps and for the ground conductor. To suppress well clogging, it is therefore necessary to avoid connection of the ground conductor of the pump to the ground system.

Ing. Kristýna Kováčová, Ing. Milan Šmak, Ph.D.

The article is focused on the analysis of connections of timber elements with doweled type steel elements. The main scope of the article is to assess a load bearing capacity and stiffness of different types of doweled connections and comparison of theoretical results with results obtained from experimental tests. Subject of the research were connections composed of C24 grade solid timber elements connected with nails, screws, dowels, threaded rods and bolts. Findings and conclusions derived from the analysis of assumed connections can be used for a design and execution of doweled type connections in timber structures.

Ing. Lenka Mičechová, prof. Ing. Ján Mikolaj, PhD.

The paper is focused on the evaluation of the possibilities using the diagnosis of building objects and outcomes of the mobile 3D scanning process of existing objects and their software transformation using Building Information Modeling (BIM). Emphasis is placed on the creation of building object based on the point cloud determined by 3D mobile mapping. The main objective was to process measured data from mobile mapping, import data into the Autodesk Revit program and create a BIM model. A partial objective was to compare the resulting object originating from the point cloud to the existing project documentation. Conclusion of the paper is evaluating the process through SWOT analysis.

Ing. Tomáš Žlebek, Ing. Jakub Hodul, prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka MBA, DrSc.

This work is focused on the verification of the possibility of using specially modified hazardous waste, solidification product, formed from selected secondary raw materials as solidifying agent and hazardous waste (end-product) as a filler in polymer grout joint material. Totally, two solidification technologies were verified, the first one was wet granulation of raw materials and another one was dry homogenization. It is more advantageous to use dry homogenization technology, which is economically less demanding. The possibility of using a specially modified filler was verified by the appropriate tests, and results showed that the grout joint showed high compressive strength of approximately 50 MPa, flexural strength up to about 20 MPa. Developed material can also be characterized by very good cohesion with the cast basalt.

ilustrační snímek © Loraliu -
Ing. Pavlína Šebestová, Ing. Lenka Mészárosová, Ph.D., Ing. Vít Černý, Ph.D., Ing. Tereza Majstríková, Ph.D., prof. ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA

Using the appropriate secondary raw materials, it is possible to reduce the bulk density of AAC while preservation the physical-mechanical properties, e.g. strength. This reduces the total weight of the construction and allows for wider use, for example, in the application of material to reduce the load on non-load-bearing walls or to increase floor levels. Research is focused on the use of 10%, 30% and 50% admixture of fluidized bed combustion ashes and slag in the AAC. AAC was developed in the hydrothermal conditions of the autoclave at 7 hours of isothermal soak at 190 °C. The results showed the dependence of the rheological properties on the amount of admixture of fluidized bed combustion fly and bottom ash, slag. Research has shown that the use of 10% admixture of secondary raw materials will not significantly affect the physical properties of the samples.

doc. Ing. Martin Moravčík, PhD.,, Ing. František Bahleda, PhD.,, Ing. Jozef Jošt, PhD.,

We can observe a bad or even a state of emergency condition of the several bridges which are today in service for more than 60 years. There were find out on the structures any serious failures such as excessive deformations, extensive cracks, corrosion of prestressing wires and the anchors, etc. One of the most important thing in the process of the existing prestressed structures reliability evaluation is to determine the current level of prestressing in concrete structure. There have been developed in the world and in our country several methods that enable predict the current level of prestressing in a structure. This paper discusses the possibilities of determining the prestressing level on an existing structure using the indirect method as (Structural response method) founded on the theoretical-experimental base. This method was applied on an example of the precast prestressed bridge girder analysis after its 60 years in service.

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