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Archiv článků od 23.8.2021 do 27.12.2021

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doc. Ing. Jana Marková, CSc., ČVUT Praha, Kloknerův ústav

The new Eurocodes for basis of design and actions are almost completed and the final phases of their minor modifications are underway within the working groups of technical subcommittees SC1 and SC10. Their national availability for translations and preparation of national annexes is planned between 2023 and 2025, their implementation and withdrawal of the current Eurocodes in 2028. For the operational implementation of the new generation of Eurocodes, it will soon be necessary to prepare new national annexes and optimally set the values of nationally determined parameters, including calibrations of partial factors for loads and material properties, to ensure reliability, safety and economy of our buildings. It is expected to use the potential of our experts, as well as the considerable financial resources will be needed for the national implementation of the new Eurocodes and the publication of new manuals with practical applications.

Císařský špitál na Pražském hradě
doc. Ing. Eva Burgetová, CSc., Ing. Denisa Boháčová

The article presents a structural survey of the historic building of the Imperial Hospital at Prague Castle. The aim of the survey was to determine the functional capability and durability of the building, including an assessment of its usability and evaluation of the condition of historical materials. The research was focused mainly on the issue of inappropriate interventions performed in the past and the associated increased moisture of structures.

Stěna porostlá zelení
Ing. Jana Bartlová, VUT FAST v Brně, Ústav stavitelství

Greening of the cities (Green Architecture) is one of the current trends in the development of urban architecture. Apart from the system elements of facades overgrown or planted with vegetation, which are a question of the current century, the Green Architecture also includes the traditional use of plants - direct planting near building structures, with their gradual connection using climbing and attachment mechanisms of plants. The effects of such a surface on traditional and modern building surfaces have not yet been precisely defined. The paper presents the results of moisture measurement of the outer surface of traditional building structures in order to evaluate the effect of vegetation surface on the structure.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sandanus, PhD., doc. Ing. Kristián Sógel, PhD.

This paper deals with the diagnostics of a timber load-bearing structure before planned renovation of covering structures. The roof and facade cladding can also change the load conditions, therefore, the inspection static design in this case is necessary. The planned object renovation is an opportunity for elaboration of diagnostic inspection of the supporting structure.

3D tisk
Ing. arch. Roman Bolcek, Bc. Dominik Lehnert, Ing. arch. Viktor Schwab, Ing. Zdeněk Vejpustek, Ph.D., Ing. et Ing. Petr Hlavsa, Ph.D.

The paper discusses additive manufacturing in the building industry in terms of definition of terminology, application technology, machinery and materials to be used. It gives examples of executed buildings and discusses the possibilities of using natural materials for 3D printing of buildings. Current research and future prospects in the field of additive manufacturing are presented. The paper was created within the framework of specific research at the Faculty of Architecture of Brno University of Technology, where the possibilities of 3D printing from natural materials will be further analyzed.

Analýza mobilního laserového skenování ve stavebnictví
Ing. Jakub Nosek, Ing. Petr Kalvoda, Ph.D., Ing. Michal Kuruc, Ph.D.

Mobile laser scanning (MLS) is currently commonly used in many surveying applications. The refinement of MLS point clouds is usually done by increasing the number of control points (CP) equally distributed within the mapped area. The accuracy of point clouds can also be improved by multiple passes of the mobile mapping system (MMS). This paper deals with the proposal of a suitable procedure by which it would be possible to remove local deformations of MLS point clouds. The proposed approach is based on the comparison of point clouds from multiple MMS passes. Additional CPs are then added to the places where the more significant differences between the point clouds.

Stavba mostu z předpjatého betonu © Stock Adobe Miroslav Doubrava
Ing. Jakub Kralovanec, doc. Ing. Martin Moravčík, PhD.

There are situations when it is necessary to determine the state of prestressing at a specific time on existing structures. In these cases, it is possible to use indirect methods for determining the state of prestressing. These methods consist of the observation of selected quantities on the investigated structure. Subsequently, based on obtained results it is possible to analytically calculate the actual state of prestressing. The observed quantities include e.g., strain, deformations, crack width etc. This paper presents an overview of possible indirect methods for determining the prestressing in the structure.

Ing. Zdeněk Poloprutský, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra geomatiky

This paper deals with the possibilities of using modern measurement methods and technologies, i.e. ground-based laser scanning (TLS) and Image Based Modeling and Rendering (IBMR), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) for processing, distribution and archiving of data collected during the Building Archaeology Survey (BAS). The paper tries to briefly summarize the current state of the author's knowledge and his practical experience with the issue.

prof. Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra mechaniky

The paper deals with the determination of strength characteristics of masonry composite. The MQI strategy, published by the staff of the University of Perugia, is presented. The calculation is based on a certain value analysis of several parameters, based on which the MQI masonry index is calculated. The index is then calibrated so that the strength characteristics of the masonry according to the new Italian standards can be determined from its value.

Ing. Richard Fürst, Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D., Ing. Tomáš Vlach, Ing. arch. at Bc. Petr Hejtmánek, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Vladimír Mózer, PhD.

Modern composite materials are increasingly used in construction. One example is textile reinforced concrete (TRC), consisting of high-quality concrete and non-metallic reinforcing materials, most often in technical textiles. The current use of TRC is mainly in non-loadbearing structures such as facade panels and design elements. However, due to the excellent mechanical properties of TRC, it is possible to design subtle structures with high load-bearing capacity. Therefore, this material has a high potential in load-bearing structures. Consequently, it is necessary to comprehensively assess these materials in terms of load-bearing capacity at normal and elevated temperatures. For this reason, within the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague and UCEEB CTU in Prague, research teams deal with the development and material research of TRC for use in load-bearing structures, including evaluation of its possible application in construction.

Počítačové modelování kmitání membránové konstrukce
Ing. Lenka Štulerová, Ing. Lukáš Kapolka, prof. Ing. Stanislav Kmeť, CSc.

The aim of this paper is the modal analysis of a thin technical textile in shape of hyperbolic paraboloid. It is the geometrically nonlinear membrane structure, which can function only in tension. In this case, the structure was subjected to the natural vibration as a part of the overall dynamic analysis. All of this results in natural frequencies and mode shapes and deflections. Acquired results describe the dynamic behaviour of nonlinear system without affect of the external load. This part could represent a first step in the dynamic analysis and exactly the forced vibration as nonlinear time history analysis will have to be performed in a future to complete it.

Ing. Jan Břečka, Ing. Kristýna Hrabovská

The aim of this study is to find the dependence between the span and cross section area and other choose parameters of the timber-concrete composite beams. For analysis, we used coniferous wood C24 category and concrete C25/30 and C30/37 class with 50 mm thickness. We set the SFS Intec coupling elements. For calculation was used linear elasticity design method. Pliability of composite was take into account per γ-coefficient (γ-method).

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Ing. Augustin Sadílek, Ing. Vlastimil Vala, CSc., Ing. Filip Hakl, Ing. Eva Mačurová MBA

As of 1st January 2021, an amendment to the Property Valuation Act and an amendment to the Valuation Decree also entered into force. With the amendment of these valuation regulations, there were fundamental changes in the valuation of easements. In this paper, we deal with the introduction of the new wording of these regulations concerning the valuation of easements and also the individual types of prices at which easements can be valued.

Ing. Michal Janků, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Grošek, Ph.D.

Good, well-functioning infrastructure signifies a well-run national economy and the overall state of development of the whole society. Buildings, bridges, roads, and other structures need to be regularly maintained if they are to last. In general, if a defect is detected early, the cost of its remediation is typically much lower than if it the structure is allowed to degrade for months or years. Early defect detection often means detecting one before it is visible to the naked eye. A key means of locating hidden defects are non-destructive testing methods. The article describes selected non-destructive methods that can be used in the diagnosis of bridge structures.

Ing. Ondřej Šimek, doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D.

The article presents the results of experiments of reinforced concrete walls with an opening, which have been tested for load carrying capacity in the diagonal direction. These are the walls that represent shear walls in multistorey precast concrete frame structures. The influence of various types of reinforcement on their load carrying capacity and deformation is studied on the designed walls. The data obtained by the experiment is then validated by computational models that represent the behavior of the samples during the experiment. The results of the models are compared between each other and pros and cons are assessed.

Železobetonová konstrukce - ilustrační obrázek
doc. Ing. Karel Vojtasík, CSc., doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová, Ph.D., Ing. Marek Mohyla, RNDr. Jana Staňková Ph.D.

The paper presents the outputs of a computational parametric study investigating the influence of both reinforcement ratio and scheme of a cross-section reinforcement on a design value of the elastic module for the homogenized cross-section and the values of the stress redistribution coefficients. The design value of the elastic module represents the steel-concrete cross section in the calculations. The stress redistribution coefficients converts the state stress in the homogenized cross-section for the state stress in steel and concrete individually. The design value of the homogenized cross-section elastic module and the stress redistribution coefficients are determined from the theory of the cooperating rings and are computed by program HOMO. The result of a study is a set of the stress redistribution coefficients and a dependency of stress redistribution coefficients on the reinforcement ratio of a steel-concrete section.

Ing. Tomáš Žajdlík, doc. Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D.

Every element must meet design requirements for using structures in buildings. One of the requirements is the fire resistance. The required properties are presented in standards and laws according to type and way of using the building. The fulfilment of requirements is declared by resistance to fire classification report. This can be done in several ways. One of them are the fire tests. The article is focused on testing of fire resistance of structures in buildings.

doc. Ing. Karel Vojtasík, CSc., doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová, Ph.D., Ing. Lukáš Ďuriš, Ph.D.

The paper exposes knowledge referring a correspondence of stress states in the cross-section of steel concrete lining. The two different theories size the stress states. The first a theory of cooperating rings is pursued at department of geotechnics. The second referential is a reinforced concrete theory in use at building construction habitually. The correspondence targets the evaluation of suitability and the working condition of a cooperating rings theory to state the stress in the cross-section of steel concrete lining. An investigation was work out on a steel concrete section having been endorsing by lattice girder.

3D tisk budov
Ing. Josef Kamenický, Ing. Marek Štádler

3D printing technology has contribution in building automatization. Today, printed buildings for everyday usage already exist. 3D printers movements are controlled by G-code. These buildings are described geometrically and then it's transformed in G-code by postprocessor. That one for building printing must respect the properties of printing mixtures. This work designs new postprocessor for building printing. It must include mathematical model of material according to which G-code for specific building geometry will be generated. In the work are proposed experiments to find out parameters for mathematical material model.

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