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Archiv článků od 23.12.2013 do 23.6.2014

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Ing. Miroslav Štíhel

The main need for drilling wood at construction is at work carpentry or concrete, sleepers etc. The market is a larger number of species of wood drills and orientation in the selection of the correct type is useful to know some of their properties. I repeat it and think about it, why drills sleepers manufactured in series.

dřevěné fošny
Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Timber grading – Visual stress grading of timber – Visual grading of round timber – Mechanical stress-grading of timber – Examples and advantages of timber grading machines − Design characteristics of structural timber according Eurocode 5 – Bibliography.

Ing. Tomáš Petříček, Ing. Lubor Kalousek, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Plachý, Ph.D.

Currently, we increasingly need to carry out construction modifications on objects which in view of their age could be basically considered as new-build buildings at which we did not expect such a requirement. In most cases these construction modifications are caused by failures or defects of roofs, especially operation roofs – terraces. The cause of failure is often a combination of several factors. The primary source of error may be already a design project and roofing solution and quality of realization of each roof layer and roof details or unsuitable climatic conditions during the implementation. A separate issue could be the problem of the poor quality of used materials. By interaction of these negative effects then surprisingly arise failures at objects which were realized a few years ago.

dřevěné nosníky
Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

An overview of the structural behaviour of notched timber beams. Notching a beam at its end leads to a stress concentration at the corner of the notch due to the sudden change in the notched beam’s cross section. The concentration of tensile stresses perpendicular to the grain and shear and can lead to failure caused by the crack propagation from the notch corner. In addition, a review of the notched beams design according Eurocode 5, reinforcements, and the design example are included.

Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava

The contribution deals with particular causes of excessive damp of wooden constructions in objects of the civil engineering. It concerns for instance the matter of water condensation on the surface of wooden elements and on the inside of constructions that contain wooden elements, of incorrect construction design, of constructions with wooden elements and leaking water in places wth wooden elements.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

An overview of the development and standard types of the prefabricated wooden houses, their basic structural materials, basic mechanical timber joints, design practice for loads effects and requirements for structural elements is presented in the five-part series. The first part explains the development and standard types of the prefabricated wooden houses.

Prof. Ing. Jiří Adámek, CSc., Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D., Ing. Ondřej Pospíchal, Ing. Dalibor Kocáb

This paper deals with the experiment which was used to analyse the influence of duration of cement hydration on the concrete properties. Compressive strength of concrete and dynamic and static values of the concrete modulus of elasticity were determined. The only variable factor was the duration of cement hydration. The outcome has form of graphic and tabular outputs showing the observed values.

doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., soudní znalec, autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The article draws attention to situations, which are created when cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures are evaluated. Despite cracks being in general allowable in reinforced concrete structures as per ČSN EN 1992-1-1, only the width of cracks must be limited with respect to functionality of the structure. These limits are well defined with respect to water impermeability of reinforced concrete structures or their durability, but we are missing criteria, which would allow for evaluation of influence of the cracks on visual appearance of the structures. Therefore very frequently situation arises, when cracks are not warranty claimed as a potential static defect or a flaw, or as an aspect influencing lifespan of the structure, but solely as an aesthetic defect.

Ing. Petr Tůma, Ph.D., Betonconsult s.r.o.

The paper describes the basic division of surface protection systems for concrete, which define standard EN 1504-2. Evaluates various parameters prescribed in relation to the requirements of the usual structures and gives appropriate use of various systems. The following are examples of inspections carried out and assessed defects.

Ing. Tomáš Stavař, Ing. Michal Stehlík, Ph.D., Ing. Věra Heřmánková, Ph.D.

This work dealing with problematic about durability of concrete, with use of recycled concrete and addition of silica additions. Predominant for resistance of concrete constructions is surface layer, through which aggressive gases and liquids penetrate from surrounding environment. The most important indicator of concrete durability is ability of surface layer transmissions of aggressive substants. In the next part were defined the actual state of surface layer by normal testing methods. The transmissions of surface layer were tested on concrete cubes. Tests for transmissions of air (method TORRENT), of water (method ISAT), of acid gases (dept of carbonation by quick test in 98% CO2) were carried out and also strength tests. Assessment of positive or negative influence of additions and amount of cement on durability and mechanical properties of concrete will be discussed in conclusion.

Ing. Pavel Šulák, Ph.D., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

The article describes measuring for a period of 16 years of an experimental masonry object, horizontally prestressed using cables – monostrands. Specific problems od this method of strengthening are mentioned.

Stavba železobetonového skeletu s jeřábem
Mgr. Mikuláš Vargic, Advokátní kancelář Šikola a partneři, člen konsorcia Frank Bold

New Civil Code enacts special type of solidary obligation to remedy the defects of building constructed under contract for works. All subcontractors (suppliers) of constructor, investor`s technical supervisors or construction project designer are solidary responsible together with the constructor in case the defect can be attributed to the performance they provided. However, these parties need not to be the parties to the contract for works itself (and usually are not) as their obligation arises by law.

The remedies that the investor can claim on these co-debtors, however, are limited to right to demand the repair of the defect. Investor may demand remedy on any of the co-debtors and all the co-debtors are obliged to perform the remedy in full.

The investor has to give notice to the debtor within a reasonable time. The notice can be sent to any of the co-debtors but we advise all investors to give notice always to the constructor first or together with the other co-debtors.

Ing. Jana Zuntychová, inženýrka zahradní a krajinné architektury, stážistka v Mecanoo, Delft, Holandsko

The thesis deals with urban sprawl and suburbanization as the effects of changes in society. It presents the basic historical overview and describes the situation in contemporary Europe. The thesis focuses on description of negative aspects, in connection with formed urban sprawl.
This work presents and describes the historical background of suburbanization in the Czech Republic. It reflects on the causes and presents the facts, leading to their understanding.
The practical part of the thesis is the application of acquired knowledge on the model, which is Brno-Útěchov. One of the peripheral parts of Brno that has grown significantly due to suburbanization in last few years.
Ideological study aims to show an alternative approach to this way of development. The main areas of interest are importance of public and private space, often neglected idea of neighborhood and the importance of privacy in terms of new houses in a face of village itself.

Mgr. Tomáš Jungwirth, Mgr. Pavel Doucha

The New Civil Code (“NCC”) brings about a comprehensive enactment of culpa in contrahendo – “fault in conclusion of a contract”. This legal institution has so far completely absented from the Civil Code and only the court practice would offer some hint as to its applicability. NCC newly emphasises the principle of honest legal affair based on the good faith of the acting party. In specific provisions, NCC explicitly prohibits a party from negotiating a contract while lacking the will to conclude it as well as from abolishing negotiations in an advanced stage without a legitimate reason to do so. Further, contract parties have a mutual information duty regarding any factual or legal circumstances which may the other party deem relevant. If such information is privileged, though, the party which recieved it is bound not to misuse it or disclose it without proper legal grounds. Any act by a contracting party lacking to meet the aforesaid criteria establishes liability to pay damages.

Petr Balvín, specialista na likvidaci azbestu

Asbestos is often mentioned in connection with the construction industry, especially with the school buildings. Wrong way of asbestos removal meant a multimillion cost of cleaning the property. Unfortunately, these cases do not cause a change in legislation that would regulate working with asbestos.

Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D., Ing. Věra Heřmánková, Ph.D.

An integral part of a building survey is determining the location of steel reinforcements in building construction elements made of reinforced concrete. In the last decade, GPR came as one of the standard diagnostic methods. However, the equipment used until recently was characterized by its complexity and lengthy measurements, evaluation of which required a considerably professionally knowledgeable staff. The turning point was Hilti PS 1000, a GPR intended for use by common technicians during building surveys. This contribution evaluates the first experience with its use.

Ing. Jaroslav Kadlec, Ing. Miroslav Kratochvíl, prof. Ing. Ivailo Terzijski, CSc., Ing. Lukáš Zvolánek

The article handles about development of ultra-light concrete with mass density less than 1000 kg/m3. In the article there are described laboratory preparation of specimens and primary mechanical properties of the ULC.

Betonová krychle
Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D., Ing. Dalibor Kocáb

The concrete built in the structure is difficult to determine the static modulus of elasticity. One possibility is to measure the dynamic modulus of elasticity and subsequent conversion to static modulus of elasticity. This paper deals with mutual relationships between static and dynamic modulus of elasticity including practical examples of the determination of reduction factor.

Mgr. Ing. Anna Francová, Mgr. Dana Stejskalová, Advokátní kancelář Šikola a partneři, člen konsorcia Frank Bold

The article describes the characteristics of claims for defects from contract for work according to the new Civil Code. The new Civil Code unifies the provisions on contract for work currently contained in both Civil and Commercial Code. The article describes the defects founding the liability of a contractor, reporting the defects and warranty, the rights resulting from the defects and the specifics of claims for defects when the subject of a contract is a building.
It is important for the work to be clearly specified in the contract. Differences from the contract are considered defects. It is vital to inspect the work after the handover for any differences from the contract. The ordering party has to report the defects to the contractor without undue delay. The statute of limitations for claiming the rights from defects is 2 years. The rights resulting from sales contract defects apply analogously to the contract for work. In case of substantial breach of contract the ordering party can ask for the delivery of a new work, repairs or resolution of a contract. Unsubstantial breach of contract allows for repairs or discount.
The last part of the article concerns specifics of claims for defects when the subject of a contract is a building. The ordering party cannot refuse to accept the building for minor defects. The statute of limitations for reporting hidden defects is 5 years in case of a building. The responsibility for defects in shared between the contractor, the maker of the documentation and the construction supervisor.

Doc. Ing. Jan Vodička, CSc., Ing. Václav Ráček, Ing. Josef Fládr

Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) with higher concentrations of fibers are still unattractive for investors. The paper presents the possibility of using metal waste to produce of wires, still suitable for the production of SFRC, but with a lower price than the known types of wires offered by current producers.

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