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Archiv článků od 15.4.2013 do 9.9.2013

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doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. arch. Bc. Anna Gregorová, Ing. Lenka Melzerová, Ph.D.

This paper deals with the basics of the so-called “Massive Timber Construction“ (MTC) system. The paper is focused to the design of MTC system (mainly design of floors, shear walls and connections) which is made from the relatively new wood-based product “Cross Laminated Timber” (CLT). CLT consists of several layers built-up with boards. Their assembly in orthogonal directions allow them to produce elements with big dimensions. Currently, no regulations for the design of CLT-elements are given in the European standards. Nevertheless mechanical parameters of CLT-elements can be determined on the basis of the properties of the single layers as is shown in the paper. It is expected that CLT will play an important role in the future use of wood in single and multi-storey buildings.

Ing. Tereza Pavlů, ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

This paper deals with possibility of using recycled construction and demolition waste as aggregate for concrete. The European Standards describes tests and properties of recycled aggregate for concrete. The main aim of this investigation was determination of recycled aggregates properties and their comparing with properties of natural aggregate and requirements in Standards. Selected geometrical and physical properties were tested and results were used to design concrete mixture. It was found that the main differences between natural and recycled aggregate is water absorption. Water absorption of recycled aggregate was more than ten times higher.

Ing. Roman Fojtík, Dr. Ing. Tomáš Novotný, Ing. Jan Hurta

A new type of circular wind bracing has been developed for stiffening of high-rise slender steel structures. This bracing can use pre-stress to modify its stiffness to achieve required properties. The models scalled 1/20 are subject to static and dynamic load laboratory tests in order to prove theoretical conclusions and to adjust optimal values of pre-stress.

doc. Dr. Ing. Luboš Podolka, Ing. Patrik Štancl, Ph.D.

This paper describes the experience gained in planning, design and implementation of rehabilitation reinforced concrete structure, which is formed in the lower part of the reinforced concrete skeleton, from 3.NP T06B wall system with regard to the loading of the next deck above.

Ing. Vladan Panovec, VŠB - TU Ostrava

Existing procedures for determining heat transfer in the soil. Temperature measurements in the soil under the floor of the experimental house MSDK at the Technical University in Ostrava. The difference between the calculated temperatures and actually measured. Theoretical and real temperature field in the soil.

Ing. Pavel Heinrich, HELUZ cihlářský průmysl a.s.

Blocks for masonry with integrated insulation material are known over 30 years. Especialy hollow clay bricks have low U value due to optimalization of their geometry with low thermal conductivity of ceramic body. Finaly integrated insulation material into the holes in bricks results to increasing of thermal insulation properties. Article is focus on behavior of hollow clay bricks with and without integrated insulation material in dynamic heat load.

Ing. Václav Ráček, doc. Ing. Jan Vodička, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Krátký, CSc.

The paper is focused on the results of testing of a key segment of the tunnel lining, which is important for the capacity of the tunnel lining itself. Strength parameters of the designed structural steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) element are described. SFRC key segment with fibres dosages 50 kg/m3 are compared with ordinary RC key segment.

Ing. Dita Jiroutová, Ph.D., Ing. Miroslav Vokáč, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Petr Bouška, CSc., doc. Ing. Jiří Kolísko, Ph.D.

The experimental results of long-term monitoring of total strain in two prestressed reinforced concrete sleepers B91 S, produced by ŽPSV a.s. are shown in the article. Total strain of monitored prestressed sleepers was measured by long-gauge optical fibres SOFO.

Ing. Ján Ježko, PhD., Katedra geodézie, Stavebná fakulta, STU v Bratislave

The article introduces the testing procedure of levelling instruments in construction. Generally described testing and validation procedure of levelling instruments (optical and digital as well) is supplemented by results and evaluation of four selected levelling instruments (Sokkia C40, Geo Fennell NO.10, Spectra AL100 a Leica Sprinter 150) used to work in technical levelling.

Aplikácia pravdepodobnostných modelov degradácie na zvýšenie kvality betónových konštrukcií
Ing. Ivan Hollý, prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD.

For reasons of failure to material detarioration have occurred to many premature or sudden failure of building structures. The quality of the design, execution and maintenance of building structures is a serious problem in the present. The paper presents probabilistic models of concrete deterioration that cause depassivation of reinforcement.

Ing. Josef Musílek, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Plachý, Ph.D.

The article deals with static design of saddle roof frame with two middle purlins. This kind of bearing stucture is widely used for roofing of family houses. There are shown diferent computational models. These models are compared and evaluated.

Změny v druhové skladbě českých lesů
prof. Ing. Vilém Podrázský, CSc., prof. Ing. Jan Kouba, CSc., Ing. Daniel Zahradník, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Igor Štefančík, CSc.

Forestry and forest management plays many roles in the landscape and in the socio-economic area. Forests represent a landscape stabilizer, the best preserved part of the landscape of predominantly natural character with significant application of natural, spontaneous process. It also serves as a source of material benefits to human society. The wood-producing function of forests was questuioned in this country in recent years. Above all, leaders of various environmentalist movement are demanding ever greater proportion of forests without economic activity. However, forestry is afflicted by such influences by decades and the aim of this paper is to demonstrate possible implications of these trends for forestry and subsequent economic sectors.

Ing. Petr Hlavsa, Ing. Kateřina Komínková, Ing. Josef Remeš, Ing. et Ing. Lucie Rašovská

Building Act (Act. No. 183/2006 Coll.) in its regulations frequently uses the term of built up area, particularly in the context of built up area of building (hereinafter referred to as “built up area”). Correct determination of built up area is highly significant. Unfortunately, the Building Act did not contain a definition and a method of determining the built up area.
On January 1, 2013 came into effect an extensive amendment of the Building Act (Act No. 350/2012 Coll.). The aim of a legislature was to bring clarity and to provide clear way to determine the built up area. This is defined in § 2 clause (7) of this Act. This definition is not considered unambiguous, though.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the regulations of the Building Act in detail and to find a probable way of correct determination of the built up area. All facts presented in this paper should be taken as the opinions of the authors and should not be considered as a binding interpretation of the law, which is due only to the independent court.

Význam kvality zkušebních vzorků a postupů
doc. Ing. Vojtěch Mencl, CSc., Ing. Eva M. Foose, MBA.

The importance of material testing is increasing with new requirements for structures. The priority is to improve quality of measurement process of materials, building parts and structures and utilize modern computing capabilities and automatization.

Postup a výsledky kontroly optických prevažovacích prístrojov
Ing. Ján Ježko, PhD., Katedra geodézie, Stavebná fakulta, STU v Bratislave

Setting out and control of a vertical direction belong among often solved tasks in civil engineering. In order to setting out a plumb line the optical plumbing instruments are used. The most commonly used instrument for this activity is Zeiss PZL (Zeiss Zenitholt PZL 100). This contribution describes the procedure and results of testing according to STN ISO 17123-7: 2010 Optics and optical instruments – Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments. Part 7: Optical plumbing instruments.

Ing. Alena Hynková, CSc., Ing. Blanka Pelánková

In the second half of the last century the village changes in terms of demographics. First, the outhouses lose their importance, later, the living houses got empty. At best, the homesteads are used for weekend recreation. As a result of these changes, and due to improper construction impacts the houses dilapidate. There is material destruction and creation of static structural failure of the house.

Ing. Dalibor Kocáb, Ing. Ondřej Pospíchal, Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D.

The article deals with the questions of concrete homogeneity, above all with possibilities how to verify this characteristic. We manufactured for this experiment two concrete blocks with dimensions 300×300×900 mm from concrete C 20/25 and then we determined their homogeneity using non-destructive and destructive testing methods. It is only a small part of experimental research, but it is possible to generalize research results and conclusions. We verified the concrete homogeneity in real structure using the ultrasonic impulse method – on columns of monolithic frame of car shelter.

Doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Assessors often encounter objects with uncertain structural system. These buildings are designed with difficulty and in its operation they may behave differently than expected. Good design and implementation are, in the case of long-term behaviour of structures, essential. The article deals with the basic principles of proper design and its assessment.

Uvádění stavebních výrobků na trh EU a ČR podle nového evropského nařízení
Ing. Pavel Vaněk, Ing. Taťána Pašiaková

The basic document for the area of construction products was until the April 2011 Council Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD). On 4st. April 2011 was published in the OJ EU REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL No 305/2011 which defines harmonized conditions for the placing of construction products to EU market and cancels Council Directive 89/106/EEC.

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