Moisture affects the strength of wood. The strength decreases with increasing humidity. Excessive moisture in wood allows the growth of wood-decay fungi. They attack the building covertly and can cause great damage before they are detected. Wood can be protected against wood-decay fungi by impregnation. Its use in residential buildings is problematic. That is why structural protection is used, i.e. incorporating the wood into the building in such a way that it does not get wet or even soaked and its natural drying out is ensured. During the lifetime of a building, timber can be threatened by high humidity in the structure, condensation, water vapour, leakage or failure of water supply systems and, for example, flooding. It is wise to measure the moisture content of timber in structures and to react in good time to excessive moisture content. Unfortunately, there are not many ways to do this. The method described in this article addresses the monitoring of moisture in timber enclosed in structures.
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