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Archiv článků od 22.6.2012 do 28.1.2013

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Ing. Ivana Tůmová, Ing. Petr Vaculík, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Pavel Kic, DrSc., Ing. Zuzana Štěrbová

This article summarises the results of research on work intensity in special greenhouses based on measurement of heart rate in correlation with microclimatic environmental working conditions in these greenhouses during the summer period of the year. According to the results of measurement the indoor conditions represented by operative temperature value were higher than value required by low in Czech Republic. In order to these facts, the general conclusion of this study is proposal appropriate operation mode for workers in so specific environment conditions.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha s.p.

External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) are commonly used in the Czech Republic for thermo-retrofitting of old multifamily buildings as well as for proper insulation of new buildings constructed presently. Additional insulating layer radically improves thermal performance of a wall but at same time reduces its sound insulation in certain frequency range depending on the resonance frequency of the system. This problem becomes important in the case of noisy locations. This contribution presents a revision of the European Technical Approval Guideline No. 004 and describes suitable test methods and single value characteristic ΔRw including relevant national requirements.

Ing. Tomáš Maixner, Institut pro rozvoj měst a obcí, IRMO

Czech Technical Standard ČSN EN 12464-1 entered into force on April 1st. This standard is closely related to healthy light. It establishes rules for correct (and healthy) illuminating of workplaces. A number of changes occurred in the standard, small but important. Since the analysis throughout the standard would be impossibly large, I will assume that readers know the "old" version, and I will focus mainly on the kind of changes.

Zdravé světlo – Novela normy ČSN EN 12464-1
Ing. Tomáš Maixner, Institut pro rozvoj měst a obcí, IRMO

Czech Technical Standard ČSN EN 12464-1 entered into force on April 1st. This standard is closely related to healthy light. It establishes rules for correct (and healthy) illuminating of workplaces. A number of changes occurred in the standard, small but important. Since the analysis throughout the standard would be impossibly large, I will assume that readers know the "old" version, and I will focus mainly on the kind of changes.

Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Bc. Jan Kaňka

This paper deals with predictions of reverberation time of sports buildings in the phase of project preparation. On the set of nine buildings, the comparison of calculated results with in-situ measured data is done. Different prediction methods and computer simulations have been included in this work.

Bílé vany
Ing. Jiří Pazderka, Ph.D., Katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb, Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

The article describes unbiased comparison between two different methods of building protection against subsurface water and moisture – the foundation structure of waterproof concrete and waterproofing envelope based on the bitumen or plastic continuous sheet water proofing. The confrontation of properties and risk factors of the methods is made from the perspective of waterproof concrete structure which is the main content of the article. The comparative analysis is supplemented with the photos from field surveys and the results of independent laboratory tests.

Ing. Zuzana Stránská,, Ing. Martin Vonka, Ph.D.

The aim of this article is to highlight the ever increasing importance of a comprehensive evaluation of the energy balance of buildings and present a set of results of student work in this field which can be used for explanation the basic relations and ideas about the current impact of the Czech residential buildings on the environment.

Přístupy k hodnocení vzduchové neprůzvučnosti
Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

The comparison of different approaches to the evaluation of airborne sound insulation between rooms is given in this paper. Based on the described advantages and disadvantages, the most appropriate approach is chosen. Emphasis is laid on the uniformity of assessment for different types of building elements and users of buildings, so that the values of objective quantities for airborne sound insulation should correlate with subjective evaluation.

Ing. Tomáš Maixner, Institut pro rozvoj měst a obcí, IRMO

The irregular series on healthy light can not ignore the amendment of Government Regulation No. 93/2012 Coll. [1], which is valid from April 1 this year. Regulation is dedicated to the protection of health at work and is related to the lighting of course.

Ing. Roman Brzoň, Ing. Milan Ostrý, Ph.D.

This paper deals with the issue of comparing simulations for steady and unsteady thermal state at the massive structures. In this paper, computer simulations are compared with real measurements and measurements of climatic data. The evaluation showed that the steady-state temperature can be comparing with real model used after the end of the accumulation phase. It is evident that the requirements for the temperature factor of the internal surface of the solid structures, set by legislation, are a safe assumption.

Ing. Michaela Horáčková, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

Series of articles discusses the way of determination of setting the limits of the building envelope air-tightness and its influence on the total value of air permeability, and analyzes the influence of including the elements inside the building to the total value of air permeability. Analysis included 6 experimental houses and proofed the influence of calculated border of building envelope and above all the influence of inside elements like furniture or inside structures.

Ing. Michal Papranec, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

The behaviour of real structures in some cases differs from the structure modeled in computational program. Article deals with the influences that can affect the characteristics of the structure, so that they affect the surface temperature of the structure. In particular, the moisture inside the material and air humidity.

Ing. Michal Papranec, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

The behaviour of real structures in some cases differs from the structure modeled in computational program. Article deals with the influences that can affect the characteristics of the structure, so that they affect the surface temperature of the structure. In particular, the moisture inside the material and air humidity.

Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

This paper deals with the impact of using phase change materials (PCM) in light building constructions. It describes how these materials react during the whole year, how they impact the summer temperature stability of a room and how they react in the transtition period and in the heating period. Measuring was carried out in the experimental and reference room in the attic of the Institute of Building Structures. The layout of these identical rooms enables to compare the measured values. The measuring of the indoor climate which had been carried out during the whole year in the reference and experimental room was analysed. The analysis was used to create the basic methodological procedure for using PCM in light building constructions. These materials proved to be efficient in the summer time. During the heating period the power consumption was monitored in relation to the application of the phase change materials.

Ing. Pavel Kopecký, Ph.D., Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, ČVUT v Praze

Today, besides standard insulation products reflective thermal insulations can be purchased on the market. This may for example be a combination of closed air layers with several layers of metallized foil. Dealers of reflective insulation often claim that the thermal conductivity of reflective insulation reaches values lower than 0,01 W/(m‧K). One dealer introduces this fact to consumers in another form: three centimeters of reflective insulation are equal to twenty centimeters of mineral wool. However, are such properties physically possible?

Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D., Ing. Marcel Koňařík, Ing. Iva Ambrožová

Currently the thermography is commonly used for diagnosis of the building envelope quality. Major purpose is the control of construction details, thermal bridge analysis. Thermography can be used for determining the heat transfer coefficient of the building envelope. Though this method of determining heat transfer coefficient is limited and results may not always be exact. It can be caused by variability of boundary conditions and inhomogeneity of building structure. This article describes the methodology for determination of heat transfer coefficient based on thermographic measuring.

Ing. František Vlach

Temperature effects on soil are unexplored and calculations are simplified. This paper deals with the impact of using different soil properties for numerical determination linear thermal transmittance of building foundations. It describes how the numerical calculation react on these soil properties. The analysis was made for real details of foundations and was used to create simple chart for the idea about calculation sensitivity.

Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D.,, VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

Sloping roofs have been being built for centuries. Until recently, these roofs had only one purpose - to protect the building from rainwater, snow or other climatic influences. Let's look more closely at the current issue of excessive moisture in the roofs and let's show with pictures some specific examples.

Ing. Alena Hynková, CSc., Ing. Petra Bednářová, PhD., Ing. Blanka Pelánková

Thermal insulation of prefabricated panel buildings is shifting to residential houses built on a brick in at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. These houses usually have an unheated basement with brick arches or wooden beam ceiling. Insulation of envelope and leaving the original heating system leads to a change in the internal climate and causing secondary faults.

Going Green logo
Mgr. Jiří Zilvar, redakce

Representatives of business, government, international institutions, industry and research, presented on the conference their vision and practical steps to reduce consumption and protect the climate.

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