The present study reveals the influence of typical wind permeability of connections at the eaves on thermal losses. Therefore, a laboratory test and a field test with different insulation materials and different typical geometries of the gap at the eaves were carried out. In order to show the influence on the heat flow rate dependent on insulation material characteristics, three insulations with different densities and air flow resistances were chosen. Furthermore, in the laboratory test the roof inclination, the insulation thickness and the fixation of the roofing underlayment were varied.for the laboratory test, a part of a roof was constructed in the climate chamber. Hence, an influence on the heat flow rate depending on the insulation material has been detected. Where as cellulose insulation and the heavy mineral wool show no significant reaction of the heat flow under different wind velocities and different gap sizes, the investigated lightweight mineral wool insulation shows an important variation of the Uvalue. For the field test, a typically pitched roof was constructed, the eaves placed in the main direction of the wind. It was shown, that the influence of wind on the heat flow rate is negligible if the gaps at the eaves are masked by a projecting roof. The outcome of the research project will lead to a modification of a national construction standard.
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