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Ing. arch. Vladimír Balda

Cornice is a traditional architectural element that is unfortunately disappeared from the current buildings. It is often replaced by methods that do not fulfill their architectural or construction function adequately.

Doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, PhD., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Prefabricated single-storied concrete assembly hall is roofed with prestressed lattice girders, skylights, purlins and roof slabs. Significant problems of a roof structure were found out. The method and results of examination and the principles of reconstruction are described.

Nové požadavky na hodnocení energetické náročnosti budov
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In connection with the implementation of the revised European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings, certain legislative provisions such as Decree No. 148/2007, Coll. Replaced by Decree No. 78/2013, Coll. are currently amending. This article is focused on the changes associated with the energy certification of buildings, the "ENB", from the perspective of changes in the evaluation ENB.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Hana Hasníková

This paper describes an investigation of historical timber members of roof structure at Masaryk railway station in Prague. In the paper is also presented an experiment, which deals with the influence of mechanical damage to timber members in the interpretation of the results of non-destructive measurement.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Hana Hasníková

This paper deals with methods for determining the reliability of historical wooden structures and tries to outline the progress and shift in the methods used, problems or gaps in knowledge and research needs associated with this activity.

Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

Wood-destroying insects is one of the biological wood pests. Attacks the wood material, both individually and also in parallel with other decaying biological pests. Knowledge of principles for the design and implementation of a hot air disposal of wood-destroying insects is necessary for the reconstruction of historic buildings. Carefull consider from a conceptual point of view is necessary for the design for redevelopment of wooden elements affected by wood-destroying insects.

Ing. Veronika Hunková, Ing. Jitka Čechová, Ing. Vojtěch Kafka

The paper deals with structural and humidity survey of the timber-framed building of Rowing Centre from the 19th century in Brno. The building is one of the last surviving buildings of its kind in the city. The results of the survey of wooden structures, including windows, doors, and other construction, can be summed up in a statement that the construction is in relatively good condition adequate to its age. Proposal of preventive and remedial actions aims at maintaining of the traditional timber-framed system with the supporting structure visible from the outside.

Technické parametry oken
Ing. Iveta Jiroutová, TZÚS a.s.

The CE mark indicates only that the specified product properties were tested in accordance with specified regulation, in the case of windows, the type test was performed for 1 pcs of the product. Subject to the same quality parameters, ie same values ​​of air permeability, watertightness, etc. for the entire manufacturing production is the only producer responsibility.

Ing. Pavel Rubáš, Ph.D., Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha s.p.

External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) are commonly used in the Czech Republic for thermo-retrofitting of old multifamily buildings as well as for proper insulation of new buildings constructed presently. Additional insulating layer radically improves thermal performance of a wall but at same time reduces its sound insulation in certain frequency range depending on the resonance frequency of the system. This problem becomes important in the case of noisy locations. This contribution presents a revision of the European Technical Approval Guideline No. 004 and describes suitable test methods and single value characteristic ΔRw including relevant national requirements.

PhDr. Eduard Justa, soudní znalec v oboru obkladačských prací a stavební keramiky

In two volumes we present a modern large format tiles. In the first part it will be the possibility of their use, including methods of laying, in the second part of the expansion issue, adhesives and grouts. Traditional ceramic tiles have changed significantly. Rapid technological development has enabled to provide users a completely new format tiles. The dimensional changes can be observed in both directions. Mosaics have been reduced to the size less than 10 mm of the edge and paving and tilesgrow to impressive sizes.

Ing. Ondřej Anton, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Cikrle, Ph.D., Ing. Věra Heřmánková, Ph.D.

Relatively frequent request when conducting construction surveys of historical constructions is to determine the origin and age of bricks as well as their physico-mechanical properties in the context of a static evaluation of the brickwork. This article addresses this issue using an example of historic brickwork in a bridge construction.

PhDr. Eduard Justa, soudní znalec v oboru obkladačských prací a stavební keramiky

In two volumes we present a modern large format tiles. In the first part it will be the possibility of their use, including methods of laying, in the second part of the expansion issue, adhesives and grouts. Traditional ceramic tiles have changed significantly. Rapid technological development has enabled to provide users a completely new format tiles. The dimensional changes can be observed in both directions. Mosaics have been reduced to the size less than 10 mm of the edge and paving and tilesgrow to impressive sizes.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Making sense of the information in the field of heating is not easy. Users of heating systems are exposed to the pitfalls of commercialism and the effort to save expensive heat is forcing people to meet clashing opinions in an environment of rumors, myths, and chimeras. The one who deceives us can do it deliberately, or is victim of false reasoning, since heating is not an easy field. Let’s get the whole situation a little more transparent.

Bílé vany
Ing. Jiří Pazderka, Ph.D., Katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb, Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

The article describes unbiased comparison between two different methods of building protection against subsurface water and moisture – the foundation structure of waterproof concrete and waterproofing envelope based on the bitumen or plastic continuous sheet water proofing. The confrontation of properties and risk factors of the methods is made from the perspective of waterproof concrete structure which is the main content of the article. The comparative analysis is supplemented with the photos from field surveys and the results of independent laboratory tests.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., Katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb, Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze

Explosion effects belong to the category of accidental actions. During the use of building or during its construction may occur only exceptionally. ČSN EN 1991‑1‑7 (73 0035) requires to consider this type of actions and the solution of structural design to withstand the accidental action.

Přetlakové větrání chráněných únikových cest
Ing. Jana Elstnerová

The article informs about why and how to solve pressurization of protected emergency exits (hereinafter also referred to as the abbreviation of CHÚC). Design of protected escape route with permissible concentration of carbon monoxide only is not today's reality. Other toxic combustion products such as hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, hydrogen halides, oxides of nitrogen and other even at low concentrations make it difficult to escape from the danger area. For this reason, the standard EN 12101-6 for ventilation of protected escape routes does not deal with the dilution of smoke, but establishes criteria for maintaining of protected escape routes free from smoke.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Evaluated the effectiveness of austerity measures must take into account both external and internal temperature of the object and the value of the average heat gain at which heat consumption was measured. Article analyzes the individual components, and presents the average values.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Video Image Fire Detection is a modern fire detection mechanism of phenomena and processes accompanying fire. Main advantage is the ability and speed of smoke detection, independent of the arrival of the smoke to the sensor. Video Image Fire Detection can achieve higher sensitivity than conventional fire sensors by simultaneously monitoring different parameters in a large area. The article gives basic requirements for Video Image Fire Detector for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling.

úspory tepla v panelových domech
J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Relatively same heat savings can be achieved with thermal comfort by regulation, or without thermal comfort by switching off the radiators. It depends on how the heating is operated and how heat gains are used in the building. The article contains a simplified example that relations between real and purported savings of heat explains.

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