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Ing. Petr Pohl, projektant pozemních staveb a rozpočtář, jednatel stavební a obchodní firmy

In the article, I would like to draw attention to the issue with an outside window lintel on existing double glazed windows. The lintel is mounted below the other lintel and can therefore when replacing windows in modern window to form a problem. The article presents possible solutions window lintel. The most appropriate way is a solution that includes the total renovation of the building envelope with the replacement of windows.

Ing. Pavel Šmíra, Ph.D., Ing. Andrea Nasswettrová, Ph.D., Ing. et Ing. Soňa Křivánková

The article presents a technological procedure and possibilities for surface treatment of different materials by using compact parts of CO2dry ice. A purifying medium is accelerated in the nozzle of the SDI Select 60 device by compressed air stream to a supersonic speed, and so it reaches high kinetic energy. The impact of CO2 at the temperature −78.8 °C rapidly cools down the surface; dirtiness becomes brittle and loses its base adhesion, causing temperature shock. Simultaneously with this temperature effect, dry ice intensively sublimates, increases its volume and removes, at high inner tension, the impaired surface of dirtiness without any formation of abrasion waste. The device is applicable to the removal of contamination from elements which cannot be saturated with water or when it is necessary to modify elements with no need to dismantle them. The report introduces the technology when removing contamination on the surface of wooden construction elements, artefacts and stone statues, as well as when forming a relief on the native wooden surface and at a surface treatment before the application of paint, or fungicidal and insecticidal agents.

Ing. Jindřich Sobotka, prof. Ing. Miloslav Novotný, CSc., Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D., Mgr. Zdeněk Jiroušek

Drying masonry building structures using high-frequency electromagnetic (EMW) radiation, so-called. Microwave technology in construction practice becoming more exercise. It is an innovative method which can be used to remove excess moisture significantly speed. This article focuses on the description of physical phenomena that occur during drying and comparison standard, the most commonly used, processes for drying buildings.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

The heat transfer between apartments operated on various internal temperatures objectively exists and under certain circumstances this may represent an important proportion of the total heat loss of the apartment. Is it possible to quantify the financial impact of the heat parasitism?

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

In the last article on the regeneration of residential buildings, I said that additional contributions will be more focused on topics that are crucial for the effective functioning of the heating system, or which are controversial perception among the general public. The first topic that fully meets the two criteria is the heat transfer between the different flats in apartment houses.

Ing. Michal Čejka, Ing. Miroslav Šafařík, Ph.D.

The article deals with the issue of economic accessibility of energy-saving buildings; respecting the possibility of financial support from the National programme “Nová zelená úsporám” (New green savings programme, abbr. NZÚ). The purpose of the article is to disprove some of the incorrect interpretations and myths connected with this topic. It point out the good practice examples of a high-quality projects preparation, their successful submission into “New green savings programme” and following realization. Article aims either at lay or professional reader.

Ing. Jaroslav Pánik

This paper deals with additional moisture protection of the building structures on the contact with the ground. The presented remedial work is based on the WTA guidelines, which recommend the optimal material and technology. Low and high pressure injections are mentioned, as well as additional horizontal waterproofing. It is underlined that important role plays the suitable materials and compliance with the prescribed technology. We cannot forget on effect of splash water and effect of condensing moisture. The success of remediation is conditioned on the highly professional realization of details. Specific solutions are illustrated in the appended figures.

PhDr. Eduard Justa, člen Cechu obkladačů ČR, člen představenstva Silikátového svazu

Czech version of the renowned handbook TCNA contains guidelines for the design and execution of tiles made of ceramic, glass and stone. Contains a description of 155 standardized methods, guidelines for designing Movement Joint of Floors, Environmetal Classification. LEED and other information necessary for the proper design and execution of tiles. Guide creates a quality system. It was registered with the Chamber of Commerce as rules of practice. The manual is intended for designers, architects, craftsmen, construction management, investors, students, etc.

doc. Ing. Martin Jiránek, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební

Basic principles of designing and realization of radon remedial measure in existing buildings are presented. Typical effectiveness of particular measures is summarized and schematic drawings of measures used most frequently are provided.

Ing. Zuzana Mathauserová

If you ask hygienist, how to define the term " indoor environment quality", the aswer will be: A set of physical, chemical and biological environmental factors. All of these factors should have - if possible, and the current state of knowledge it allows - hygienic limits as insurmountable values, protecting human health.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., Ing. Filip Čmiel

The exact determination of emissivity and the following determination of surface temperature of glossy materials can be carried out e. g. after applying a material with a known value of emissivity on the surface (e. g. self-adhesive foil or spray tint). The contribution deals with other possibility of determination of surface temperature and the influence of emissivity of glossy materials using a metal shield that reduces the negative influence of the reflected radiation during the termographical measurement.

Ing. arch. Marcela Kubů, Asociace výrobců minerální izolace

The article deals with the determination of thermal conductivity mineral insulation. Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association conducted a survey on this topic between building designers and describes the various possibilities of calculation and determination of these values and the differences between them.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

Text is focused on the energy effectiveness of the heat pump installations operated in the system for space heating and domestic hot water preparation. Conventional heat pumps are operated in hot water system with low coefficient of performance (COP). Heat demand structure in multifamily buildings with high heat use for hot water influences the energy effectiveness of heat pump operation. Moreover, combination with space heating results in high installed heat capacity of the units which is not used during the year.

Ing. Miroslav Machalec

A sophisticated system of ventilation and cooling (air conditioning) in representative rooms of the valuable historical building of the Olomouc town hall is described in the paper (see pic. 1).

After a complex and detailed technical and historical survey it was decided to use the original chimneys and their flues, at present out of operation (see pic. 5) for bringing the air into the rooms. The flues were milled and steel liners were inserted, in order to bring the air into the conditioned rooms. Thanks to this solution – responsive and witty in the same time – the vaults and murals in the ceremonial hall and adjacent service rooms remained intact.

Within the rooms the air is distributed through very flat pipes laid into the cinder embankment under the wooden parquetry that had to be repaired, too. In the same time new cables for sound and security systems, until now missing, were installed under the floor. The air is brought into the rooms through the slot diffusers, integrated into the carpets. The cooling units were installed under the renovated window sills.

Similar system was implemented in the mayor´s office, his or her secretariat and a great reunion hall.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Owners of residential houses during the reconstruction usually think the following: What does not have obvious defects, it's okay. By this simplified manner can not be seen on the heating system in any way. A sign that the heating is okay, it is not only the fact that heats, but mainly that operates efficiently. And it does not recognize at first glance.

Ing. Jan Tripes, TZÚS Praha, s.p.

There are two possibilities how to place the ETICS on the market of the Czech Republic in this time – the national and european certification. Against the european certification valid all over the European Union the national one entitles manufacturer to sell the product just in Czech Republic territory. This contribution further mentions the basic specifics for each type of these certification processes.

Ing. David Eyer, prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc.

Quality of architectonic space is essential for our mental, social and physical health, serving as a constant source of strong influence – sometimes supporting and inspiring, other times oppressing and dulling. With silent contemplation we may realize there are principles which “enliven” this space. Architectonic space, like all other animate and inanimate things, exhibits a certain degree of its own analogy of vitality (animateness) which reflects in our mental, social and physical health.

Ing.arch. Ondřej Pleštil

This paper deals with the reconstruction of the historical building of the cinema “Varšava” in Liberec, Czech Republic. The building designed and built in the 1920s by the german Liberec architects Effenberger and Noppes is both valuable architectural and constructional monument. However, it has suffered from faulty partial reconstructions done during the 20th century and during 8 years of closure of the building in 2008. For salvation of the building, a a new civic association “Save kino Varšava” was established in 2012. Now, it tries to halt further decay of the valuable monument at start a process which would convert the old cinema to a modern multifuctional hall of the 21th century in the future. Recently, the foyer is reconstructed and minor reconstructions in the hall are taking place. This paper deals mostly with restoration of the original ventilation system and dry rot fungus treatment.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Currently there are changes in our legislation in order to increase the energy efficiency of heating. Opinions differ on the effect of accepted changes. While some expect significant savings on heat, others, and I am one of them, draw attention to the absurdity of the whole project.

Ing. Eva Wernerová Beránková, doc. Ing. František Kuda, CSc., Fakulta stavební VŠB – TU Ostrava

The article deals with one of the essential documentation for the operation of buildings, and as-built documentation. The aim of this paper is to present documentation as a basis for further development of operational documentation, and contributes to each well to that used and operated building. The article presents possibilities for the documentation used in practice and how to deal with it during the life cycle of the building. The article also lists ways of processing and updates.

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