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Ing. arch. Zdeňka Vasilenková, ČZU v Praze – Fakulta životního prostředí

Agriculture and agricultural buildings ever has developed for centuries. In the past these buildings closely followed the living area. Later, for hygienic reasons, they were moved on the edge of residental areas. During the establishment of agricultural cooperatives the distance between farm buildings and residential areas started to increase. This development of buffer zones of agricultural buildings has had a large and indelible impact on the shape of our landscape.

Ing. arch. Ondřej Šefců, Národní památkový ústav, územní odborné pracoviště v hlavním městě Praze

The article is based on experiences with interesting fire safety solutions in historical buildings in the Czech Republic and abroad. It shows that fire safety precautions are possible almost everywhere. They are usually quite simple and affordable and without fear of aesthetical damage as well.

Ing. Jiří Pokorný, Ph.D., MPA, VŠB – TU Ostrava, Katedra bezpečnostního inženýrství

The paper describes the possibility of using fire engineering methods to ensure the safety of cultural monuments. Character of cultural heritage and the effort to preserve their historical value, is the cause of conflict situations in their evaluation in terms of fire safety. The case study of the picture gallery demonstrates some of the options of models of fire which are possible tools in solutions different from standards. The use of fire engineering methods is commented with relation to subjects usually participating in fire engineering applications.

Ing. Andrea Nasswettrová, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Šmíra, Ph.D., MBA

The paper presents an overview of preservation methods based on professional, expert assessment and research activity of the Thermal Preservation Methodological Department. It reflects the suitability and usability of available methods for wooden elements of respective type of structure. The methods are represented according to currently available and applied preservation methods. The methods use thermal energy, namely the hot-air sterilisation of wood and microwave technologies. The presented paper specifies conditions under which the methods shall be used so that their application contributes to more efficient protection of the heritage fund. The field of biotic harmful elements includes wood-destroying insects and fungi with special regard to dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans).

Ing. Petra Fučíková, Doc. Ing. Alena Tichá, Ph.D., Vysoké učení technické v Brně Fakulta stavební

The article deals with operation of historical buildings from the facility management view. Facility management of historical buildings in the article refers to buildings that are treated according to the czech law no. 20/1987. These buildings are cultural sights.

Ing. Andrea Nasswettrová, Ph.D., Ing. et Ing. Soňa Křivánková, Ing. Simona Lauerová, Ing. Olga Grossová, Ing. Pavel Šmíra, Ph.D., MBA

The paper presents a methodological procedure and results of acoustic detection of wood-destroying insect larvae in the buildings of the Wallachian Open Air Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. Using the Acoustic Pack acoustic system, the activity was monitored at 112 positions of wooden trusses of framing on the house of Prlov and Rožnov Town Hall as structures considered for the performance of a preservation measure. Based on the obtained results, the actual status of active infestation of wooden elements was defined with the graphic output of activity and sound records which will be used for designing efficient preservation of the structures.

Ing. arch. Petr Kučera, jakub cigler architekti

In early September, the administration building Aviatica was inaugurated and officially unveiled, which is the flagship of a large development in the former factory Walter in Prague. Use of abandoned industrial sites, called Brownfields has been the great theme of Planning and Development during the last few years. Vast territories with dilapidated buildings have a negative impact on their environment, in terms of the degradation of the environment, environmental stress, negative social phenomena or reduction of the economic potential of the site. These lucrative localities are connected to existing technical and transport infrastructure. The transformation has a positive impact on the surrounding areas and instead of spatial expansion of cities into the countryside is one of the ways to exploit their intrinsic potential.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

Methods of cost allocation in apartment buildings have undergone significant changes in recent years. The article offers a comprehensive overview of cost allocation methods in multi-dwelling units according to applicable regulations. It is intended mainly for owners of residential units, board members of homeowners associations, managers of housing cooperatives or individuals and companies managing residential buildings.
Cost allocation in apartment buildings is currently governed by two laws: Act No. 67/2013 Coll. and the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. These laws governed cost allocation in calendar year 2014 and apply also for 2015. The heating and hot water supply costs in MDUs from 2016 onwards will be allocated pursuant to the new decree No. 269/2015 Coll. and the amended Act No. 67/2013 Coll.

Zdeněk Štefek, Pavel Zejda, SAREP a.s.

The basement of a castle greenhouse, so called catacombs, and a terrace with air shafts above them are located to the east by the Palm greenhouse of a state castle Lednice and they are connected with it. Catacombs used to serve as depositaries for storing plants from castle park in a period of winter month. Preservation of greenhouse’s catacombs began in 2004 and was carried out in phases till the end of 2007 when the work was interrupted. In 2012 the investor decided to proceed to finish the second part of a planned reconstruction connected with a reconstruction of basements under the greenhouse terrace. The vital part under the project documentation is also dealing with a rehabilitation of damp masonry including necessary constructional and technical research with respect to dampness and its elimination.

Tomáš Krempaský,

Owners of residential buildings and their tenants must ensure the implementation of some activities on the technical and fire safety devices in order to ensure their safety and functionality in use. Inspections and checks are therefore not just binding on the applicable regulations, but also may prevent damage to health and property.

doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc., doc. Ing. Antonín Paseka, CSc., Mgr. František Hubatka

A former brickyard was filled up with diverse waste after extraction of soil. The resulting 20 m high slope was in the crown and in a toe build up without taking into account the possibility of its landsliding. The causes and consequences of the accident and remediation measures are described.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

The recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings defined all new buildings will be nearly zero-energy buildings by the end of 2020. However, the transformation of the EU’s building stock will not be completed until well after 2020 and this target can only constitute an intermediate step. The renovation of existing buildings stock offers significant potential for both cost-effective CO2 emissions mitigation and substantial energy consumption reduction. Therefore energy efficiency can be seen as Europe’s biggest energy resource. The cost optimal methodology may be a useful tool able to identify the more appropriate retrofit measures in order to launch the renovation of the existing building stock on a large scale.

Ing. Petr Červený, VOŠ a SPŠ Volyně

The paper deals with complex solution of heating and economy measures regarding ecology of heat sources and preservation of architectural values of the Volyně college-complex. This solution also includes padding warm and exchange of windows in all complexes. New technology in boiled room was installed with application of boiler for fytomass-burning, gas condensation boilers, thermal pump in system air/water and cogeneration unit for supply electric energy.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT Praha

According to the statistics of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, fires in apartment houses are among the most frequent tragedies. Therefore, it is necessary to pay them due attention. Their cause is often the incorrect execution of building construction disrespecting fire safety aspects.

prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ph.D., Ing. Julie Hodková, Ing. Michal Bureš, Ing. Martin Volf

This paper describes an own development of a curtain wall panel system. The leading idea of the project was to prepare an alternative solution for replacement of old metallic curtain walls during the refurbishment of nonresidential buildings from the 1960ies – 1970ies. Presented solution use wood and wood based materials (laminated veneer lumbers) for construction of panels, with clear preference to non-oil based materials for thermal insulation. System allows for different type of external cladding (cement based boards, wooden claddings, integrated PV, support for greenery). Integration of other technical components, like venetian blinds, decentralized ventilation units, is possible. Thermal performance, noise protection and fire safety of this new envelope together with environmental oriented assessments are discussed.

Ing. František Stránský

In buildings registered in preservation zones the preservationists require keeping of the division and shaping of the opening pane girts and respecting of the original look of the facade. Keeping the girt profile, it is nowdays permitted to glaze the window wings using insulation glass. The manufacturers of windows still make many mistakes affecting not only physical characteristics of the opening panes but also their durability – life time.

Ing. Roman Jirák, Ph.D., DECOEN znalecký ústav s.r.o.

The surface temperature as one of the most watched parametres of the opening panes and light enveopes not only in the Czech Republic is being assessed in a view of risk of water vapour condensation, or more precisely in a view of their health and a hygyenic flaws and ecologically sound environment where inbuilt. The mening is determination if the structure is suitable for the marginal conditions or whether is necessary to choose another structure.

Ing. Pavel Rydlo, manažer technické podpory společnosti Saint-Gobain Construction Products CZ, divize Isover

Grey form of an expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation have been used in the Czech Republic since 2005. It is necessary to respect application differences in between grey and white form of EPS. It´s not EPS such as EPS, in this case.

Ing. Roman Jirák, Ph.D., DECOEN znalecký ústav s.r.o.

The surface temperature as one of the most watched parametres of the opening panes and light enveopes not only in the Czech Republic is being assessed in a view of risk of water vapour condensation, or more precisely in a view of their health and a hygyenic flaws and ecologically sound environment where inbuilt. The mening is determination if the structure is suitable for the marginal conditions or whether is necessary to choose another structure.

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