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Milan Markovič, Facility manager

The article explains some basic terms and obligations in the field of fire protection related to the activity and character of the association of owners of flats (or housing cooperatives) and ensuring fulfillment of obligations in the field of fire protection.

Ing. Karel Mrázek

When rebuilding the HVAC systems, it is necessary to respect the implementing regulations which define the framework of the certified technical procedures. In a number of examples of practice, it shows the absence of these facts. The article deals with the implementing standards and recommendations for the assembly and acceptance process of heating systems. It is designed not only for assembly companies, but also for investors and administrators who take over the work and then use it.

Brilon a.s.
Ing. Karel Mrázek

In the area of existing thermal energy supply systems, the processes of disconnection of existing heat consumers have been ongoing for a long time. The key point is correctness of the Energy Certificates. The article provides an example of a specific assessment of disconnection from central source heat supplier.

©  adrian_ilie825 -
Ing. Karel Mrázek

The article deals with the economic assessment of energy saving measures as a further continuation of the topic of reconstruction of HVAC systems in apartment buildings. Selection of economical lifespan for selected elements and functional parts with preventive maintenance costs is provided. Finally, an example of the apartment building evaluation is given.

© M-Rido -
Ing. Alena Horáková

The first article of the series on energetic reconstruction HVAC systems in residential buildings is focused on the preparation of project with minimum necessary information that should be prior to any commencement reconstruction. In current practice this part is significantly neglected.

Stavba stanice metra na Náměstí Republiky
Ing. Tomáš Moravec, STACHEMA CZ s.r.o.

The article describes the beginnings of the use of the fly ash mixture for the production of concrete in the Czech Republic, its application on important buildings (Prague subway, Nuclear power plant Temelín) and impacts on the production technology.

Složitá rekonstrukce staršího bytového domu
Ing. Jan Koláček, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

In December of year 2016 has been finished the extensive reconstruction of the multi-family house built in the thirties of last century, located in the district Žabovřesky of the city Brno. Investor with architect desired the modern appearance of interior and facade of the house, which involved a number of difficult renovations and new structures that had to be consulted with structure engineer. The significant steps of the reconstruction of the multi-family house are described in detail in this contribution.

Analýza trvanlivosti preimyselných komínov © Imperium Obrazu -
prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD., Ing. Ivan Hollý, PhD., Ing. Natália Gažovičová

Industrial chimneys are civil engineering works, which in addition to static and dynamic effects, direct and indirect loads, are also exposed to significant non-stationary environmental loads. Analysis of their durability focuses on the evaluation of vertical cracks, corrosion of concrete and reinforcement, which have a decisive influence on the resistance of the chimney's shaft with regard to the ultimate and serviceability limit states, as well as their durability.

Ing. Ján Ježko, PhD., Katedra geodézie, Stavebná fakulta, STU v Bratislave

The article describes the methods of the surveying data and documentation production. The documentation is used for the process of planning, realisation and reconstruction of transport, energetic, industrial, ecologic and public objects. The documentation is also used in the remediation process and the protection of the buildings and historical objects. In these processes, it is necessary to know the spatial dimension – location data, the location of these objects on the Earth's surface and shape and dimensions of these objects. The activities that lead to the realisation, reconstruction and remediation of building objects require a quality maps, photogrammetric images and geodetic models (3D models), which are mostly realised in a suitable interactive graphic PC system in 3D digital form.

Opravy historických objektů z pozice statiky a z hlediska památkové péče
doc. ing. Ladislav Klusáček, CSc., doc. ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

Heritage care specialists in the repair and reconstruction of historical buildings prefer using of previous working methods and especially materials, sometimes too strongly. It is not always easy to satisfy their requirements, with regard to the problematic of static object state. It is necessary to find suitable compromises.

Stavebně-technický průzkum brněnského kina Scala
doc. Ing. Pavel Schmid, Ph.D., Ing. Iva Rozsypalová, Ing. Ondřej Karel, Ing. Petr Daněk, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Žítt

The paper deals with structural-technical survey of Scala cinema in Brno. It is a historic building completed in 1928. The main purpose of the diagnostic survey was passportisation of structure´s defects, determine the quality of concrete and reinforcement, assessment of defects and failures causes, evaluate the condition of the ceiling structure in relation to the considered reconstruction above cinema.

Rekonstrukce dřevěných trámových stropů
Ing. Zdeněk Vejpustek, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Bohumil Straka, CSc.

The paper shows reasons for carrying out restoration of historic wooden ceiling using “dry method” – interaction between historic wooden beams and wood-based panels. This article summarizes the process of reconstruction of historic wooden ceilings, describes the problems to be addressed and it summarizes experience with completed ceilings in Brno,Czech Republic.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

At the beginning of the new school year, we would like to draw attention to the book Ventilation Schools in Contexts. All parents want their children to be successful at school. It also depends on class ventilation. We bring a selection from the chapters of the new publication.

Ing. Magdaléna Kociánová, Ing. Vít Černý , Ph.D., prof. ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA

The paper describes the technology of liquefaction and stabilization of soils that are created in the excavation works of engineering networks. Liquefied grout could be used to fill even the less accessible spaces of utility networks. For the re-use of the excavated soil in a liquefied form, is necessary its pre-treatment, which consists in stabilizing by the suitable stabilizing additive. The mixture is furthermore required the liquefaction by using a suitable liquefying additives. Suitable for stabilization and soil liquefaction it seems the use of fly ash, as is mentioned below in the paper.

Ing. Jan Vinař, MURUS, monumenta renovamus, s.r.o.

The paper deals with the principles of structure, function, use, disfunction and repairs of frame houses (part 1 to 4).

Ing. Jan Vinař, MURUS, monumenta renovamus, s.r.o.

The paper deals with the principles of structure, function, use, disfunction and repairs of framework (part 1. to 4.)

Hamr na Jezeře - Konstrukční principy hrázděných staveb
Ing. Jan Vinař, MURUS, monumenta renovamus, s.r.o.

The paper deals with the principles of structure, function, use, disfunction and repairs of framework (part 1 to 4).

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