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Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

If you selected a high-quality windows and doors for your construction, the overall success depends only on the quality of installation. The most important is quality of the gap between the window frame and jamb. The basic three parts of this gap are inner and outer seal and thermal insulation.

Petr Balvín, specialista na likvidaci azbestu

Asbestos is often mentioned in connection with the construction industry, especially with the school buildings. Wrong way of asbestos removal meant a multimillion cost of cleaning the property. Unfortunately, these cases do not cause a change in legislation that would regulate working with asbestos.

montáž okna
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

Only properly designed windows or doors with matching parameters and their proper building in the construction are a prerequisite for long-term trouble-free operation of them. Building-in of the windows is topic of the sixth part of the series about windows and doors.

Plastová okna
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

Only properly designed windows or doors with matching parameters and their proper building in the construction are a prerequisite for long-term trouble-free operation of them. Design of the windows and their parameters are topic of the fifth part of the series about windows and doors.

Doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT Praha

Moisture in most of buildings can be limited by different methods. Problems are divided into two papers. The author analyses the conditions of moisture-spread in building in the first part of paper and he solves the selection of sanitation method with less frequent technology of realization. The specific cause with utilization of air insulation system is presented in this part.

Inspektor nemovitosti
Ing. David Sýkora, Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

The article deals with a new product in the Czech market that is quickly getting to awareness of potential clients and gaining a significant place in the local real-estate market. Until recently, the inspection of immovable properties was an unknown concept. Nevertheless, in recent two years such assistance service is being more and more popular. Pertinent specialised inspection companies assist the real property buyer in eliminating potential risks that are related to selection and purchase of a given building. A competent certified inspector checks up to about 200 items of the building and compiles an expert report to help the client to correctly decide whether he should buy the given building or not. The inspector will acquaint the client with a real purchase price, precisely describe all the defects and how to correct them, and finally, he will hand over to the client a complete budget to cover the cost of necessary repairs.
In 2013 the inspection of real properties comes to one of the fastest growing segments of Czech economy. The people intending to buy any real property are more cautious and, now at the time of an economic uncertainty, they begin using the above relatively new assistance service in a large extent.

Sanace vlhkého zdiva
Doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební

Moisture in moist buildings can be limited by the most different methods. Problems are divided into two papers. The author of paper analyses the conditions of moisture-spread in building in the first part of paper and he solves the selection of sanitation method with less frequent technology of realization. The concrete cause with utilization of air – insulation system then will present in the second part.

Nový občanský zákoník
Mgr. Pavel Doucha, Doucha Šikola advokáti s.r.o., Frank Bold Advokáti, s.r.o.

The paper contains basic information on the relationship between the contractor and the client as introduced by the new Civil Code. Firstly, it points to a fundamental difference in the concept of ownership of land and buildings which will not be, unlike the current state, separate. Yet the law allows exceptions to this rule, which are briefly explained in the article.
The main part of the text deals with the issue that is most pressing in construction of buildings. It is the responsibility for the quality of the work or project documentation. The paper deals with the obligation of a client to accept work in stages, addressing liability for latent defects, acceptance of the finished with reservation of latent defects and etc. In this context it should not be overlooked, that the general liable for defective work are together the contractor, subcontractors, maker of the documentation and construction supervisor. These entities may waive liability only if they demonstrate that they did not cause the defect themselves.

Český Šternberk
Bc. Tomáš Seliger, DiS., Fakulta stavební VŠB-TU Ostrava

The article describes Castle Czech Šternberk and location NKP Castle Czech Šternberk, current condition of the property, the current state government Castle Providing guides, souvenirs sourcing, arranging catering, rent parts of the castle, SW Support Facility management at the castle, SWOT analysis Castle Czech Šternberk a description of the weaknesses of the castle.

Ing. Radovan Nečas, Mgr. Martin Boháč, Ph.D., Vladimír Persaň

Application of the burning lime for masonry is known from the eldest ages. In history was empirically discovered, the properties of lime putties and mortars made from it can be modified adding various additives. Inorganic additives with latent hydraulic activity (natural pozzolana, thermal modified rocks) or organic additives (proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids as fruit juices etc.) were used. Beneficial influences of some additives were proven by contemporary science. Application of other additives seemed irrational from present point of view. The aim of this work was determined the influence of some historical additives on lime putties and mortar properties.

Ing. Lenka Janečková, Ing. Daniela Bošová, Ph.D.

The weakest part of concrete high-rise block are their envelopes, so most of regenerations are dealing with reconstruction of existing envelopes. It related of the replacement of window openings, the installation of additional contact thermal insulation or modifications of projecting structures, including loggia glazing and, last but not least, changes in the colour shading of the surface façade layer. These adjustments can improve energy efficiency of the building, but secondary negative effects on the interior environment in terms of the daylight level must also be considered. In this study we tried to take account of both width and shape of jamb of the window with taking into account the effect daylight inside the room.

Bc. Tomáš Seliger, DiS., Fakulta stavební VŠB-TU Ostrava

This article describes the pumping subsidy programs in the Czech Republic and EU divided on the subsidy programs of the Czech Republic, Emergency Programme, the preservation of architectural heritage, Program restoration of movable cultural monuments, Fond support restoration of cultural monuments, difficulties come from the EU, historic buildings and their restoration and permanently sustainable development.

Ing. Milan Šmak, Ph.D., VUT Brno, doc. Ing. Bohumil Straka, CSc., VUT Brno

The paper is concerned with some selected defects and failures of timber structures and their rehabilitation. The paper summarises some conclusions from the construction and real behaviour of selected timber systems. Due to the fact that their load-carrying capacity and deflections are considerably affected by the load-carrying capacity of the joints, it was de-sirable to verify the influence of structural design of fasteners and connectors on the over-all behaviour of structural systems. Findings from behaviour of structures after their reha-bilitation are crucial for further research into real behaviour of timber structures.

Bc. Tomáš Seliger, DiS., Fakulta stavební VŠB-TU Ostrava

The article describes what a National Heritage Institute, its scope, location of sites and activities. The following are types of divided heritage protection, (cultural monument, national monument, conservation). In conclusion, described the law on state conservation), obligations for owners and likes the cultural monuments.

Ing. Václav Hadrava, Ing. Marek Sopko, Ing. Eliška Jonáková

The term “ancillary materials” covers a wide range of products (mouldings, profiles etc.) which significantly influence the overall quality of works. As legislation normally does not require any verification of performance and no relevant standards exist, verification and declaration of performance is usually omitted. In reaction to that, we have specified characteristics and verification methods for adequate and consistent verification of relevant characteristics in the framework of voluntary certification.

doc. Dr. Ing. Luboš Podolka, Ing. Patrik Štancl, Ph.D.

This paper describes the experience gained in planning, design and implementation of rehabilitation reinforced concrete structure, which is formed in the lower part of the reinforced concrete skeleton, from 3.NP T06B wall system with regard to the loading of the next deck above.

Ing. Jan Vidim, Domat Control System s.r.o.

The design and installation of building automation systems constitutes one of the essential parts of the system input peripherals - Sensor environmental variables. Market with sensors of environmental parameters in buildings, in comparison with the sensors industry some specific characteristics.

Ing. Miroslav Čermák

Energetics of structures in construction is a developing discipline that we nowadays encounter every day. Each structure rises and ends at its own life cycle period. In this article, the author evaluates an impact of the zoning plan and its studies on energetics of structures – lets save power from the beginning.

Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In relation with the implementation of the revised EU Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings are currently changing some of Czech legal regulations and new methodology for energy performance assessment is introduced . This article focuses on an example rating the standard family house with conventional solution of building envelope and technical systems, using the new evaluation method. For this object will be also an obligation to issue an energy performance certificate as required by the Consolidated Act No. 406/2000 Coll., as amended.

Ing. Alena Hynková, CSc., Ing. Blanka Pelánková

In the second half of the last century the village changes in terms of demographics. First, the outhouses lose their importance, later, the living houses got empty. At best, the homesteads are used for weekend recreation. As a result of these changes, and due to improper construction impacts the houses dilapidate. There is material destruction and creation of static structural failure of the house.

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