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Dělnická kolonie Santa Emilia v Nikaragui
Ing. David Sýkora, Ph.D., CSc., Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

The emergence of the working colonies of coffee plantations in Nicaragua is one of the most interesting construction projects in which is utilized the “Grow Your Own House” theory. In 2008, a Spanish design office developed a project based on environmental principles with the use of local material resources and subsequently there was built a self-sufficient colony Santa Emilia for coffee plantation workers in Matgapalga, Nicaragua.

dotace na zateplení rodinného domu
Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Zdeněk Ročárek, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D.

Which buildings can receive grants from the Green Savings Programme, amount of the grants and what technical details cover the energy audit? Part A in this article covers the specific questions (building’s envelope rennovation). A sample of 16 family houses that comply with all the required conditions of the New Green Saving Programme from 2013 is further described in this article.

Ing. Aleš Oškera, Inženýrská a expertní kancelář Zlín

Roof construction with mechanically anchored waterproofing sheets rightfully belongs to the most popular solution of roof structure not only in the industrial but also civil and residential construction. This is because of the speed of construction, small depending on weather conditions and often lower financial cost. But vera often there are lot of mistakes in this part of construction design.

energetický štítek
Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

The media regularly appear alarming reports, according to the Czech Republic gets into trouble with the fulfillment of its obligations towards the EU, due to the lack of state financial support. This information is frequently based on calculations originating from the potential recipient of government subsidies, so we cannot rule out that this is about wishful thinking. One of the sectors where we reportedly threatened is the reduction of energy demands.

Ing. Radim Smolka, Ing. Lenka Mizerová, Ing. Tomáš Petříček

During the reconstruction works of residential houses the associations of housing unit owners have to make decisions according to their financial means. It often arises a situation when windows are changed and facades of residential floors are insulated by a thermal insulation. Skirting part of the building and the roof is often in seclusion interests. Subsequent roof insulation therefore brings a number of design and implementation issues. This paper describes the necessary structural modifications of the existing double-deck roof structure (i. e. cold deck roof) to single-deck flat roof (i. e. warm deck roof) and increased financial costs caused by successive structural modifications made without consideration of the follow-up.

Ing. Tomáš Petříček, Ing. Lubor Kalousek, Ph.D., Ing. Jan Plachý, Ph.D.

Currently, we increasingly need to carry out construction modifications on objects which in view of their age could be basically considered as new-build buildings at which we did not expect such a requirement. In most cases these construction modifications are caused by failures or defects of roofs, especially operation roofs – terraces. The cause of failure is often a combination of several factors. The primary source of error may be already a design project and roofing solution and quality of realization of each roof layer and roof details or unsuitable climatic conditions during the implementation. A separate issue could be the problem of the poor quality of used materials. By interaction of these negative effects then surprisingly arise failures at objects which were realized a few years ago.

Doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava

The contribution deals with particular causes of excessive damp of wooden constructions in objects of the civil engineering. It concerns for instance the matter of water condensation on the surface of wooden elements and on the inside of constructions that contain wooden elements, of incorrect construction design, of constructions with wooden elements and leaking water in places wth wooden elements.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.,, ČVUT Praha, katedra konstukcí pozemních staveb

Failures occurring on the facades of assembly houses often arise due to volume changes sunlit walls and incorrectly made contact details between panels. Sometimes it is not enough to eliminate them or repeated repair of damaged joints. Therefore is no choice of other solution than to overlap these joints with thermal insulation system. One such case is the subject of this paper.

prof. Ing. Jozef Oláh, PhD., katedra konštrukcií pozemných stavieb, Stavebná fakulta, STU Bratislva

By flat roof reconstruction of panel apartment houses we meet quirements for hygiene, health, inerior environment, thermal protection and energy consuption. This paper deal with these problems. There are also mentioned actual conditions of flat roofs and principles of their reconstruction. Moreover paper contains example of wrong reconstruction of panel house.

Ing. Pavel Šulák, Ph.D., Doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bažant, CSc.

The article describes measuring for a period of 16 years of an experimental masonry object, horizontally prestressed using cables – monostrands. Specific problems od this method of strengthening are mentioned.

Měření svislosti okenního rámu vodováhou
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

The 8th part of the series about doors and windows is focused on the process of acceptance of the work including the assessment of defects and unfinished parts, and their removal. It recommends length of warranty periods and claim application.

Stavba železobetonového skeletu s jeřábem
Mgr. Mikuláš Vargic, Advokátní kancelář Šikola a partneři, člen konsorcia Frank Bold

New Civil Code enacts special type of solidary obligation to remedy the defects of building constructed under contract for works. All subcontractors (suppliers) of constructor, investor`s technical supervisors or construction project designer are solidary responsible together with the constructor in case the defect can be attributed to the performance they provided. However, these parties need not to be the parties to the contract for works itself (and usually are not) as their obligation arises by law.

The remedies that the investor can claim on these co-debtors, however, are limited to right to demand the repair of the defect. Investor may demand remedy on any of the co-debtors and all the co-debtors are obliged to perform the remedy in full.

The investor has to give notice to the debtor within a reasonable time. The notice can be sent to any of the co-debtors but we advise all investors to give notice always to the constructor first or together with the other co-debtors.

Ing. Jana Zuntychová, inženýrka zahradní a krajinné architektury, stážistka v Mecanoo, Delft, Holandsko

The thesis deals with urban sprawl and suburbanization as the effects of changes in society. It presents the basic historical overview and describes the situation in contemporary Europe. The thesis focuses on description of negative aspects, in connection with formed urban sprawl.
This work presents and describes the historical background of suburbanization in the Czech Republic. It reflects on the causes and presents the facts, leading to their understanding.
The practical part of the thesis is the application of acquired knowledge on the model, which is Brno-Útěchov. One of the peripheral parts of Brno that has grown significantly due to suburbanization in last few years.
Ideological study aims to show an alternative approach to this way of development. The main areas of interest are importance of public and private space, often neglected idea of neighborhood and the importance of privacy in terms of new houses in a face of village itself.

Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

If you selected a high-quality windows and doors for your construction, the overall success depends only on the quality of installation. The most important is quality of the gap between the window frame and jamb. The basic three parts of this gap are inner and outer seal and thermal insulation.

Petr Balvín, specialista na likvidaci azbestu

Asbestos is often mentioned in connection with the construction industry, especially with the school buildings. Wrong way of asbestos removal meant a multimillion cost of cleaning the property. Unfortunately, these cases do not cause a change in legislation that would regulate working with asbestos.

montáž okna
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

Only properly designed windows or doors with matching parameters and their proper building in the construction are a prerequisite for long-term trouble-free operation of them. Building-in of the windows is topic of the sixth part of the series about windows and doors.

Plastová okna
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

Only properly designed windows or doors with matching parameters and their proper building in the construction are a prerequisite for long-term trouble-free operation of them. Design of the windows and their parameters are topic of the fifth part of the series about windows and doors.

Doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT Praha

Moisture in most of buildings can be limited by different methods. Problems are divided into two papers. The author analyses the conditions of moisture-spread in building in the first part of paper and he solves the selection of sanitation method with less frequent technology of realization. The specific cause with utilization of air insulation system is presented in this part.

Inspektor nemovitosti
Ing. David Sýkora, Katedra městského inženýrství a stavitelství, Fakulta stavební, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava

The article deals with a new product in the Czech market that is quickly getting to awareness of potential clients and gaining a significant place in the local real-estate market. Until recently, the inspection of immovable properties was an unknown concept. Nevertheless, in recent two years such assistance service is being more and more popular. Pertinent specialised inspection companies assist the real property buyer in eliminating potential risks that are related to selection and purchase of a given building. A competent certified inspector checks up to about 200 items of the building and compiles an expert report to help the client to correctly decide whether he should buy the given building or not. The inspector will acquaint the client with a real purchase price, precisely describe all the defects and how to correct them, and finally, he will hand over to the client a complete budget to cover the cost of necessary repairs.
In 2013 the inspection of real properties comes to one of the fastest growing segments of Czech economy. The people intending to buy any real property are more cautious and, now at the time of an economic uncertainty, they begin using the above relatively new assistance service in a large extent.

Sanace vlhkého zdiva
Doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební

Moisture in moist buildings can be limited by the most different methods. Problems are divided into two papers. The author of paper analyses the conditions of moisture-spread in building in the first part of paper and he solves the selection of sanitation method with less frequent technology of realization. The concrete cause with utilization of air – insulation system then will present in the second part.

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