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Ing. Jaroslav Dufek

Components and systems for general and fire building ventilation, their safe and reliable function significantly affect the fire safety of the building. The aim of this paper is to inform about the current state of legal and technical regulations that must be followed when placing the products on the market and its building in in the Czech Republic.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Magdaléna Dufková

Development of wooden buildings in the Czech Republic is based on the requirement to implement the most low-energy buildings. Still there are many people who are afraid of wooden buildings mainly because of their misconceptions about their behaviour under fire. But the truth is that in a fire wood doesn’t lose its rigidity and strength, and the remaining sections of wood elements are also able to carry the load.

Ing. Michal Papranec, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

The behaviour of real structures in some cases differs from the structure modeled in computational program. Article deals with the influences that can affect the characteristics of the structure, so that they affect the surface temperature of the structure. In particular, the moisture inside the material and air humidity.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Can additionally insulated prefab-panel buildings meet the low-energy standard, or even overcome? The article contains a detailed analysis of the specific parameters of the building and heating system before and after additional thermal insulation of building, supplemented by the results of measuring the actual heat consumption in the period 2010-2011, with output data transferred to the appropriate temperature normal year.

doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., Ing. Magdaléna Dufková

The fire behavior of wood is very predictable phenomenon. Using the simplified computational methods it can be determined the bearing and separating function of structures. The bar-shaped load-bearing elements is a parameter R (resistance and stability) for PCB - vertical and horizontal structures for the threshold criteria R, E, I, (capacity, integrity, insulation). In many cases it is very difficult and according to Eurocode 5 (1-2) almost impossible to determine the start time charring timber under fire protection and fire protection violation time.

Ing. Dušan Slobodník, ENBRA Slovakia s.r.o.

Hydraulic control of heating systems means - except hydraulic control of central heating - hot water system control. Despite the fact that hot water system control is the duty of the law, unlike hydraulic control of heating systems that have been implemented since 1998, hot water systems are controlled sporadically.

prof. Ing. Anton Osvald, CSc., prof. Ing. Jozef Štefko, PhD.

Modern construction system for low energy building, passive and zero standard or energy-autonomous buildings and increased popularity of solid wood construction means interventions into the very structure, its statics, building physics, as well as fire protection properties. Some prototype design solutions are not proven, whether tested, by trustworthy computing analysis nor verification of long-term use of the building.

Ing. Jan Růžička, Ph.D., ČVUT Praha, fakulta stavební

The use of straw bales as insulation and in some low-rise buildings as elements for substructure are currently namely on the edge of building technologies but it is also technology that have potential in certain contexts to a wider application. It is shown by the implementation of experimental structures and research results.

Ing. Jan Žemlička, Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D.

The paper gives an overview of the National Technical Library building in Prague. The paper describes the architectural design, ventilation and air conditioning system of the building. It is also mentioned computer simulation and monitoring of the building.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

plk. Ing. Zdeněk Hošek, Ministerstvo vnitra - generální ředitelství Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Elevators belong to a very important building services and technologies. For these reasons, they need to pay attention not only in terms of proper technical implementation, but also in terms of fire safety. In particular, fire and evacuation lifts, which are also very important fire safety devices (hereinafter referred to as "PBZ") must also meet the stringent technical requirements of fire protection. In the first part we deal with the terminology and technical requirements.

Ing. Roman Zoufal, doc. Ing. Petr Kuklík, CSc., prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc.

In addressing the fire safety of buildings it is necessary to know the value of fire resistance of building products and constructions of building and to design constructions, which meet required fire resistance values. It is necessary to distinguish two categories of elements: building products and construction.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

Commonly practiced simple statistical analysis of heat consumption shows differences of measured values, but not thermal energy savings, for which the buildings are insulated and the heating systems re-regulated. Differences of measured values at different temperatures inside buildings have no practical benefit for the consumer because they say nothing about the actual and they do not allow to adjust the heating mode nor by changing the behaviour of people in apartments, nor by any other instrument. Heat consumers lack information on the relations between the average internal temperature of objects during measurement of heat consumption, on the influence of heat gain and possible heat savings in compliance with the legislation provided average internal temperature of the object.

Ing. Kamila Horová, prof. Ing. František Wald, CSc.

Determination of the development of fire in the compartment with subsequent detection of temperature in different parts of the structure requires knowledge of many parameters. The most important step is to determine the design fire scenario that matches the extraordinary fire situation best. The design of fire can describe the temperatures in the fire department and determine the heat transfer in structure. Let's look at several models and the thermal and mechanical load of structures.

Ing. Alena Hynková, CSc., Ing. Petra Bednářová, PhD., Ing. Blanka Pelánková

Thermal insulation of prefabricated panel buildings is shifting to residential houses built on a brick in at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. These houses usually have an unheated basement with brick arches or wooden beam ceiling. Insulation of envelope and leaving the original heating system leads to a change in the internal climate and causing secondary faults.

Ing. Slavomír Entler, autorizovaný inženýr pro požární bezpečnost staveb a techniku prostředí staveb, specializace elektrotechnická zařízení

At the conference about design of the EPS on 22 Third 2012, organized during the Amper exhibition in Brno 2012, one of the standard processors announced that they will release a change of the standard ČSN 34 2710. It is therefore desirable to discuss the specific topics to solve the most pressing issues related to this standard. In this article I present a proposal for 18 major changes. The second part is called Draft for changes of the standard.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Issue of the new standard ČSN 34 2710 for an electric fire alarm raised many questions. The birth of standard was very difficult issue and took a long time (5-6 years). A number of experts was replaced during the process and standard text has been revised several times. Despite or perhaps because of that the standard includes a controversial provision that deserves correction or completion.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fire engineering is a way to define the requirements of fire safety at risk, complex and unusual structures. It consists in a specific risk assessment of fire safety conditions in a different ways from those of the procedure prescribed in Czech technical standards under § 99 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll. for fire protection. Notes on the standards will be presented in three parts. Part Three: Another standards.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fire engineering is a way to define the requirements of fire safety at risk, complex and unusual structures. It consists in a specific risk assessment of fire safety conditions in a different ways from those of the procedure prescribed in Czech technical standards under § 99 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll. for fire protection. Notes on the standards will be presented in three parts. Part Two: Industrial buildings.

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