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Ing. Pavel Šmíra, společnost Thermo Sanace s.r.o., Vědeckotechnický park profesora Lista, Brno

This method has been known in Germany since 1930. Since then it has through many changes and technological advances. The use of hot air units continued to be developed and, after 1950, heat oil started to be used as fuel, and it is still used to this day. However, the use of hot air to eradicate wood-destroying insects makes sense only when there is an active infestation. A straightforward evidence of active infestation are the occurrence of larvae or beetles when carving wooden profiles. Other evidences can also be crunching sounds, fresh sawdust or paths of lighter colour. However, even if none of this has been detected, it doesn't necessary mean that the wood isn't infested. It should also be noticed that falling sawdust can also occur even after a successful “thermo sanitation”.

doc. ing. Miloslav Novotný, PhD., ing. Karel Šuhajda, PhD., VUT FAST v Brně, Ústav pozemního stavitelství

The paper results about the possibilities of microwave radiation efficiency used for the disposal of biological agents causing corrosion of building materiále. The drying process used on the building structures with use of microwave radiation is fast and effective Metod applied on drying procedure of building structures. Microwave radiation causes an inelastic oscillation of polar molecules of water, which inflict rapid heating of the molecules and also decrease the amount of free water. The idea of the drying process will be used on a disposal of biological agents which causes a corrosion of building materials. On behalf of material damage the biological agents (mainly the fungi) causes also the pollution of interior climate. The spats of fungi are evaporated along the infected area and inhaled by people. This experiments can cause a serious damage to men’s health. The evaluation of the disposal of negative agents will be held in this project. This should be a key feature for improving a quality of interior climate in affected areas.

Ing. Barbora Součková

This article is referring to former article called Examination of building underground of block of flats in light of civil heat engineering [3]. It extend previous article by other variants of detail of giving thermal insulation on foundation constructions and basement parts from exterior of building. This article concentrates on solving of these others details of building underground. The type of this block of flats is the system BP-70. This article deals with differences of continuance of temperatures and water vapour pressures on various types of the foundation and basement part of a building with thermal isolation too.

doc. Ing. Hana Gattermayerová, CSc., Ing. Jiří Karas, CSc.

In relation with the transition to European standards, as of March 2010 the standard CSN 73 00 35 Loading of structures becomes valid for the group of standards EN 1990 Basis of design, strength and durability and EN 1991 Actions on structures, constant, variable, extraordinary. The Czech versions of these documents are have been available since 2004-2008. The amendment in the map of snowy regions was received with a relatively high awareness. This amendment resulted in the appendixes CSN 73 0035 and BS EN 1991-1-3 Actions on snow, in effect since 1-1-2006. The current overlapping of CSN 73 0035 with CSN 1991-1-4 Actions on wind thus far, has not resulted in any critical reaction. This contribution should warn designers against an insufficient number of anchors for contact insulation, something that very often occurs. This number depends on the wind load, which in turn, is dependent on normative values. These are listed in a separate standard and are increasing, just like the snow loads.

Ing. Lucie Šancová, Mgr. František Macholda, MBA, Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Petr Vogel, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D., Ing. Gabriela Krajcarová, doc. Ing. Hana Gattermayerová, CSc.

Thermal properties of enclosure walls have considerable impact on energy consumption of block of flats. Nowadays the proposal of insulation thickness in thermal insulation composite systems is often underestimated. This article is focused on proposal of optimal thermal insulation thickness in light of economy and energy performance.

doc. Ing. Josef Patočka, CSc.

Imact of heat cost allocation measurement on heat consumption is discussed in the introductory part of the paper. Two different ways of heat balance are described further. One, based on heat incoming into a measured room, and the other based on heat leaving the room. In both cases the heat cost allocator‘s measured values are compared with economic behaviour of a flat user. Cost allocator’s measured values are converted into heat cost ratio on total heat cost of the whole building. The measured values of indicators and their variance are compared under operational conditions with billed price for each flat user.

Václav Vaněk, soudní znalec v oboru Výtahy

The article presents facts about the occurrence and status of lifts in blocks of flats. In it can be seen all the types of lifts of the manufacturers of the time, which were installed in panel buildings, and their operational risks from the perspective of CSN EN 81-80. The period mapped goes from 1965 through 1993.

J.V.Ráž, DiS.

CPP is on the brim of a big transformation. For more than 1,5 million flats, council heating means the most comfortable, and we still believe the most ecological, heating method. That is because the centralisation of heating allows the deployment of advanced technology that is more efficient, environmentally friendly and economical. This article offers a brief explanation on how to economically optimise the processes and systems to facilitate the transformation of CPP systems.

Ing. Jiří Frankl, PhD, Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky, v.v.i., Akademie věd České republiky

From a large group of wood-damaging fungi, only a few species participate on degradation of wood built in various building constructions. In spite of that, these species often cause significant damage by their activity. The contribution summarizes knowledge gained during surveys of various wooden constructions of buildings in the last ten years. It describes vulnerable places of constructions with frequent occurrence of wood-damaging fungi, usual extent of damage, causes of creation and development of infestation by wood-damaging fungi and the most common directions of their further spreading. The contribution contains also statistical analysis of generic structure of wood-damaging fungi in particular vulnerable places.

Ing. Vladimír Galád

Sophisticated heating solutions lead to the fact that if at any given stage of the thermal insulation a TRV is properly fit and adjusted and, at the same time, a sophisticated substation solution is installed, one that will “know” how to prepare and maintain the required parameters, mainly during the heating season, then there will be nothing to renovate or solve during the lifespan of the heating station, other than adjusting the temperature and hydraulic parameters correctly.

Ing. Roman Zoufal, CSc., PAVUS, a.s.

Prepared text by experts from scientific, research and teaching and is designed for planners and government workers in the resort fire safety. Value measurements indicates a conservative estimate of fire resistance by concrete, steel, steel-concrete, wood and masonry structures of the relatives simple calculations metod. In compliance with the text set and boundary conditions allows safe setting fire resistance. Replaces repealed conflicting CSN 73 0821. The values are based on the determination of fire resistance according to European design standards, the conditions of the Act and regulations on fire prevention and CSN 73 0810: 2009, and the value of the manuals are fully acceptable in the project documentation for construction management. The Eurocodes standards providing calculation methods to determine the efforts applied to each elements which play a structural role in structures submitted to given actions and to check if the mechanical strength of each element is sufficient to resist to this effort.

Ing. Pavel Hejduk, Ing. Anna Kuklíková, Ph.D.

Wood as a building material has the disadvantage of being combustible. Consequently wood structures are seen by many as creating an environment less safe than structures built of noncombustible materials such as steel and masonry. In terms structural mechanics construction must be designed and constructed maintain with load bearing function during the fire load.Text offers an assessment of new and existing structures construction in terms of their resilience in emergency situations. Let´s describe the various tests fire resistance of wood building in detail.

Ing. Vladimír Sochor, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

Examples of projects in Energy Performance Contracting
First two projects by the Energy Performance Contracting were prepared in the Czech Republic in 1993. From that time about 200 projects were implemented. The investment for the projects footed up to the total amount about 3 billion CZK. The highest number of the projects was implemented in school buildings with investment from one till ten million CZK. A lot of projects were implemented in buildings of healthcare service. On examples of implemented projects are described main features of the EPC projects for hospitals (the biggest project with investment over 100 million CZK), for schools (mostly smaller projects) or for more buildings in one public tender (municipalities or regions).

The EPC and its relations with other activities in connections with energy savings
In 2006 the Directive 2006/32/EC on energy end-use efficiency and energy services was adopted for the support of international activities on development of energy services. The obligation of each EU member state is prepare and submit to the Commission the Energy Efficiency Action Plan in roughly three years cycles. In relation to the Directive other activities were supported by EC under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, as projects: the Concerted Action on the ESD, ChangeBest, EESI or Pernament. Internal Czech initiative is under activities of Czech ESCOs, which are preparing Association of energy services companies.

Ing. arch. Miloš Solař, Národní památkový ústav

The problematic of energy savings should not be limited only to thermal insulation and occasional use of alternative energy sources. The energy used not only for heating, but also for ventilation and air conditioning. Significantly affect the consumption requirements, deciding which areas will be heated and at what temperatures. Energy is needed to produce construction materials, their transportation and eventual waste handling. The lifespan of the proposed construction and the complexity of its liquidation should be one of the essential criteria when deciding on contemplated modifications. It is necessary to consider buildings as architectural heritage.

doc. Ing. arch. Hana Urbášková, Ph.D.

Windows have always been considered a construction surface that had to allow in enough day light and at the same time, protect the interior from wind and rain. Windows protected the house from the outside world, while at the same time enabling communication. The technical capabilities, along with the climatic and economic conditions of different historical periods shaped the appearance of the windows, which also helped create the different architectural styles. The proportions, materials and the segmentation of windows on the façades were also influenced by geographical location, cultural influences and regional aesthetics. The height and width relationships in windows, and their relationship with the total area of the walls, the appropriate width of the interior posts and other similar parameters where basics of the compositional works. Much attention was paid to the fine details. Window openings were framed with various decorative ornaments. The windows of a passive house are among the most complicated structures of the building.

Ing. arch. Miloš Solař, Národní památkový ústav

What should be respected during renovation works on roofs so as to maintain the architectural quality of the original design? Solar collectors and photovoltaic cells constitute a disruptive element in historical buildings and buildings in historical areas. Among others, the reasons are legal, because the law provides equal access to buildings with a same degree of legal protection. Exceptions can be considered in situations without an indicated conflict. For example, on garage roofs in courtyards or roofs in buildings erected after the WWII. And even in these cases, the installation of panels should be appropriately considered. Of course, even new architectural and artistic works as well as other specific situations will require an individual approach. However, in terms of frequency we are talking about exceptions that confirm the general view of the preservations institutions, that the placement of photovoltaic systems in areas of cultural or historical heritage is not desirable. Let's have a more detailed look at this problematic.

Vlastimil Růžička, Ing. Petr Bohuslávek

One of the tools for the implementation of a national housing policy is the State Housing Development Fund. Its director, Dr. Jan Wagner, has given TZB-Info an exclusive interview where he speaks about the Czech Housing fund, the possibilities to combine subsidies and the difficulties for investors and developers.

Ing. Petr Živný, Pro Windows, s.r.o.

Do you know how to choose a supplier and installers for windows? The article answers to important questions regarding the choice of windows, their frames, glazing, ironwork, sills and accessories such as shadings, etc. The author speaks from personal experiences with suppliers, manufacturers and technical supervisors. The article wants to help people buy windows with the best price/quality ration and ensure their long term satisfaction.

Ing. Vladimír Sochor, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

Advantages of the EPC methodology in comparison to other solutions

EPC methodology has a lot of advantages in comparison to other solutions on reconstruction of energy systems. The most important feature is assumption of risks, which customer would have to solve. The most important adoptable risk is guarantee for the savings. Unique feature of the EPC is the same motivation for the ESCO and for the customer, both to invest money by the most effective way (efficient quality equipment) and to reach as high savings as possible. It is very appealing that the ESCO is able to assure financing of the project. The customer needs not spend the investment during implementation of the energy efficient measures and he pays it back during the investment during the contract duration from saved operational costs.

Specific features of the EPC in the Czech Republic

The Energy Performance Contracting was introduced in the Czech Republic in 1992. From that time the EPC methodology was developed enough in the field of documentation for public tendering process and also in the field of text of contracts for the energy services provision. Unfortunately the state support of EPC project development is in the Czech Republic very weak. Nevertheless the situation is from ESCOs effort and interest of customers very good. By number of the EPC projects and size of the projects is the Czech Republic in Europe on the top position, including Germany, France, UK, Austria and Sweden.

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