The paper results about the possibilities of microwave radiation efficiency used for the disposal of biological agents causing corrosion of building materiále. The drying process used on the building structures with use of microwave radiation is fast and effective Metod applied on drying procedure of building structures. Microwave radiation causes an inelastic oscillation of polar molecules of water, which inflict rapid heating of the molecules and also decrease the amount of free water. The idea of the drying process will be used on a disposal of biological agents which causes a corrosion of building materials. On behalf of material damage the biological agents (mainly the fungi) causes also the pollution of interior climate. The spats of fungi are evaporated along the infected area and inhaled by people. This experiments can cause a serious damage to men’s health. The evaluation of the disposal of negative agents will be held in this project. This should be a key feature for improving a quality of interior climate in affected areas.
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