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Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D., Lucie Šancová, Petr Vogel, Jiří Beranovský, František Macholda

This article extends the article "Ventilation with heat recovery in flat - yes or no?" and it is concerning with pressure forced ventilation with electric heating coil. This unit includes ventilator, which sucks the external air in from the façade. The electric heating coil with the power of 250 W preheats the external air which is distributed to the rooms with the air distribution system. Nowadays there are a lot of these units on the market that differ in air volume and heating power. The aim of this article is to investigate whether this unit ensures good air quality and what are the costs. The paper was made within the framework of the R&D project performed by the experts in the company EkoWATT, Czech Republic. R&D project VAV-SP-3g5-221-07 is supported by the Ministry of Environment.

Ing. Michal Kloiber, Ing. Mária Kotlínová, Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR, Centrum excelence Telč

The basis of any sort of traditional analysis of wooden objects is a visual survey, which is among the simplest and oldest non destructive methods used in technical construction surveys. Allows to detect biotic surfaces as well as any visible mechanical damage of the wood. Of course, a problem occurs when it is necessary to accurately define the total damage to the individual elements of the construction, in other words, identify the extent of the internal damage, locate the limit between the healthy and already damaged parts, eventually, determine the mechanical and physical properties that designers require as a basis for projecting the remediation measures.

Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D., Ing. Jiří Beranovský, Ph.D., MBA, Ing. Petr Vogel, Mgr. František Macholda, MBA

Nowadays the ventilation and indoor air quality is a main issue because the quality of the interior environment is in focus of occupants. The main reason of interests is that the new windows are leak tight and natural infiltration is low as well as IAQ. Without the ventilation system the CO2 concentration is above the healthy standard (1200ppm). To achieve this CO2 level demands a lot of energy and to supply low temperature from outside directly cases also unsatisfactory thermal comfort. The ventilation with heat recovery is one of the possible solutions for energy savings. In article the deep economyy&energy calculation was performed by using building performance simulation tool IES<VE> and suggestion for manufacture was given. The paper was made within the framework of the R&D project performed by the experts in the company EkoWATT, Czech Republic. R&D project VAV-SP-3g5-221-07 is supported by the Ministry of Environment.

Ing. Jana Menšíková

The article is dealing with a quality of living on the block of flats and it reveals innovative approaches of the retrofits. It tries to serve inspiration and solutions of sustainable potential of such building retrofits from the architectural point of view. Find attached case study of architectural solutions of complex block of flats retrofit. The three presented approaches represent various ways of possible solutions.

Ing. Martin Varga, Ing. Tomáš Kupsa, DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

The ČSN EN ISO 13370 Thermal performance of Buildings – Heat Transfer via the ground – Calculation methods has been valid since 2000. Until 2008 it was concurrent with the ČSN 06 0210, which was used to floor structures on soil. After its repelling, the above mentioned ISO standards became the only applicable basis for the design and evaluation of floor constructions and the conclusions arising from their use are not yet sufficiently known among the scientific community. The use of these ISO standards introduces entirely new principles of design, which are vastly different from those that have been used for several decades. The article illustratively solves the problem of the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient from floor structures built on the ground, focusing mainly on surface (indoor) objects.

Ing. Zuzana Mathauserová

The author draws attention to the deterioration of the quality of indoor environments in flats where the original windows have been replaced by modern, tight windows, which although improve the flat's energy balance, they also limit the possibilities for ventilation. Moisture that has not been ventilated accumulates in the flat, which leads to mould growth, and in the case of gas appliances, there are also exhaust gases, which are are toxic substances that lead the health problems, intoxications and even death. In the Czech legislation there aren't sufficient basis for an unambiguous determination of the requirements for the quality of the indoor environment of flats, including the requirements for their security, i.e. ventilation. The information can be found in selected European Standards, the author cites ČSN EN 15251.

prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc., ČVUT Praha, pracoviště UCEEB

We can observe in the Czech press a significantly higher frequency of expressions suchs as passive house or energy-efficient construction, specially in connection with the subsidy program “Zelená Úsporám”. However, the reality is that the number of passive houses built is very low, moreover, in some of the so called passive houses there can certainly be doubts about their actual properties.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

The article deals with the possibilities of generation of fires based on analysis carried out after liquidation, whether indoors or outdoors. These are primarily signs on wood, metal and glass, but also to eliminate false indicators of fire. These factors may help in investigating the source of the fire, how it spread, or its duration. This assessment is impossible without years of experience, acumen and knowledge of how materials behave when on fire.

Ing. Petr Kejklíček, Promat, člen sdružení CERPAD

In the first half of this year new came in force new standards that define new requirements for the design of thermo insulation systems in buildings. They are ČSN 73 0810 - Fire safety of buildings - Common provisions (April 2009) and ČSN 73 0802 - Fire safety of buildings- Non industrial buildings. The changes in these standards bring a number of major innovations. Let's have a look with them with the aid of images.From the result it is evident that the implementation of external thermal insulation systems for buildings with final approval before 200, and new buildings must follow the additional requirements listed in the articles of the standards ČSN 73 0810 and ČSN 73 0802, particularly in relation to the classification of types of components on the DP1, DP2, DP3. The implementation of additional insulation requires good design, preferably done by a specialist, the application of comprehensive quality and the choice of contractors with certifiable good references.

Tomáš Matuška, ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, Ústav techniky prostředí, Fakulta strojní, ČVUT v Praze

The application potential for solar energy use in buildings lies in supply of thermal and electric energy and natural daylighting. To use incident solar energy from building envelope effectively, multi-functional construction elements combining several purposes should be introduced as a standard part of building construction. Examples of such concepts are presented: hybrid air/liquid collectors for heating and ventilation purposes, hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) collectors for combined thermal and electric energy supply (glazed, unglazed, air/water cooled), linear Fresnell lenses collectors for removal of heat load from direct component of solar irradiation to thermal storage and allowing the natural diffuse daylighting.

Ing. Petr Zahradník, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

The article reacts on changes that were made in program "Zelená úsporám" in recent days. Previous article described how to reach required standards for successful subsidy application in two ways. Following text focuses on changes in this approach both from subsidy amount and possibility of subsidy itself viewpoints. In general, portfolio of potential subsidy applicants has been extended, but necessary quality of subsidized measures has been kept.

Doc.Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc

Growing interest insulation very often results in choosing companies with low price for materials and installation, without considering whether technological standards are observed. The analysis of defects occurring in contact insulation systems should warn investors on how to proceed when choosing a supplier, so as to avoid claims for the resulting defects, or in a extreme case, so the insulation will not have to be replaced. It also wants to draw the attention of suppliers and designers towards those major faults when installing the contact insulation, and bring awareness to the general public about deficiencies that could arise, in particular with the implementation of contracts with no technical supervision.

Ing. Marcela POČINKOVÁ, Ph.D., Ing. Olga RUBINOVÁ, Ph.D.

Thermographic measurements and their subsequent diagnosis are a relatively quick method of non contact evaluation of buildings related to heating technology. Thermal images show complex temperature fields with optional colour scales and are thus very easy to understand even for a layman. The assessment and analysis of the temperature distribution allow the identification of places with elevated heat flow.

Ing. Petr Zahradník, SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center, z.ú.

Newly established program “Green Savings” based on income from CO2-emissions trade (Green Investment Scheme) brings several variants how to apply for subsidy for energy efficient building/renovation. Following text describes possible approaches to renovation with use of both thermal insulation of exterior constructions and change of windows/doors. Two examples of typical family houses are being described, each house in two variants of insulation (based on subsidy program criterion).
Important result is that almost all family houses that can be insulated with use of “partial insulation” subsidy, could gain higher subsidy with use of “complex insulation” criterion as well. Previous practice shows that majority of family houses can reach the higher subsidy (“complex insulation”).

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