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Ing. Hana Kotorová, Technický a zkušební ústav stavební v Plzni

This is continuation of the most common questions on the issue of ceramic tiles. Ing. Hana Kotorová of the Technical and Test Institute for Construction in Pilsen highlights the most frequent problems of ceramic tiles, which may surprise if the basic rules from specification to completion of work are underestimated, and if the theory is not consistent with practice.

Ing. Hana Kotorová, Technický a zkušební ústav stavební v Plzni

In this paper, we divided into two parts, are the most common questions on the issue of ceramic tiles. Ing. Hana Kotorová of the Technical and Test Institute for Construction in Pilsen highlights the most frequent problems of ceramic tiles, which may surprise if the basic rules from specification to completion of work are underestimated, and if the theory is not consistent with practice.

Ing. Michael Balík, CSc

One of the oldest remedial measures include insulation with air cavities. The most effective solution is to create a nationwide voids under floors designed to ensure air movement. This leads to diffusion of water vapor structures and thereby reduce moisture. These measures can not be undertaken alone, they are always part of a combination of remedial interventions. An example of such a solution is given on a complicated historical building in the middle of Prague - in the palace, which is situated in steep terrain notch below the Prague Castle.

Ing. Petra Pochmanová, Ing. Ivan Misar, Ph.D.

Base layer of the floor, either concrete slabs or anhydrite based, does not at first glance, but can significantly affect the final aesthetic appearance and functionality and durability of the wear layer flooring. In today's hectic the technological breaks are getting shorten to a minimum, often laying the surface layer is processing, although the substrate is not yet ready. It is therefore important to check its readiness (ie humidity) before installing the final layer in an appropriate manner. Post presents the methods used at home and abroad to determine the moisture condition of the base layer of the floor. For each method there are presented their advantages and disadvantages and limitations.

Ing. Jiří Zach, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Jitka Hroudová

Ensure environmentally friendly disposal and possible recycling of old and damaged clothing is quite problematic in practice. The problem with waste disposal of textiles is the fact that clothing is a waste mixture of natural and synthetic fibers. The paper deals with possibilities of development and production of insulation materials based on waste textile fibers and their subsequent application in modern floor construction.

prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., Ing. Jiří Zach, Ph.D., Ing. Bc. Jitka Hroudová

This paper describes the results of research aimed at studying the real hygrothermal behaviour of different types of cellular concrete products for masonry structure, particularly in terms of thermal characteristics depending on temperature and moisture content of the material.

Ing. Petr Tůma, doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc.

Company Betonconsult held in September for the sixth annual conference FLOORS, complemented by the issue of surface treatments. The conference is an annual source of unique information on the best solutions and latest innovations in the field. This year the most important topic was draft changes to the standard ČSN 74 4505th The paper provides the text marked with the standards proposed amendments. You can join the comments. Strike through text is proposed for deletion, underlined for completion.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

Family houses belong among the simple structures that are usually built with a classical way. Although the technology of construction is not difficult, it is possible for gross neglect of basic technological practices and the protection of buildings during construction to cause such damage, which is difficult to repair, even for the increased financial costs. Evidence of this is an example of one family house for individual living in the suburb of Prague on the basis of expert opinion.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

As a conductive surface of terraces, pavings are subject to changes in volume – shrinkage and streching. Shrinkage of adhesives is a result of hardening and drying (ripening) or cooling (especially in winter). It depends on time, relative humidity and the size of the cross sections. Streching is caused by the difference in temperatures above the freezing point (temperatures in summer are critical) with the base temperature at which the paving was laid down.

Ing. Petr Tůma, Ph.D., Betonconsult s.r.o.

The paper describes the role and necessity of water in floor screeds and provides examples of damages caused by moisture. Water is an integral part of many of the widespread construction materials. However, in relation to floor toppings, it poses a risk to their durability. Recent examples show that floor damages caused by moisture are still a current issue. Partly due to the design of potentially hazardous structures and partly due to incorrect detail implementation or to the pressure to shorten necessary technological pauses.

Ing. Jaroslav Benák

Dry floors are among the proven and technically perfect materials of our times. The paper brings attention to the need to know about what should be below and above the structure. Only then these structures will be realised without mistakes by both designers and builders. The system of floor layers is an important link on the chain of fast, economical and modern building methods. It is important to know not only the structure, but also the composition and design of the dry flooring systems, the design solutions that use dry flooring elements and aim to improve the acoustic and technical thermal parameters of the floors.

Ing. Bc. Jitka Hroudová, Ing. Pavel Kout, Ing. Jiří Zach, Ph.D.

Currently, in the EU, the demand for new organic materials based on rapidly renewable natural sources is increasing. These materials are not only used for the new low energy and passive buildings, but also in existing buildings, specially during their renovations. Unlike those commonly used today, these natural materials have acoustic insulation properties, which make them ideal to be used on the insulation of floating floors. The paper deals with a comprehensive assessment of the insulation properties of hemp based materials, which can be used in floating floors, specially in terms of their acoustic insulation properties and also in terms of the total utility properties of these floating floors.

Ing. Jan Pešta, DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

Unfortunately, the issue of impact noise transfer between floors is still sidelined. The trasnfer of impact noises can happen between directly neighbouring areas and also between spaces separated by other rooms. The solution to this can be very expensive and in some cases, difficult to carry out (e.g. floors connected by stairways or elevator shafts). It is therefore advisable to consult someone with expertise in acoustics during the design phase.

Doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The paper focuses on explaining the causes of defects in ceramic materials that were applied in a seemingly stable substructure or layer. It brings attention to volume changes and also to elastic and plastic deformations of reinforce concrete floor structures, which can cause enough stress in surface layers consisting of tiles to lead to cracking or delamination. The examples show how and under what conditions these defects are manifested.

Ing. Ladislav Bukovský

Deficiencies in the floors of collective parking spaces are often claimed. How are these defects caused by an improper design of the structure? Requirements of developers for the maintenance of the floors of the parking spaces. Requirements for floors of collective parking spaces within the law and standards. Recommendations for the design of collective parking spaces.

Doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The topic of this paper is limited to industrial floors, more specifically, floors in underground spaces, which are used as parking areas in residential or office buildings. The question is whether this division is still valid, but that is not essential for the issues addressed in this paper. Of course, all these questions will need to be addressed with both the construction companies and the suppliers of materials. I would be also useful to also know the opinion of designers. The purpose of my paper is, therefore, to generate debate about these topics and allow for further improvement of CSN 74 4505 and, eventually, to create special technical conditions.

Ing. Zdeněk Plecháč, DEK a.s., Centrum technické normalizace

The article informs about the revision of the Czech technical standard ČSN 73 3251design of structures of stone. The original was published in 1987 and it is not up to date any more with the changes that have taken place in the systems of production and trade of buildings products and the technical progress. The revised standard will include the currently proven technical solutions for stone structures, including stone tiles on pavements.

Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

This paper follows the text [9] on a prediction of the Sound Reduction Index of single building structures published last year. Present paper focuses on multi-layered walls, especially on a part represented by double structures that give the higher sound insulation than single walls, having the same surface mass. However, much more complicated prediction process of the SRI of such structures is an obvious problem. This paper is based on author´s PhD thesis.

Ing. Martin Varga, Ing. Tomáš Kupsa, DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

The ČSN EN ISO 13370 Thermal performance of Buildings – Heat Transfer via the ground – Calculation methods has been valid since 2000. Until 2008 it was concurrent with the ČSN 06 0210, which was used to floor structures on soil. After its repelling, the above mentioned ISO standards became the only applicable basis for the design and evaluation of floor constructions and the conclusions arising from their use are not yet sufficiently known among the scientific community. The use of these ISO standards introduces entirely new principles of design, which are vastly different from those that have been used for several decades. The article illustratively solves the problem of the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient from floor structures built on the ground, focusing mainly on surface (indoor) objects.

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