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Archiv článků od 1.6.2009 do 21.12.2009

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Ing. František Konečný

The important factor during the process of the preparation and the realization of the buildings is the knowledge of the legal regulations that solve the safety at construction. The solving of safety begins already during the preparation of the building plan. The investor should find out whether the planned construction is a kind of constructions for that a coordinator for safety at construction must be established. It must be distinguish to which extend and for which constructions the legal regulations refer and wheather they also refer to houses.

Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

Different prediction methods for the Sound Reduction Index of single building structures in laboratory conditions and for the Apparent Sound Reduction Index in buildings are presented in following paper. A short discussion of methods is done regarding to input data, assumptions of calculations etc. The main part of this paper is focused on a comparison between predicted and measured results, which leads to evaluation of methods´ accuracy. This paper is based on author´s PhD thesis.

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