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Základní charakteristiky modifikovaného dřevoplastového kompozitu
Ing. Anna Benešová, Ing. Jan Vaněrek, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc.

This article describes a modification of wood-polymer composite using waste and secondary raw materials. It also shows the anticipated tests that will be carried out on samples prepared by innovative technology to ensure accurate interpretation of results.

Teplotní dilatace obkladových desek
prof. Mgr. Jan Toman, DrSc., Ing. Tomáš Korecký

The linear thermal expansion is thermal technical parameters that are important for the specific application of products site. The dilatometer was used on each given speciments of sizes 2 × 12 × thick, gradually increasing the temperature to 1000 °C and change in length was measured. From this was calculated coefficient α.

Ing. Marie Bačáková, ITC Zín a.s., SGP-STANDARD

Information and access to technical standards plays very important role, when construction products are placed on the EU market. For the purpose of it can be very effective to use web of Czech office for standards, metrology and testing. Basic data for web are prepared by Institute for testing and certification. ČSN standard references placed in this web are connected with ÚNMZ web service „CSN on-line” and makes possible users of this service directly access to full texts.

Expertní systém pro hodnocení průmyslových podlah
doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The paper describes the circumstances that often lead to disputes about result quality of industrial floors. In addition to quantitative parameters, such as flexural rigidity of plate, coating adhesion to the surface layer and local flatness, attention has always focused on the appearance of the visible surface. The paper proposed assessment methodology that would allow at least partly quality assessment of the coating as a whole objectify and create all interested parties basis for fair negotiations.

Ing. Tomáš Melichar, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Vacula

The paper focuses on analyzing the basic parameters of fly ash, a by-product of the cement chipboards. Furthermore, the comparison with selected types of energy by-products. Specifically, the testing of these alternative materials in terms of selected parameters, which is essential for subsequent use in cementitious composites with organic reinforcement.

Ing. Petr Hlavsa, Ing. František Vlach

Floors are made by construction layers of different materials with unequal functions and characteristics. This formation creates functional unit. According to the material of bearing layer dry and traditional floor systems are distinguished. In dry floors the bearing layer is made by board prefabricated element, e. g. gypsum fiber board, cement bonded particle board or oriented strand board.
Floors must be designed in accordance with legislative and technical requirements. Thermal and technical requirements are of basic significance. Guarantee of required contact temperature decline value presents a significant parameter for ensuring the thermal comfort.
This article compares an influence of three materials of dry floors bearing layer and two materials of wearing layer on the value of contact temperature decline.

doc. Ing. Jiří Dohnálek, CSc., autorizovaný inženýr a soudní znalec

The paper presents examples of defects that are associated with application of finishes impervious for diffusion to damp concrete, or concrete, which water in liquid or gaseous phase can migrate through. Described are the possible mechanisms of failure.

PhDr. Eduard Justa, soudní znalec v oboru obkladačských prací a stavební keramiky

In two volumes we present a modern large format tiles. In the first part it will be the possibility of their use, including methods of laying, in the second part of the expansion issue, adhesives and grouts. Traditional ceramic tiles have changed significantly. Rapid technological development has enabled to provide users a completely new format tiles. The dimensional changes can be observed in both directions. Mosaics have been reduced to the size less than 10 mm of the edge and paving and tilesgrow to impressive sizes.

PhDr. Eduard Justa, soudní znalec v oboru obkladačských prací a stavební keramiky

In two volumes we present a modern large format tiles. In the first part it will be the possibility of their use, including methods of laying, in the second part of the expansion issue, adhesives and grouts. Traditional ceramic tiles have changed significantly. Rapid technological development has enabled to provide users a completely new format tiles. The dimensional changes can be observed in both directions. Mosaics have been reduced to the size less than 10 mm of the edge and paving and tilesgrow to impressive sizes.

Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Bc. Jan Kaňka

This paper deals with predictions of reverberation time of sports buildings in the phase of project preparation. On the set of nine buildings, the comparison of calculated results with in-situ measured data is done. Different prediction methods and computer simulations have been included in this work.

Přístupy k hodnocení vzduchové neprůzvučnosti
Ing. Jiří Nováček, Ph.D., Stavební fakulta, ČVUT v Praze

The comparison of different approaches to the evaluation of airborne sound insulation between rooms is given in this paper. Based on the described advantages and disadvantages, the most appropriate approach is chosen. Emphasis is laid on the uniformity of assessment for different types of building elements and users of buildings, so that the values of objective quantities for airborne sound insulation should correlate with subjective evaluation.

Ing. Luboš Taranza, Ing. Vladimír Tichomirov, CSc., Ing. Lenka Bodnárová, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc.

Cracks in industrial concrete floors with top layer of mineral granules are quite common. Their evaluation depends largely on the subjective opinion of the assessors. It is not the exception that the cracks appear after a longer time in the order of weeks to months after the construction. At the time up to three years after construction there is a tendency of their expansion. Cracks have a major impact on the life of industrial concrete floors.

Křížem lepené dřevo
Dipl.Ing. Dr. techn. Manfred Augustin, doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sandanus, PhD., Katedra kovových a drevených konštrukcií SvF STU v Bratislave

Cross laminated timber is likely to happen in the near future, the most important product in solid wood construction in residential and high-rise construction. Depending on the size of the used components and their mutual orientation can produce a wide range of products.

Ing. Petr Tůma, Ph.D., Betonconsult s.r.o.

Floors are one of the most long complained structures. Described examples of industrial floors show still the same recurring faults and their causes. The text describes three examples of floors that the author recently assessed either at the initiative of the user of the object, or on the initiative of building contractor.

doc. Ing. Roman Réh, CSc., Drevárska fakulta Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene

Development of construction industry requires the development of improved properties of various materials. Innovation material properties provide cost advantages over conventional solutions, and can also bring greater flexibility in the construction. The construction applies a wide range of traditional materials, including plywood boards.

Ing. Slavomír Entler

Fire engineering is a way to define the requirements of fire safety at risk, complex and unusual structures. It consists in a specific risk assessment of fire safety conditions in a different ways from those of the procedure prescribed in Czech technical standards under § 99 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll. for fire protection. Notes on the standards will be presented in three parts. Part One: Non-industrial buildings.

Ing. Luděk Vochoc, Ing. Julie Hodková, Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ing. Štěpán Mančík, Bc. Tomáš Žďára

The paper describes existing databases of environmental data of building products with focus on Czech tool It is an online tool, which provides environmental indicators of building materials with main purpose of providing a unified, transparent and reliable system that allows user to compare different products and structures; motivate the producers to fill in data sets of their products and improve their technologies; convince architects and designers to care about different sustainability profiles of materials; give advantage to products that have lower environmental impacts being at the same technical level than the competitor. The implementation of Envimat is divided into the three main phases: start-up phase (data from the generic database); transitional phase (combination of generic and localized data); regular operation with fully localized data.

lepené dřevo, struktura dřeva
Ing. Jan Vaněrek, Ph.D., Ing. Anna Benešová

Adhesives used for timber are more rigid and more durable than wood, but also have much greater resistance to water. Despite this fact the way of using of different synthetic resins influences design of these members in different service classes. Phenol-formaldehyde (PF), resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF), phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde (PRF) resins are generally used as a binder for exterior grade members production. Melamine-formaldehyde (MF) and Melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin is slightly less durable than these above. Products bonded with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and protein-based adhesives will not withstand prolonged exposure to water or repeated high–low moisture content cycling in bonds of high density woods. Some isocyanate, epoxy, polyurethane, and cross-linked polyvinyl acetate adhesives are durable enough to use on lower density species even under exterior conditions. This paper deals with different types of adhesive from the durability point of view by comparing strength properties, and considering the possibility of IR analyzing.

Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Ústav technologie stavebních hmot a dílců

Technical cannabis is a very promising material, which, thanks to its good mechanical and thermal-technical properties coming to the fore of interest in the production of building elements. The big advantage is especially fast recoverability and yield of hemp shives. This paper deals with the use of industrial hemp shives as a replacement of component of the cement plates filler.

Ing. Šárka Keprdová, Ing. Tomáš Melichar

The paper discusses the possibility of utilization of recycled laminated glass from vehicle wind screens for the production of tiles made from sintered glass. It can be used as the final floor surfaces for routine use in the interior, as well as exposed applications (outdoors, chemical plants, swimming pools, etc.). Specifically, it is analyzed in detail in the article the file of some basic parameters of the boards (flexural strength, water absorption, porosity, linear thermal expansion, surface wear, etc.).

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