Since year 2000 up to now a similar classification of roof safety waterproofing layer was valid in Czech Republic and in western countries, while in Slovakia is still valid.
In 2011 so-called working group of ROOF CRAFTSMEN ASSOCIATION CZ (Řemeslná rada Cechu KPT ČR) was established, and new Rules for design and construction of roof (Pravidla pro navrhování a provádění střech) (hereinafter „CZ RULES“) were created after 3 years of hard work. These „CZ RULES“ were approved on 28.3.2014 and officially published on 12.9.2014. By these „CZ RULES“ the roof safety waterproofing layer - „PHI“ (pojistná hydroizolace), was renamed to roof additional waterproofing layer - „DHV“ (doplňková hydroizolační vrstva).
The new „CZ RULES“ were made due to changes in building standards in Czech Republic and newly approved version of Rules for design and construction of roof by „ZVDH“ in Germany. The new „CZ RULES“ don´t fully correspond with the German rules, but are very similar.
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