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Ing. arch. Marcela Kubů, Asociace výrobců minerální izolace

The article deals with the determination of thermal conductivity mineral insulation. Mineral Insulation Manufacturers Association conducted a survey on this topic between building designers and describes the various possibilities of calculation and determination of these values and the differences between them.

Ing. Jan Tripes, TZÚS Praha, s.p.

There are two possibilities how to place the ETICS on the market of the Czech Republic in this time – the national and european certification. Against the european certification valid all over the European Union the national one entitles manufacturer to sell the product just in Czech Republic territory. This contribution further mentions the basic specifics for each type of these certification processes.

Ing. František Vörös, konzultant Sdružení EPS ČR, konzultant sdružení EPS

Foam polystyrol has been part of our lives for more than 70 years. The specific characteristic of the foam PS is light weight - 10-40 kg / m3, compared to 800-1050 kg / m3 for compact PS plastics. Current European consumption of expanded polystyrol is less than 2 million tons. It is necessary to add 400 thousand tons of XPS and approx. 100 thousand tons of foam PS foils used as packages and trays for food. Due to its low density it is a huge pile of waste.

doc. Ing. Martin Jiránek, CSc., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební

Principles of designing and realization of radon preventive measures according to the Czech technical standard ČSN 73 0601 (2006) are described. Dimensioning of radon-proof membranes is explained and requirements for soil ventilation systems and air gaps ventilation are presented.

Pavel Ševela, Bjarne W. Olesen

The goal of this paper was to inform about the development of the building integrated photovoltaic thermal (PV-T) system and evaluate its performance in compared to PV installation built of same photovoltaic cells. The study was collaboration among the Technical University of Denmark (DTU and Danish company RAcell (end-reference to website). This project was applied and optimized with the coupled house system on FOLD house, built in purpose of international student competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 held in Madrid in September 2012. The proposed PVT system was awarded with first price in Solar system integration sub-contest, during the competition SDE 2012.“Highly effective and innovative integration of PV and thermal systems that is not only a machine added to a house, but added value without creating too much attention to that machinery,” said one of the jury members about the PVT system, announcing the winner.
The PV-T is a hybrid system where the significant growth of efficiency of electricity generation is caused by cooling the cells to optimal temperature by system of embedded pipes on the backside of photovoltaic panels. The thermal part removes the heat, cools down the cells and increases its el. production up to 14,8 % according to PV system using the same cells in the same weather conditions. New solution was carried out for piping connection between panels. The house integrated PV-T system was compared with separate Photovoltaic and Thermal systems from energy and economy point of view. For annual usage of the FOLD house in Spain and Denmark was the PV-T system found as a more beneficial in compare to two separate systems.

Ing. Jiří Šála, CSc., ŠÁLA MODI, Praha

From a functional point of view is mechanical ventilation the only system that gives the guarantees necessary exchange of fresh air, which is necessary in spite provide fresh air in a given time and quantity. The advantage of this method is the possibility of air exchange energy-saving solution - first option controlled exchange according to the needs of individual spaces, which excludes excessive ventilation, secondly the possibility of installing ventilation heat recovery that often uses more than 80% efficient heat from exhaust air for preheating fresh (no mixing). In the case of radon risk would be appropriate to prescribe these systems.

Ing. František Vörös, konzultant sdružení EPS

Since 1950, when the world production and consumption was 1.5 mil. tons of plastic, the world level has reached in 2013 299 mil. tons, representing an average annual growth of almost 9%. For the year 2020 the production of plastics forecast in the world is 400 million tons, for the year 2050 more than 700 mil. tons.

Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

In the first part of the article were presented general fire protection requirements for External Thermo Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), for new buildings and existing buildings. The second part will focus on atypical modification due to fire protection of the facade with combustible thermo insulating material, as well as the latest changes in legislation of fire protection and another context.

Ing. Marek Pokorný, Ph.D., Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, pracoviště UCEEB

ETICS for buildings is a key modification to reduce their energy consumption. Where and under what conditions it is still possible to use flammable thermal insulator, or with such modifications and where it is already necessary nonflammable insulator? Fire standards define different requirements for thermal insulation of new buildings from the requirements for additional insulation of older existing buildings for which they are allowed a certain structural exceptions.

Ing. Róbert Sonnenschein, prof. Ing. Juraj Bilčík, PhD.

Underground spaces in buildings are now often designed and executed as watertight concrete structures. The paper presents selected requirements and concepts for design and execution of “white tanks”.

Ing. Petr Bohuslávek, redakce

There has been written a lot of information about the design and implementation of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS). Interestingly, despite there are still the same mistakes in the construction of ETICS. The following article summarizes once again the basic rules for ETICS and shows some typical errors. For ETICS it is recommended to respect the czech standards CSN 73 2901 and CSN 73 2902. In particular, it is necessary to respect the technological regulation of a particular manufacturer of ETICS.

Ing. arch. Marek Janatka, Ph.D., Katedra urbanismu a územního plánování Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze

Prague building regulations currently represent debated and controversial topic among both professionals and the public. This is a new concept of law to which they are greatly implemented basic knowledge of urban theory and practice. The article summarizes the basic principles of the new regulation in the field of territorial requirements.

Ing. Pavel Leber, Ing. Ivana Chromková, Ing. Petr Bibora, Ing. Martin Vyvážil, Ing. Michal Frank

The paper describes research of utilization of solid wastes, which are produced during the manufacture of mineral wool. The aim of the four-year research is to verify the best way of processing of these waste materials and determine the maximum value of their addition into the construction materials, which will not have undesirable effect on requested properties of the final product. The verified applications are vibro-pressed thin-walled concrete blocks, thin-walled glass fiber elements, self leveling mixtures and thermal insulation panels.

doc. Ing. Václav Kupilík, CSc.

Assessed white tanking is a part of flat block in residence zone in Prague. The flat block consists of three tower parts with reinforced concrete monolithically system. It has two underground storeys and it is built on the sloping plot of rectangular shape with the high difference of opposite corners more than 4 m. Arisen cracks in white tanking were sealed by grouting but infiltrated placed were appeared again. The recrystallization painting Xypex also did not help. Additionally realized drainage prevented water leakage.

dotace na zateplení rodinného domu
Ing. Jan Antonín, Ing. Zdeněk Ročárek, Ing. Petr Kotek, Ph.D.

Which buildings can receive grants from the Green Savings Programme, amount of the grants and what technical details cover the energy audit? Part A in this article covers the specific questions (building’s envelope rennovation). A sample of 16 family houses that comply with all the required conditions of the New Green Saving Programme from 2013 is further described in this article.

Ing. Marek Novotný, Ph.D., soudní znalec, ČVUT FA Praha, Ústav stavitelství

Failures of basement waterproofing is constatntly frequent subject of discussion among laymen and professionals. This issue is very topical especially with introduction of new materials. Paper deals with two groups of basement waterproofing failures, i.e. failures associated with building movement and failures caused by technological lack of discipline during concreting the basement. Both groups of failures are demonstrated by extensive photodocumentation.

Ing. Aleš Oškera, Inženýrská a expertní kancelář Zlín

Roof construction with mechanically anchored waterproofing sheets rightfully belongs to the most popular solution of roof structure not only in the industrial but also civil and residential construction. This is because of the speed of construction, small depending on weather conditions and often lower financial cost. But vera often there are lot of mistakes in this part of construction design.

energetický štítek
Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

The media regularly appear alarming reports, according to the Czech Republic gets into trouble with the fulfillment of its obligations towards the EU, due to the lack of state financial support. This information is frequently based on calculations originating from the potential recipient of government subsidies, so we cannot rule out that this is about wishful thinking. One of the sectors where we reportedly threatened is the reduction of energy demands.

Josef Krupka, odborný poradce

Building of large logistics and industrial buildings started in the Czech Republic in the midnineties; its construction boom peaked in 2000–2009. The industrial buildings are built even now, at the time of significant recession in building industry. Some flat roofs of this type of buildings show many defects and need extensive repairs and overall reconstructions. The findings and experiences of these repairs show that it is often about system defects which will in time result in necessary repairs or general replacements of many roofs of the industrial buildings.

Ing. Radim Smolka, Ing. Lenka Mizerová, Ing. Tomáš Petříček

During the reconstruction works of residential houses the associations of housing unit owners have to make decisions according to their financial means. It often arises a situation when windows are changed and facades of residential floors are insulated by a thermal insulation. Skirting part of the building and the roof is often in seclusion interests. Subsequent roof insulation therefore brings a number of design and implementation issues. This paper describes the necessary structural modifications of the existing double-deck roof structure (i. e. cold deck roof) to single-deck flat roof (i. e. warm deck roof) and increased financial costs caused by successive structural modifications made without consideration of the follow-up.

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