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Archiv článků od 8.11.2010 do 6.2.2012

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Vlastimil Růžička, redakce

The city of Olomouc is the owner of an interesting low-energy building for education center Sluňákov with a focus on developing the relationship between man and nature. Construction was awarded the Grand Prix of architects in 2007.

Ing. Jaroslav Vychytil, ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, katedra konstrukcí pozemních staveb

In last time popularity of wood-based structures is increasing. Most parameters in the design phase can be calculated using known procedures, but the acoustics is a problem with the theoretical determination of sound reduction index of wooden structures just, because there are the only reliable methods to determine transmission loss of silicate-based structure. In this paper is presenting the calculation method used to determine the sound reduction index of timber floor structures with visible beams.

Mgr. Pavla Ryparová, prof. Ing. Richard Wasserbauer, DrSc.

The article deals with the conditions for the growth of wood-destroying organisms in a closed timber building construction. Describes the typical failure modes of each type of timber structures, presents the model of decaying organisms attack and describes how to protect against them.

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Solař, Ph.D., VŠB TU Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, katedra pozemního stavitelství

Excessive moisture may be the objects of wooden folk buildings have a negative effect on all the wooden structures, which are these objects formed. This is because if any of the wooden elements has excessive humidity, there is a risk of assault at his wood-destroying biological pests (wood-decaying fungi, wood-destroying insects, rot and mold).

prof. Ing. Václav Rojík, CSc., Ing. Jiří Karas, CSc., Ing. Milan Peukert

Within the grant project "Multi-storey buildings made ​​of wood" in the laboratories of the Academy of Sciences in Prague and TAZUS performed number of tests of wooden skeleton joints with steel plates, which confirmed the theoretical assumptions and calculations, and demonstrate their reliability and functional and economic advantages for use in practice. Here are a few of the results of experimental tests.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Bílek, CSc., předseda Odborných společností pro dřevostavby při ČKAIT a ČSSI

Comparison of knowledge in the field of wooden buildings between the CR and abroad is especially based on the author's many foreign visitors of completed buildings, businesses and universities, the knowledge of the extent and quality of especially American and German literature and participation in many international conferences, including the last World Congress of timber engineering WCTE, held in June 2010 in Italy.

Ing. Magdaléna Dufková, České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta stavební

This paper is focused to the fire resistance of multi-storey buildings with light wooden skeleton. Computational procedures in Eurocode are applicable simply and only for a limited number of building elements. For scientific work in this topic are indispensable fire experiments and their subsequent evaluation by means of numerical and analytical models.

Ing. Milan Šmak, PhD., VUT FAST Brno

This paper is based on the results of theoretical and implementation work in the development of mechanical connections with steel plates and steel elements in timber structures. The analysis of the slip of joints and support details ranks among important issues from the point of view of designing timber structures. The influence of joint stiffness on structural behaviour should be considered in modelling assumptions.

prof. Ing. Václav Rojík, CSc.

Wood pieces, even locally damaged exhibit useful stiffness and strength parameters with which they can help continue to meet current requirements - after repair. Experience with old wooden structures such as roofs of church towers demonstrate the ability of timber stored in a suitable environment to retain its material properties for many centuries.

doc. Ing. Zdeňka Havířová, Ing. Pavel Kubů

Durability and functional reliability of buildings and structures of wood and wood based materials is significantly influenced by moisture content of these materials. In the article we report the results of measurement of moisture in the wood samples mounted between the outer walls with air chambers and comparing the measured values ​​with values ​​calculated by us in the recommended way of moisture balance in the construction according to ČSN 73 0540.

Ing. Jan Štěpánek, Thermo Sanace s.r.o.

The hot-air treatment of the roof truss of the Upper Church in the village of Velká Lhota at Dačice is documented in stepwise details as a graphical and textual presentation with supporting charts and photographs. In addition to a mycological analysis, a project preparation plan and the main heat treatment technology, a detailed operations schedule is introduced as well as temperature measurement, supporting constructions and heat penetration. The writers’ utmost objectiveness towards this method is demonstrated by thermal camera images of the critical sites and cavities attacked by fungi. The article provides a comprehensive overview of application practices with all necessary recommendations, including the final application of chemical preservatives on the already heat-treated wooden framing.

Doc. Ing. Bohumil Straka, CSc., VUT FAST Brno

The paper is focused on some new types of timber structures made from solid timber, glued laminated timber and wood based materials. Especially glued laminated timber is a highly engineered material, because large sizes of structural members and the possibility of various shapes in beams, frames and arches are available. The analysis of intensive loaded structures with large spans shows clearly that to the most advantageous types of connections belong those made by means of steel elements. The analysis of the slip of joints and supports ranks among important issues in designing timber structures. The paper summarises some experience and conclusions from the construction of timber systems with steel-to-timber joints.

Jiří Svoboda, Ústav fyziky materiálů, Akademie věd ČR

There’s still big potential to make building cheaper, including building of passive houses. If the passive house building is optimalised and uncomplicated, It can be much cheaper than classic building. This paper analyses the building of family passive house in the Czech Republic step by step by the author himself.

Ing. Jana Pexová, Fakulta stavební, Vysoké učení technické v Brně

The quality of a wooden building depends (among other things) on the materials of the supporting structures. Within a research project, load tests were carried out on two different wood and concrete roofing structures that used recycled materials.

Ing. Magdaléna Dufková, ČVUT Praha, fakulta stavební, katedra ocelových a dřevěných konstrukcí

Development of buildings with wooden structures in the Czech Republic relates to development of low-energy buildings. But there is still general public that is affraid of these constructions because of the fire danger. It is seldom known that wood is fire resistant very well, especially in the point of wiev the static resistance and solidity. In case of fire, in contrast to steel, wood does not lose its static resistance and solidity. The rest of a profile is usualy still able to care the waighting.

Ing. arch. Vladimír Balda

The land designated for the construction of the house is located in the PLA zone of the Jizera Mountains. Although it is not part of the protected area itself, it was necessary to design a house that will comply with a large part of the regulations related to constructions of buildings within a PLA. When buying the land the builders realised that the regulations will determine the appearance of the building with quite some detail and they will have to be followed. At the same time, a very energy efficient house had been requested, even if that meant that certain restrictions would be manifested in its appearance.

Ing. Mária Kotlínová, Ing. Michal Kloiber, PhD., Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR, Centrum excelence Telč

Defects in inbuilt wooden structures usually start as a small damage, which then increases in proportion to our neglect. Early detection and intervention at the right time will solve the problem for a long time and for an affordable price. Leaving those defects unattended increases de risk of deterioration of the interior parts of buildings or even the distortion of load-bearing structures with the subsequent rapid rise in the costs of sanitation works.

Ing. Jiří Novák, Ph.D., Mgr. Stanislav Paleček

Among other things, the new version of the EPBD calls for more substantial improvements in the energy performance of buildings – gradual, until up to almost zero level by 2020. Such buildings are not likely to be feasible without high-efficiency ventilation systems, the proper functioning of which is conditional to an excellent airtightness of the building. Relevant experts from all over Europe understand that ensuring the conditions for the gradual improvement of airtightness in common building practices is a common challenge and task.

Ing. Viktor Zwiener, Ph.D., DEKPROJEKT s.r.o.

At the moment, an amendment is being prepared for the ČSN 73 0540-2 standard. The proposed changes have still not been made public, so this article will not comment in detail about them. We will focus on this issue in future articles. We want to pay attention to chapter 7, which deals with the air permeability of the building's envelope and the tightness of joints, which seem to conform to the current revision of the standard, meaning that, unlike other chapters, these changes are merely cosmetic.

Ing. Pavel Šmíra, společnost Thermo Sanace s.r.o., Vědeckotechnický park profesora Lista, Brno

This method has been known in Germany since 1930. Since then it has through many changes and technological advances. The use of hot air units continued to be developed and, after 1950, heat oil started to be used as fuel, and it is still used to this day. However, the use of hot air to eradicate wood-destroying insects makes sense only when there is an active infestation. A straightforward evidence of active infestation are the occurrence of larvae or beetles when carving wooden profiles. Other evidences can also be crunching sounds, fresh sawdust or paths of lighter colour. However, even if none of this has been detected, it doesn't necessary mean that the wood isn't infested. It should also be noticed that falling sawdust can also occur even after a successful “thermo sanitation”.

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