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Nízkoenergetické stavby
Archiv článků od 4.1.2016 do 3.4.2017

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Bc. Richard Paksi, Ing. Karel Struhala

This two-part paper deals with the topic of environmental effectiveness of buildings. The goal of the paper is evaluation of expected embodied environmental impacts related with a detached family house. First part of the paper describes the evaluated building and used methods. Seven currently common variants of load-bearing structures (walls and floors) are described and compared. Five variants include masonry, while the sixth and seventh variant includes cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures. The evaluation follows Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology according to ČSN EN 15978 standard. The results of the evaluation are shown in the second part of the paper. Under the specified boundary conditions the variant with ceramic masonry filled with mineral wool has 5–14 % lower environmental impacts than other evaluated variants.

Bc. Richard Paksi, Ing. Karel Struhala

This two-part paper deals with the topic of environmental effectiveness of buildings. The goal of the paper is evaluation of expected embodied environmental impacts related with a detached family house. First part of the paper describes the evaluated building and used methods. Seven currently common variants of load-bearing structures (walls and floors) are described and compared. Five variants include masonry, while the sixth and seventh variant includes cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures. The evaluation follows Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology according to ČSN EN 15978 standard. The results of the evaluation are shown in the second part of the paper. Under the specified boundary conditions the variant with ceramic masonry filled with mineral wool has 5–14 % lower environmental impacts than other evaluated variants.

Ing. Juraj Hazucha

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and the rest of energy efficient buildings needs to be precisely and complexly optimised during the planning stage. This helps to improve not only the energy demand and the energy costs but also overall efficiency of planning process, function, longer lifespan together with lower maintenance costs. It is crucial to start with optimisation at the very beginning of planning stage – first concepts or even when defining the client demands. These are also moments when at the lowest price we can make biggest impact on future efficiency of a building during the whole lifecycle. There are some tips like qualified client input, integral planning, architectural competition or quality assessment which can significantly improve overall quality of projects.

Ing. Jan Antonín, Ph.D., Ing. Magdalena Purkrtová

For more than a year, a nearly zero-energy standard has applied to certain buildings. In the Czech environment, specific technical parameters for such buildings have been known for three years. And for over six years, the Directive on energy performance of buildings has been in force, imposing the obligation upon EU member states to introduce this standard.

Nevertheless, it seems that for many experts, including those in the field of energy, this term is still quite unclear. Many imagine buildings coated with photovoltaic modules from the ground to the roof, buildings which are better than passive ones or buildings which are self-sufficient, i.e. completely independent of public energy networks. Given the fact that the concept of a nearly zero energy building is very distant from such notions, and because this standard will soon become obligatory for all buildings, including small family houses, let's have a look at what a nearly zero-energy building really is.

Ing. Jan Antonín, Ph.D., Ing. Magdalena Purkrtová

For more than a year, a nearly zero-energy standard has applied to certain buildings. In the Czech environment, specific technical parameters for such buildings have been known for three years. And for over six years, the Directive on energy performance of buildings has been in force, imposing the obligation upon EU member states to introduce this standard.

Nevertheless, it seems that for many experts, including those in the field of energy, this term is still quite unclear. Many imagine buildings coated with photovoltaic modules from the ground to the roof, buildings which are better than passive ones or buildings which are self-sufficient, i.e. completely independent of public energy networks. Given the fact that the concept of a nearly zero energy building is very distant from such notions, and because this standard will soon become obligatory for all buildings, including small family houses, let's have a look at what a nearly zero-energy building really is.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

The article describes the impact of the contemporary and future legislative requirements for new buildings in terms of their conception and utilization of renewable resources. Soon, the requirement of quality standard is going to be effective in the Czech Republic that is called building with nearly zero energy consumption. That quality standard is defined at national level by legal regulations based on the requirement of European standard. On examples of family house, residential house and administration building, the impact of the to-be-established requirements for building conception is being demonstrated from the construction as well as the technical systems' point of view. With the existing development trend maintained it can be expected that a building with nearly zero energy consumption will have, comparing to an existing building, a better quality building shell, technical systems working with high efficiency and potentially may but needn't be, partially supplied by renewable energy resources.

Ing. Pavel Vybíral, Ph.D., Fakulta strojní ČVUT, Ústav techniky prostředí

Air filtration is basic operation for indoor air environment protection against solid and liquid pollutants. Beside human and natural activity pollutants there are bacterias, viruses and mildews.

doc. RNDr. Jitka Kubátová, CSc., RNDr. Petr Pracna, CSc

Energy-efficient buildings research is one chapter of General Programme for Research and Innovation Horizont 2020 (2014 - 2020) which helps reaching the aims of european energy policy. First part of the article deals with characteristics of private-public partnership called Energy-efficient buildings (PPP EeB) that was founded for this purpose during previous General programme (2007 - 2013) and sums up projects PPP EeB supported in both programmes so far. Second part of the article deals with Czech participation in this programmes and describes topics of nearest Programme Hotizont calls for the year 2017.

doc. RNDr. Jitka Kubátová, CSc., RNDr. Petr Pracna, CSc.

Energy-efficient buildings research is one chapter of General Programme for Research and Innovation Horizont 2020 (2014 - 2020) which helps reaching the aims of european energy policy. First part of the article deals with characteristics of private-public partnership called Energy-efficient buildings (PPP EeB) that was founded for this purpose during previous General programme (2007 - 2013) and sums up projects PPP EeB supported in both programmes so far. Second part of the article deals with Czech participation in this programmes and describes topics of nearest Programme Hotizont calls for the year 2017.

Ing. Juraj Hazucha

Article shows the examples of effective solution of construction details for passive and zero energy buildings, for which today's standards define recommendations of hygienic and energy requirements. On selected details the possibilities of minimising the thermal bridge influence are shown with taking into account of economical and practical feasability. Most of the construction details were precisely optimised for the most effective solution choice. For energy efficient buildings optimisation process is essential to get the best results.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Examples 9 to 15. Preface and helping data for calculation see Part 1 to 3.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Calculation according to Eurocode 5 examples 1 to 8. Preface and helping data for calculation see Part 1 to 3.

Ing. Karel Dvořáček

At present, it is establishing the second edition of the standard ČSN 33 2000-7-753: Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 7-753: Requirements for special installations or locations – Heating cables and embedded heating systems, which already includes other requirements associated with this type of heating, generalized for any use.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

In the first part of the article the methodology of calculating the energy efficiency of apartment buildings heating was described, including a practical example. Key parameter for assessing the efficiency of heating is the volume of active heat gains. This sequel is dedicated to their calculation.

Ing. Jan Blažíček, redakce

Energy savings are undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of today. There are several subject areas, but most significant ones are: transportation, electricity consumption and heat consumption for heating. In the following we focus only on the last one from that trio.

Ing. Karel Dvořáček

At present, it is establishing the second edition of the standard ČSN 33 2000-7-753: Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 7-753: Requirements for special installations or locations – Heating cables and embedded heating systems, which already includes other requirements associated with this type of heating, generalized for any use.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Preface – Helping data (continuation): Compression design strength at an angle to the grain – Columns: buckling coefficients for solid timber and for homogeneous glued laminated timber – Stability of members: Beams subjected to bending without compression force – Tilting factors – Laterally loaded joints with dowel type fasteners.

Ing. Bohumil Koželouh, CSc., soudní znalec

Preface – Helping data (first part): Reference design strengths for solid timber and for homogeneous glued laminated timber – Examples.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

Elaboration up the full report is a complex process which is necessary to define the cost optimum for individual member states.The general procedure for determining cost optimization consists of four basic steps under Delegated Regulation. 244/2012: Determination of the reference buildings, determination of measures for improving energy efficiency, calculation of primary energy and calculation of the total cost.

Ing. Lucia Borisová

Cost-optimal levels of Member States, to be set according the comparative methodology framework of the European Commission Delegated Regulation 244/2012 and the guidelines accompanying Delegated Regulation to national parameters. European Commission makes the claims for all Member States to report on about cost-optimal levels for their particular country and compare them with national requirements were based on regulations.

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