Building Act (Act. No. 183/2006 Coll.) in its regulations frequently uses the term of built up area, particularly in the context of built up area of building (hereinafter referred to as “built up area”). Correct determination of built up area is highly significant. Unfortunately, the Building Act did not contain a definition and a method of determining the built up area.
On January 1, 2013 came into effect an extensive amendment of the Building Act (Act No. 350/2012 Coll.). The aim of a legislature was to bring clarity and to provide clear way to determine the built up area. This is defined in § 2 clause (7) of this Act. This definition is not considered unambiguous, though.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the regulations of the Building Act in detail and to find a probable way of correct determination of the built up area. All facts presented in this paper should be taken as the opinions of the authors and should not be considered as a binding interpretation of the law, which is due only to the independent court.
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