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plastové okno s trojsklem
Ing. Roman Šubrt, Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

This paper is the first part of the series about windows and doors on TZB-info. The series will be focused on all elements of windows and doors, their design and construction. We will highlight in detail the most important aspect for choosing new windows or doors. This first part is focused on windows and doors with plastic frame.

Ing. František Vlach, Ing. Petr Jelínek

The paper is focused on hygrothermal performance of light pipes used in Kaprálův mlýn center. It is present an analysis the condensation risk in roof dome of light pipe and on surface of double insulated glass in cool part of light pipe. Insulated glazing is integrated to thermal insulation block made of extruded polystyrol.

Ing. Roman Jirák, Ph.D., DECOEN znalecký ústav s.r.o.

This paper deals with the time period of condensation on the inner surface during the day and the severity of this phenomenon. Condensation on the surface structure occurs when the surface is cooled to or below the dew point temperature, which is a function of temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure.

Ing. Radim Smolka, Ing. Lenka Mizerová, Ing. Tomáš Petříček, Ing. Jan Plachý, Ph.D.

The current trend in the use of secondary raw materials, constantly growing demands to reduce the overall energy performance of buildings and the elimination of thermal bridges both in the design phase and in the implementation phase, helps solve a new element of the threshold coupling, combining the above mentioned requirements for construction. The threshold coupling is inserted in the form of plates under the frame fills of building hole which borders between the exterior and interior of the building. The variability is in the possibility of height and longitudinal adjustment to the exact size and greater range of boards with several kinds of geometrical modifications allowing waterproof closing of waterproofing made of the commonly used materials.

Ing. Milan Helegda, Ph.D.

This year there has been a change in the assessment of the conformity of construction products. From July 1st 2013 the REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL No 305/2011 (issued on March 9th 2011) laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC will come into full force. What will be the benefit for manufacturers?

Ing. Linda Veselá, Ing. Jaroslav Synek

It has been one year and a half since Technical Standards Information TNI 74 6077 – The windows and external doors – Requirements for incorporation has been published. What is the consistency or inconsistency between the demands on windows and doors manufacturing, their installation and actually reached geometrical tolerances of building construction? What this state brings to manufacturers of windows and doors, what to building contractor and what to customers? The view through the eyes of quality control.

Nové požadavky na hodnocení energetické náročnosti budov
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

In connection with the implementation of the revised European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings, certain legislative provisions such as Decree No. 148/2007, Coll. Replaced by Decree No. 78/2013, Coll. are currently amending. This article is focused on the changes associated with the energy certification of buildings, the "ENB", from the perspective of changes in the evaluation ENB.

Ing. František Vlach, Ing. Petr Hlavsa

This paper examines the occurrence of extreme boundary conditions in the internal microclimate in the context of the intended use and structural design and technical equipment of the building. It refers to the occurrence of extreme conditions of the internal microclimate and the effects on constructions of buildings.

Ing. Marie Bačáková, ITC Zín a.s., SGP-STANDARD

Information and access to technical standards plays very important role, when construction products are placed on the EU market. For the purpose of it can be very effective to use web of Czech office for standards, metrology and testing. Basic data for web are prepared by Institute for testing and certification. ČSN standard references placed in this web are connected with ÚNMZ web service „CSN on-line” and makes possible users of this service directly access to full texts.

Ing. Miroslav Zapletal, Ing. Petr Sláčík

This paper deals with the classification of test properties of windows and entrance doors in terms of usability for practical use. Those classification classes are very important for the use of acquired functional properties of hole filling for use of the products in the country. Based on the above, it is then possible to determine the specific levels of performance that should be achieved by a product to demonstrate suitability. In summary, attention is also focused on technical thermal and acoustic properties of hole filling in terms of usability for additional practice.

Technické parametry oken
Ing. Iveta Jiroutová, TZÚS a.s.

The CE mark indicates only that the specified product properties were tested in accordance with specified regulation, in the case of windows, the type test was performed for 1 pcs of the product. Subject to the same quality parameters, ie same values ​​of air permeability, watertightness, etc. for the entire manufacturing production is the only producer responsibility.

Ing. Jan Klečka, Útvar technologií a materiálů, Metrostav a.s. Praha

After 35 years the requirement for the lowest internal surface temperature of opening panes was left out from the obligatory standard. The makers will probably like this change because they will be able to reject the complaints related to this problem. However, is it correct to think like this and intentionally degrade the quality of the buildings?

Ing. Zdeněk Petrtyl

This article is focused on issues that owners of wooden doors and windows may deal with: product surface maintenance. In the beginning the author presents and compares pros and cons of two popular types of products (made of wood and PVC) in terms of surface service requirements. Then a precise analysis of common types of damages caused by ageing or insufficient maintenance follows. The next part includes a case study focused on step-by-step described process of professional wooden windows surface restoration. Finally, the author summarizes and concludes by proving that concerns about too demanding maintenance of wooden products should not be considered as the main criterion when considering a purchase of wooden or PVC windows.

tepelné zisky
Ing. Iva Ambrožová, Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D.

Determination of the energy balance of required building is necessary in energy evaluation, energy audit and energy performance certification of buildings. Key values are heat gains and losses. They are initial for determination of the energy demand and consumption. Calculation of the energy performance should be done in accordance to ČSN EN ISO 13790 standard. This article describes the problematic calculation of glazing solar gains. In the end is enumeration of different methods (current and older) during the heating season.

Ing. Luděk Vochoc, Ing. Julie Hodková, Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ing. Štěpán Mančík, Bc. Tomáš Žďára

The paper describes existing databases of environmental data of building products with focus on Czech tool It is an online tool, which provides environmental indicators of building materials with main purpose of providing a unified, transparent and reliable system that allows user to compare different products and structures; motivate the producers to fill in data sets of their products and improve their technologies; convince architects and designers to care about different sustainability profiles of materials; give advantage to products that have lower environmental impacts being at the same technical level than the competitor. The implementation of Envimat is divided into the three main phases: start-up phase (data from the generic database); transitional phase (combination of generic and localized data); regular operation with fully localized data.

denní osvětlení
Ing. Jiří Slezák

Measurement of natural lighting should be performed in a dark surrounding terrain. In light terrain (landscape covered with snow) only for completion. With regard to the brightness of the sky, its stability and colour of sky, it should be performed at the time around noon. It shouldn't rain or be fog. Disadvantage is requirement of uniformly overcast sky, because it happens only few times a year.

okno pasivního domu
Dipl. Ing. (FH) Franz Freundorfer, PHC Passivhausconsulting Martin-Greif-Straße 20, D-83080 Oberaudorf

This paper describes the construction of window for passive houses, from the perspective of current status and vision for the future. Describes the design of windows for passive houses, certified by PHI in germany. Also shows the future design of windows for passive houses, where the window frame overlaps the edge of window glazing.

Oliver Kah, Překlad: Ing. Petra Šrubařová

This is a highly relevant article dealing with the comparison of two types ventilation - Natural ventilation through windows and controlled mechanical ventilation. The issue of ventilation in renovated homes in our country is still relevant. This paper describes a broad-based experiment measuring the intensity and quality of ventilation in two almost identical apartment houses. The conclusion confirms the well-known experience that controlled ventilation provides both - improved indoor air quality and the energy savings.

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